ch two || the date

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(your pov)

I moved to LA not too long ago to pursue a career in youtube. I already had a pretty good following which made me confident enough to go all in. I don't know a lot of people here but I met this girl named Ansley and she and I instantly clicked.

I made a joke the other day about how I have not met one good guy here to Ansley and she went nuts about setting me up. The last relationship I had before moving here was MESSY. The dude got some girl pregnant and told me on our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. 

mental note: make that into a storytime video when it stops hurting my feelings to talk about it.

Anyways, the point is I need a rebound. No strings attached. Just a nice guy that I can hang out with for a while, get it all out of my system so I can finally feel like I've moved on. Ansley claimed she knows the perfect guy. I bet.

She wouldn't tell me his name because apparently, he's google-ble. 

But, tonight is the date. I got ready in less than an hour since I was told to dress casual.

I hear my doorbell ring and all of a sudden I felt really nervous. I made my way over and opened the door to see the FINEST dude I've ever met. They don't make 'em like this where I'm from. I kept my composure and smiled.

"Hi," I said, not being able to take the smile off my face.

He took a little long to respond, he seemed zoned out. "Oh... um... sorry Hi. I'm Nick." He finally said revealing the sweetest smile. Oh, God. He's going to give me trouble.

"I'm y/n." I said reaching my hand out for a handshake. OH God. WHY AM I LIKE THIS?

he chuckled and shook his head. "We do hugs round' here," he said pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back, he smelled like heaven. Jeeeez Ansley why have you been hiding this gem from me for so long.

After I pulled back from the hug he asked if I was ready. I nodded and locked my front door. We walked by each other to his car and he opened the passenger side door for me, then closing it when I got in. He's impressing me.

We made small talk as we got to the mini-golf place. I found out he was in a boyband with Ansley's boyfriend. I've heard a few of their songs because of Ansley and complimented them. I told him about my youtube and he seemed genuinely interested in what I had to say. It was nice for once.

When we got there he started getting cocky and talking smack and I gave it right back to him. I guess he liked that because he kept smirking at me as I gave him sass. 

We picked our mini-golf ball colors out and went out to play.


"No y/n, you're doing it wrong." He said when we were on the third level of the course. I was about to putt but his comment distracted me. I gave him a 'boy WHAT' look. He came up behind me and adjusted my stance, with his arms wrapped around me, his hands on top of mine, and finally, he putt the ball gently.

 He came up behind me and adjusted my stance, with his arms wrapped around me, his hands on top of mine, and finally, he putt the ball gently

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(like thissss. serving high school musical realness)

Unfortunantly for him, the ball hit a fake rock and ricocheted back to us. I turned around and looked up at him. "smooooth mara. that putt doesn't count" I said laughing at his 'welllllppppp' face. He eventually joined in on the laughing. 

The rest of the night went so well. He kept stealing those cute moments. We talked and talked and talked some more. To the point that the people behind us were getting annoyed at how long they had to wait for us to finally finish the level. 

We got to the end and I counted the score. He kept peeking over my shoulder to 'make sure I wasn't cheating'. 

"Alright I got 70, and you got 73," I said smirking at him. His eyes went wide and he smiled wide and started fist-bumping in the air and busting out in a petty happy dance. "HAAAAAAAA CALL ME THE KING OF MINIGOLF. I WONNNNN. I WONNNNN. HEY, YOU" He said pointing to the elderly guy taking our golf clubs and balls "I just beat this beautiful girl. Do I win a prize?" He said excitedly.

"Sir, this is mini-golf. The lowest score wins." The man said chuckling softly as he put away the things we just handed to him.

Nick's face dropped, his cheeks flushed to a bright pink color. I started laughing and patted his back "maybe next time Mr.King Of Minigolf."

"Yeah yeah yeah," he said pouting. "Since this nice guy over here didn't answer my prize question, I'm guessing they don't give those here. So, like the gentleman I am for letting you win, I'll let you pick your prize." He said puffing out his chest to save face.

"Yeah sure, LET me win," I said smiling and shaking my head, "hmmmm" I tapped my chin trying to figure out what I wanted

"Ooooo, what about milkshakes?" I finally said excitedly 

"Milkshakes, you got it." He said putting his arm around my shoulder and walking me to his car.

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