ch 17 || month nine

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Nick's pov

tonight is the night. i've been writing a song for y/n and for my princess. i tried to put what i felt about them into words, but all i could think of is how there's nothing that compares to how i feel when i look at y/n, and how i'm going to feel when i see my baby girl for the first time.

i've been working on the song with brandon and edwin and they helped put all of those feelings into a song.

like i said tonight is the night, it's the night i finally show y/n why i've been so busy at work. this song is gonna be shown to simon yes, but it's her song. it's my love letter to her and our daughter.

"Nick where are we goooooiiionnnnnnggggg" Y/N complained as she came out of our shared room to the living room. She was wearing the outfit i laid out for her and she looked perfect.

 She was wearing the outfit i laid out for her and she looked perfect

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(your outfit)

"none of your business nosey" i said poking her nose. she rolled her eyes. "Well whatever, as long as i get to see your handsome face and finally have you all to myself, i'm happy." she said all cute.

I looked in the mirror nervously one more time

I looked in the mirror nervously one more time

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(his outfit)

I walked her to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for her, before i closed the door i gave her a quick kiss. She smiled softly at me. I walked over to the driver side and turned on the car, pulling out of our driveway and started driving.

Throughout the car ride i felt her eyes on me, i quickly glance at her and put my eyes back on the road which made her break the silence. "You know, even after all the shit we went through, you still make me feel like you did the first night we met."

I smiled to myself "what do you mean babe?"

"i don't know, you make me feel all bubbly... and you still open doors for me... i don't know, it's just the little things." We were holding hands with our fingers interlocked, i picked up our connected hands and placed a kiss on hers. I didn't see it since i was focused on driving, but i felt her smile.

as we got closer to the spot i had her put a blindfold on. once we got there, i turned off the car and sprinted over to her side and helped her out. I guided her to our final destination which i made sure wasn't a long walk.

I carefully took off her blindfold which revealed the dinner and a view.

All of a sudden the boys come into view, all dressed as waiters like it's a whole restaurant

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All of a sudden the boys come into view, all dressed as waiters like it's a whole restaurant. Y/n was giggling and smiling all night. The boys gave us our space as we ate and we got to spend some much needed quality time.

then it was time for me to finally do what i came here to do.

"So... y/n. I brought you out here for more than just one last date night until this baby comes." Y/n looked at me confused.

"what do you mean?"

i took a deep breath. "you already know i love you. but you don't know how much... Y/N, these past nine months you've done much more than carry our child. you've become my best friend, my comforter, my home... Ever since i laid my eyes on you... even though it was a little rough at the beginning, i knew i never wanted to take them off of you, and there's nothing and no one in this world that makes me feel the way you do. I took you here because this was my favorite view in LA when i first moved here, and as beautiful it is, it doesn't compare to how beautiful you are to me."

Y/n's eyes started watering and her smile was so bright, i was so nervous as i reached for her hands and continued talking. "I wrote you a song with the boys... this song isn't only for you, but for our baby girl that we're meeting soon..."

and with that, the boys walked out on cue with mobile equipment. they quickly set up, and we started singing.

As Zion started singing, i stood up and took Y/N by the hand and started to sway back and forth with her, keeping her as close as I could. When my part of the song came up, I looked directly into her eyes and caressed her cheeks as i sang, wiping her tears with my thumb.

The song ended and I gave y/n a soft kiss.

"I lov-" I was suddenly cut off with Y/N clutching her stomach and yelling "OH MY GOD"

I looked at her and panicked and then looked at the boys who also looked panicked.

"are- are you okay???" i asked concerned trying to help her back to her seat.

"Nick... i think i'm in fucking labo- OWWWWWW"

Eyes Off You || Nick Mara x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now