Chapter 7

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June 7, 2019 - 8:09 a.m. - Destiny's Bounty
Day 4
It's been 3 days since we left the monastery not counting today. We decided to fly to the Dark Island, for time's sake and so we don't have to deal with those laughing sea stars. The weather's been fine, no storms so far. Sensei Wu insisted we train for at least an hour everyday to prepare for the unknown ahead, but at least Cole's getting used to his mother possessing him. Ethan has been super stressed, always making sure he's okay, bringing him breakfast in the morning, caring for him. On second thought, I've noticed Kai's been a little stressed, too. He disappears whenever Cole needs a break and magically reappears. And he always blushes whenever I bring him up during our talks, or when they accidentally fall on each other during training. But yeah, that's it so far, not really anything much to write down. I just hope we're ready when we arrive. Well the boys and Pixal are calling for me. Better go until next time.

Finished 8:14 a.m.

Nya hurridley closed her journal, putting it on the shelf above the top of her bunk. She climbed down the ladder, grabbed her weapon that was resting on the wall, and exited their sleeping quarters, closing the door softly with a creak. Nya emerged from the lower deck, the sun slightly peeking from behind the clouds. The temperature got hotter and hotter each day, feeling more and more like summer.
Nya shielded her eyes from the bright rays of sun, hearing the yelps and battle cries of her fellow brothers and sister. She quickly climbed down the ladder to the training deck.
"Hey Nya!" Jay yelled over the noise, only to get swept by Lloyd who was sparring with him, taking the distraction as an advantage. Nya giggled at Jay's silliness and slowed her jog when she reached Sensei Wu.
"Good morning Nya."
"Good morning Sensei! Sorry I was a little late." Nya apologized.
"That is okay. Why don't you spar with Ethan?"
Nya bowed in response, running over to Ethan who was reading a book peacefully. Nya looked around. It seems Cole was doing a little better today, since he looked fine sparring with Kai. The earth ninja seemed to take more breaks than he normally did, putting his hands on the top of his thighs. Zane was sparring with Pixal and Jay was with Lloyd.
"Hi Ethan! Sensei told me to spar with you." Nya greeted Cole's brother with a smile while he put the book down, the tips of his mouth turning upwards in return.
"Sure thing. You want me to go easy or..." Ethan politely asked.
"Nah, I can handle it." Nya smirked. Ethan just softly smiled and seemed unsure about Nya's decision.
He went in for a punch with his right hand, lunging, left foot back, his fist aimed at her midsection.  They were currently in open stance (When the opponent's body is turned the same way you are) and Nya was quick to react. She swiftly took a step to the left, blocking his punch with the outside of her right, and executing a punch with her left to the kidney. The relative of Cole seemed surprised at Nya's quickness, but it was only a distraction when half a second later both her hands were placed on his fist. She turned underneath him, twisting his arm in the opposite direction, forcing him in a very vulnerable position, only to perform a spindle sweep (Basically when your foot is dragged in a circular motion on the ground, the heel of your foot making contact with the back of the opponent's leg causing them to buckle down). Ethan's eyes widened as he fell backwards, doing a break fall, (A specific way to fall to ensure you don't get injured) his left arm being held by Nya. Unfortunately, his chest was exposed, making it open for attack. Nya bent down to punch his midsection, stopping right before she made contact.
"Like I said, I can handle it." Nya smirked letting go of his wrist and standing up. Ethan smiled, accepting his defeat. He propped himself on his elbows, making Nya realize how much alike the two siblings are.
"I guess I underestimated you." Ethan easily did a kip up, landing lightly on his feet.
"Ready for round two?" he asked, getting into guardian stance (Ready stance).
"You betcha' earth master 2.0."
Before either could make a move, the sun disappeared, sending a shadow over the deck. Nya looked ahead, seeing dark storm clouds. A flash of purple lightning blinded her, the sound of thunder seconds after. Her stomach dropped. "Everyone it's a storm!" Nya shrieked, running back to the ladder to control the ship. "I need everyone on deck!"
The ninja scrambled around, Zane and Pixal coming with Nya to help with the controls while Kai, Jay, Cole, Ethan and Lloyd grabbed hold of ropes. Sensei Wu and Misako went down to the lower deck, taking cover.
Nya looked down at Kai who was struggling with his rope. "You guys got it from here?" the water ninja yelled over the storm to Zane and Pixal after pressing some buttons. 
"Yes. Go and help the others." Pixal answered as Zane madly clicked buttons on the screen.
Nya ran to the ladder and slid down, helping her brother stabilize one of the sails. Kai turned around, his eyes widened with that protective glare.
"Nya! What are you doing out here? Get back to the control deck!" Kai shouted at her. Nya frowned and anger boiled inside her.
Why does Kai have to be so protective? I'm not a little girl anymore! Can't he just lay off?
"Kai we talked about this! I can handle myself!" Nya asserted angrily, tugging at the rope harder. Kai huffed and turned around in anger, not wanting to argue with his stubborn sister.
