Chapter 22

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When Peter got home from school, he was surprised to find Steve missing from Bucky’s room. Bucky must’ve seen it on his face, because his lips twisted into a wry smile.

“Sam finally got Stevie to pull his head outta his ass and have a life like a normal person,” he told Peter. “They went out for coffee and a run.”

Peter nodded, dropping his backpack by the bed and sitting down.

“What’s first today,” Bucky asked, gesturing after the backpack. Peter groaned.

“History test tomorrow. I have to study. And also a Spanish quiz, and my art teacher gave art homework. Who does that?”

“Art teachers,” Bucky supplied, drawing a smile out of Peter. “C’mon. Let’s see it.”

Peter pulled out his notes from history class and Bucky plucked them from his hand.

“I’ll quiz you,” Bucky said, leaving no room for argument. He began skimming the pages; his brow furrowed deeply and he didn’t speak. Peter watched him read, drawing in each word that Peter had messily scrawled.

“Is it my handwriting?” Peter asked after a few minutes. Bucky shook his head slowly.

“I had no idea. That… Who the hell does this McCarthy asshole think he is.”

Peter covered his mouth, holding back a laugh.

“Good fucking god,” Bucky said, sounding vaguely appalled. “Why didn’t anyone stop him.”

“They didn’t want to be called communists.”

“Какого черта. I thought the Cold War was the only big thing in the fifties.”

“Nope,” Peter said faux-cheerfully. “The Red Scare happened too.”

“That makes it sound like the plague,” Bucky grumbled, looking down at the notes. “Alright. Where was Joseph McCarthy from.”


“Who was president at the time.”

“Uh… Hoover?”

Bucky shook his head. “Hoover was president when Steve n’ I were twelve or thirteen. Beginning of the Depression.”

“Right.” Peter pursed his lips. “Um… Coolidge? Truman?”

“Truman,” Bucky said. “Coolidge came before Hoover.”

Peter nodded.

“Was McCarthy a Democrat or Republican.”


“And Truman.”


“Good. Who was Ed Murrow.”

“He was… I think he was one of the first people to expose McCarthy?”

“A news reporter,” Bucky said, shuffling through Peter’s notes. “What was his show called?”


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