Chapter 13

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Fontaines eyes darted from one side of the cave to the other, her heart racing. Proteus was here somewhere. Somewhere on this island, probably in this cave. When her and Finn had arrived on the island and found him he'd ran and hidden in the cave. To Fontaine this scenario of being in a cave with Proteus was all to familiar.
"Any luck?" Finn asked her as he came around the corner.
"No" Fontaine responded. Her eyes were still scanning the room for any sign of Proteus. Suddenly she saw it. A flash of a cloak. "THERE!!" Fontaine shouted. Her heart rate increasing as her and Finn chased the figure. They had him, back against the wall. Finn walked towards him.
"Proteus you are..."
"Leaving" he pushed Finn over the edge. His head hit some jagged rocks, knocking him unconsious. He was falling fast. If Fontaine didn't do something he'd drown. Fontaine looked over to Proteus, tears filling her eyes.
"You can either save your boyfriend or come after me and let him die... Its up to you"
"I'll get for this Proteus" she scowled. Her hands reached for her diving mask and pulled it over her head. She dived. Right down after Finn. As her fingertips touched the water she immediately started searching for Finn. When she spotted him she grabbed his waist and dragged him up to shore.
       She layed him on the beach and was checking that he was breathing. He was. She grabbed his hand and placed it over the wound, well one of them.
      When they reached the Aronex, Fontaine ran with Finns arm over her shoulder to the stretcher her mom always used. As he lay there she gathered all the necessary equipment to treat. Right now she was glad her mother gave her that emergency first aid course. First of all she cleaned and bandaged his cuts. As for the fact he was unconsious, she could't really give him something to wake him up. She sat down next to him, his hand in hers. Her eyes were filled with tears.
"Finn.. Please wake up. I need you." She cried "I need you. I love you" she whispered. Her head dropped. She felt a warm hand touch her face and lift it up. She looked up to see Finns sapphire eyes gazing into her emerald eyes. He leaned in closer to her, a kiss hit Fontaines lips. Fontaine blushed heavily as she kissed him back.
        When she awoke Fontaine was lying next to Finn. She smiled as she gazed down at him. Finns eyes fluttered open, only to see Fontaine gazing down at him. Once again he leaned towards her and planted a kiss on her lips.
     Now Fontaine knew how she felt about Finn. She loved him. More than anyone else in the world. That was fact.

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