She was drenched. Her hair raining small droplets of water onto her face, the cold making her shiver. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind sent the ship rocking to its side. Nya was jerked backwards, accidentally letting go of the rope and falling in the middle of the deck. Cole's hands slipped from his grasp on the wet string, causing his sail to tip to the side. The wind from the opposite direction blew harshly at the sail, breaking the wood underneath.
Crack. Crack.
The wood planks gave away below Cole's sail, tipping over and the wooden pole heading straight at Nya. The water ninja was too busy trying to get balanced to notice the sail coming down on her. Another rock of the boat made her unstable once again, making her fall on her back. Jay noticed the heavy pole, shouting at Nya.
"Nya! Look out!"
Before she could stand up, the wooden, splintered pole crashed down on her. Nya felt a sharp pain stabbing at her side, like a sword was pushed deep inside her abdomen. Pain surged through her right leg, making her wince and bite her lip.
Great. Of course the pole had to come down on my dominant foot and stab me at the same time.
"Nya!" she heard Jay scream, assuming he let go of his rope. She remembered seeing Ethan help Jay with it, so that pole won't come crashing down anytime soon. Jay lifted the sail, revealing Nya's pain struck face.
"Oh my gosh! Nya are you okay?"
"Not really." a sharp pain shot through her as she held her side, hands stained red from the blood.
"Someone! Help me lift this pole!" A series of frantic footsteps were heard coming towards the water ninja. The pole was lifted from Nya's leg, the skin ripped from the weight that was dropped on her. Bright red blood trickled down her leg, the cloth torn to expose it to the rain. Nya hissed from the sting of the water, closing her eyes tightly as Jay bent down to her, dragging Nya's limp body from underneath the sail. He rested her head on his lap, stoking her hair gently.
"Jay m-my side." she managed to weakly say.
"Wha- what about your-" he stopped mid sentence, eyes wide, putting his hands over his mouth at the sight of blood on Nya's stomach. The water ninja looked up at him, tears visible in his eyes that soon turned to anger. He turned his head around to his best friend standing behind him.
"Cole! This was your fault for letting the pole go! Now we have Nya injured and a sail missing!" tears were now streaming down Jay's wet face, full of sadness, anger, and worry.
"I-I didn't mean..." Cole began, but Kai defended him instead.
"Don't blame it on him! It wasn't Cole's fault that the wind blew him off balance!" Kai yelled, advancing towards the lightning ninja.
"Guys, we can't be arguing right now, we have a storm to deal with." Lloyd chimed in cautiously, his intentions on getting the team back on task. Jay glared at the green ninja, annoyance burning in his eyes.
"Nya's hurt Lloyd. Bad. I can't help right now," Jay turned back to Nya's pained face. "And I can't lose her again." he whispered only so that Nya could hear him.
Ethan shouted over all the thunder and rain, using his elemental powers to hold two of the remaining sail ropes. "Guys! Can we deal with this later? I kinda need some help!"
Jay glared at Cole with hatred, making the earth ninja drop his gaze, ashamed. Kai protectively put an arm around him, leading Cole in the opposite direction.
Nya groaned in pain, her head aching from the blood loss. Small black dots started appearing around her vision. Her heart beat faster and faster, feeling as if it would burst out.
Aw man, I'm gonna pass out.
"Take Nya to the infirmary. Get Zane to help!" Kai commanded looking back before he left to deal with the rest. Nya felt her body being lifted, her hearing fading and her vision becoming blurry.
"You'll be okay," Nya heard Jay huff as he carried her to the ladder. "can you hang onto me? I mean I can't really carry you up while climbing the ladder."
Nya nodded weakly as Jay dropped her slowly, the sharp pain climbing up her leg. She clenched Jay's arm to let him know.
"Right, your leg. Just try to get on my back."
Nya did as she was told, trying her best. She wrapped her arms around Jay's neck, not too tight to choke him, but stable enough to get to the control deck. Finally, the pair made it up the ladder, Nya's head spinning while Jay huffed and puffed out of breath.
"Geez, you're heavier than you look." Jay barely said trying to catch his breath. He sped walked over to Zane who seemed worried and confused on why there was a crash. Before Jay could ask for Zane's assistance, the ice ninja immediately boomed questions at the lighting ninja.
"Jay! What happened down there? Is everything alright?" fear was present in the nindroid's eyes, his hands trembling beside his waist.
"I'll explain later but please, you need to help Nya."
Zane took one look at Nya, the fear raising higher than ever before.
"We need to get her to the infirmary, immediately!"
Zane ran off to the ladder, Jay mumbling and complaining. Nya's head felt like it was going to explode. Her heart kept pounding and pounding, her side stinging, and her leg aching. Jay noticed her groaning and realized his fiancée was in an uncomfortable position. With a swift movement, he grabbed her limp body and carried her bridal style, receiving a weak yelp.
"Sorry, you just looked kinda uncomfortable." Jay whispered, Nya barely able to make out what he was saying. She rested her head on Jay's chest, the ninja in blue holding her closer.
The water ninja could feel her breath getting shorter and shorter. More black dots appeared, feeling as if soon she'd be drowned in an eternal darkness.
Breath in... breath out.

Heart pounding, faster, faster.

Head aching, pounding, pounding.

Hearing fading, slowly, slowly.

Vision blurry, darker, darker,

Until, her eyes gave away, and everything went


Op. That's great.

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