ch 15 || month seven

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nick's pov

everything's been great man, i feel like for the stars are finally aligning perfectly and i haven't been this happy in so long.

I was just chillin with y/n watching netflix when we hear a knock on the door, i pause the movie and loudly say "come in."

The door opens and Edwin walks in, laptop in hand. I expected him to show me some new beat he created but instead, without saying a word, he turns the laptop around and plays a video on youtube.

"Hey guys, as most of you guys know I'm Alexys best friend Bridget. I'm the one who leaked the info that Y/N is pregnant with Nick's baby. I am very close to Alexys and i thought it would only be fair to her and I for the whole story to be told, since everyone is attacking us for 'exposing them when they weren't ready'"

Y/N paused the video before Bridget could say another word. "what the hell is this?"

Edwin sighed not really being able to explain himself, "just... keep watching" is all he said before pressing play again.

"What you guys don't know is Alexys and Nick got back together, and for the entire course of their relationship Nick, Y/N, and the rest of your precious boyband PRETTYMUCH lied to Alexys' face the entire time. Nick knew from the jump that he got this chick pregnant and never told her. Alexys probably would've never found out had she not gone back to the house and walked into the gender reveal. All i'm saying is, if you or your best friend was in that situation you would do the same. God knows why you people still stan the problematic ass, lying ass, annoying ass boyband that Nick Mara is in, but you do. And you stan the whore that is y/n too. Anyways, that's the end of this video. Just wanted to pop on here and explain our side of things. Alexys also wanted me to mention that leaking the video was my idea not hers. I don't know why it matters because what's done is done... but yeah, that's all. bye."

the video ended and i closed the laptop and started to feel nauseous. I felt so guilty about all this. i looked over at Y/N and she had the same look on her face.

Edwin sighed and picked up the laptop "management called and said they want you guys to make a statement soon, it's getting a lot of bad press... i thought i'd be nicer coming from me than from them..." and with that Edwin gave up a sympathetic look and silently walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

soon after, y/n quickly got up and took her camera out of her bag and positioned it at a spot where the hand tripod can sit up. She made sure we were both in frame.

"are you sure you wanna do this right away?" i asked hesitantly. making sure we don't make any rash statements out of emotion. She looked at me and sighed. "I am 7 months pregnant. i don't have time to deal with your ex's childish ass friends. we're addressing it, and moving on with our lives. we have more important things to worry about." she said as she rubbed her stomach.

I nodded and she pressed the record button on the camera.

"Hey guys welcome to or welcome back to my channel. for those who may or may not know me I'm y/n and for those of you who may or may not realize, i'm pregnant as hell and this man right here," she said with a small smile pointing at me "is my baby daddy."

i look at her and squint "i Am N0t YoUr bAbY DadDy" we both laugh a little at the iconic boyz days reference and she continued

"ANYWAYS, before i was rudely interrupted like my period was, both because mr thiccholas mara, I was talking about this situation right here." she said pointing to her belly.

As she was speaking i just looked at her and listened to every word, admiring how she can still make light out of a stressful situation like this.

"But on the real, there has been a lot of questions from some of you guys and a lot of talk and accusations going around from a third party, and i know we haven't given much detail but we decided enough was enough and it's time to talk about it. So Nick," she said finally turning to me, "would you like to start off and explain what happened?"

I nodded and began. "First and foremost i want to give an apology to Alexys, what i did and kept from you was not fair, and was completely selfish. I know a lot of this looks bad, and a lot of it is, but everyone is not to blame. it's all me." i sighed and rubbed the back of my head. Y/n put her hand on my knee for reassurance and i continued.

"yes, Y/n and I hooked up before Alexys and I started talking. As a matter a fact we started talking the day AFTER y/n and I's date. Neither her or I knew she was pregnant until she was about a month and some change in." i paused making sure i wasn't speaking too fast.

"I didn't tell anyone about Alexys and I talking again. I didn't want anyone to know about her because i wanted to make sure we were the real thing. And when i found out about the pregnancy i should've told y/n i was seeing Alexys, and I should've told Alexys that I was going to become a father. again, I was selfish and i couldn't apologize enough for that."

Y/n started to chime in and tell the rest of the story, because she could tell i was starting to get nervous.

"He's right, when i found about Alexys it was a complete surprise. Even for the rest of the boys. Which i don't know why they're casualties in all this because although they never told Alexys when she was around, they also never pretended like they were her friends either... but i digress." she said, trying to fix her attitude to not come off harsh.

"Anyways, we respected Nick's wishes in not saying anything because it was his relationship and he wasn't ready. I kept my distance from him for the few weeks she visited. and i want to make it clear WE DID NOT HOOK UP OR START DATING TILL WAY AFTER THEY BROKE UP. I AM NOT A HOMEWRECKER." I rubbed my hand on the small of her back to try to calm her a little as she spoke.

She adjusted herself, cleared her throat, and continued. "Yes this whole thing is a mess, and we are still figuring things out ourselves. We are both in careers where our life is in the limelight and we can't really control that. But, this is our side of the story. We apologize to anyone we may have hurt throughout this. We're young expecting parents trying to figure things out. Life isn't about us anymore, it's about this bean right here" she said winding down and rubbing her belly. "thank you to those who have been so loving, kind, and supportive. and we want to also make this clear, please don't hate anyone on either side of this. that is not how we want any of this to be. we want to live a loving life, and set an example for not only our fans but our kid. we are all trying our best, and i hope you guys can respect that." she said finishing up.

she looked over at me "anything else you wanna add?" i just smiled at her "you took the words right out of my mouth." i then grabbed her face and started attacking her face with kisses  "alright bye y'all, i'll see you in my next video" she said laughing at the kiss attack and managing to reach for her camera to shut it off.

she quickly edited the video a little to take out awkward pauses, and she posted it. she closed her laptop and we finally laid back down.

We started cuddling, she looked up at me as i kissed her head, damn i wish this moment could last forever. I never wanted to take my eyes off her.

"i love you" is all i could manage to say.

"i love you more mara."


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