ch 18 || birth

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your pov

pain, agonizing pain is all I felt all the way to the hospital. We all hopped in cars. Edwin, Brandon, Nick, and I were in our car. Zion and Austin were in the car they drove in earlier, following behind us.

Brandon was driving, Edwin was trying to keep everyone calm in the passenger seat, and Nick was in the back seat with me as I squeezed his hand every time I felt a contraction.


"I'm so sorry baby- ow" He said as I squeezed his hand harder, wanted to rip myself out of this tight ass dress but I couldn't get naked with Edwin and Brandon in the front. Thank God we kept a hospital bag in the trunk of the car at all times just in case.

Brandon started to talk in a soothing voice "We're almost there y/n, I'm trying to get there as quickly and safely as possib-"


"Y/n just breath... woooo saaaahhhh" Edwin chimed in

"Edwin... I love you so so much... BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP I'M BREATHING" I said, immediately feeling guilty for yelling at everyone, but this pain feels unbearable.

"You can do this babe, you're the strongest person I know," Nick said as though he could read my guilty mind, reassuring me that they know this is a painful experience. He kissed my hand as a signal that he's okay with the squeezing.

When we finally got to the hospital, the boys dropped us off upfront, Nick grabbed the hospital bag, and we got ourselves admitted to a room.

Before I knew it, nurses and doctors were going in and out of the room, I got epidural to help with the pain, and I was constantly being checked on. Without warning, my water broke and not long after, it was time to push.

Once it was time to push, things went by quickly. I was so focused on getting the baby out I didn't even realize she was really here.

The doctors quickly took her to clean her up and wrapped her in a blanket. She was crying hysterically until she was placed in my arms. I started crying, nothing in the world mattered. Just me and my baby girl.

Nick's pov

I can't believe it. She's here. She took my breath away. I was admiring y/n admiring the baby. Y/n looked up at me with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. "She's finally here, she's finally in our arms."

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead, "You did an amazing job baby, I love you"

"I love you more... Do you wanna hold her?" Y/n asked. My heart skipped a beat, but I soon grasped reality and nodded and I scooped the baby in my arms.

"Welcome to the world, baby girl." The song I sang earlier to y/n meant so much more than it already did, and I didn't even think that was possible. I never wanted to stop staring at my baby girl.

The boys all came in after y/n had some rest and the baby was brought back to us after being taken for a few tests

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The boys all came in after y/n had some rest and the baby was brought back to us after being taken for a few tests.

"Woah man... she's perfect," Edwin said holding her, getting all choked up.

"Damnit, little girl... now I have to beat up little dudes when you grow up, I was kinda hoping you'd be a little ugly" Zion said as she sleepily grabbed her finger. That made everyone laugh, including Edwin who slightly startled the baby with his elmo laugh.

"Careful with her man, it's my turn...Hi princess, I'm your favorite uncle Brandon" Brandon said taking her from Edwin's arms.

"yeaaahhh alright" the boys all said, almost in unison.

"Congratulations guys, I'm so proud of the both of you for bringing this perfect angel into the world," Austin said looking at us, and soon after went back to staring at the baby

"More like I did the work, and Nick took the abuse," Y/n said giggling to herself.

"So what's my favorite niece's name?" Zion said looking up at us.

"Well, it's funny that Austin called her an angel," I said walking over to the boys and admiring my baby in my bandmates arms for a moment. I started to take her from Brandon, his face protested my actions which made me chuckle as I faced her to towards the boys.

"Fellas, meet Penelope Angel Mara. Penelope, meet your crazy uncles."


pls read

a/n: AHHH. SOOOO, the face claim for penelope is Elle Mcbroom. She's a beautiful baby girl that's mixed from a father that's half black half white, and a mom who's Latina. I know this fandom is super diverse from dark skin queens to fair skin queens.

I wanted to pick a baby that would cover a lot of bases since Nick himself is our favorite Italian white boy. If the face claim makes you feel left out/unincluded, I encourage you to imagine a darker or lighter baby, whatever your case may be. I am the author of this story, yes, but this is YOUR story.



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