Chapter 19

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    He couldn't stop sobbing. It was too much. He didn't even get all flushed when Kai hugged him. He just cried in the fire ninja's shoulder.
     Kai guided him to the side of the clearing, his arm around his shoulders. Cole sniffled and wiped his eyes. The two boys sat down, Cole resting on the shoulder of Kai as he rubbed his back affectionately.
     "There's nothing you could have done." Kai said at last.
      "I know. But I just miss him so much."
       The ninja in red sighed as he hugged him tighter. They sat in a comfortable silence, watching their teammates as they searched around for the teapot, looking into every nook and cranny. Harumi was tied up to a tree, a frown present on her face. The villagers helped clean, laying the dead bodies of their once warriors in rows as they started to dig holes for burial. Cole set his brother next to Catori.
     "I found it!" Jay yelled, waving the teapot in Nya's face. "told ya I'd find it first."
     She just crossed her arms and pouted, sticking her tongue out at him. Kai stifled a laugh, thinking it was an inappropriate time to do so.
      Lloyd was also feeling down in the dumps, seeing Catori die and all. Zane offered to help him through it, so the two brothers took their dragons and flew somewhere to talk in private.
     "We should uh, probably go," Kai pointed in the direction of Jay and Nya, the immature, engaged couple fighting over the teapot. "before Jay breaks it or something."
      Cole nodded solemnly as he got up and walked over to the group. Pixal rolled her eyes once Kai and Cole came over.
     "These two won't stop fighting over the teapot. I suggest we summon your mother before one accidentally drops it."
     "Uh yeah, good idea," Kai cleared his throat. "guys, we're gonna start."
      Jay stopped flinging it around and carefully handed it to Cole. He took it with shaking hands as Pixal fished for the canteen in her backpack, pouring the magical water into the pot. Sensei brought out his blue teacup, setting it on the floor while Cole delicately took the leaves from the pouch. He let the leaves float down into the contents, the aroma already filling his nose.
Let's see if this works.
      Cole closed his eyes and formed the words in his head, reaching out to his mother. He hoped that since the Overlord was gone, her connection would come back.
Mom? Are you there?
Cole tried harder this time.
Mom? Can you hear me?
Yes, I can finally reach you. What happened?
Cole felt a knot form in his stomach. He held back the tears from falling and shut his eyes tighter.
Uh, I'll explain when we're done. You ready?
Cole shivered as his mother detached herself, the green aura glowing off her pale skin. He forgot how beautiful she really was; no wonder why her father married her. Not to mention how sweet she is.
Cole handed her the cup as she drank the magical tea. Slowly, her body came back to life, and the discoloration faded away.
Once she finished the last drop, the ghostly feel was completely gone, green mist and all. They instantly hugged as Cole spilled his tears on her silk white dress.
"Cole, baby, what's the matter?" she stroked his hair.
"Ethan h-he's... gone."
Abigail seemed to stare into space for a while, not believing one word Cole was saying.
"What do you mean, gone?"
"He's gone mom, gone! Like not here, not on this Earth, never coming back..." he was fully sobbing now, unable to finish his sentence. His shoulders flinched up and down violently, uncontrollably, not able to stop.
"He's really gone?" Abigail questioned to herself as her eyes filled with tears. "gone forever, not coming back?"
Cole nodded while burying his face into his mother's dress.
     He could feel her beating heart, full of pain and relief at the same time.
      "Well good thing I didn't loose you." she kissed the top of Cole's head.
        He didn't respond. It was great and all, but he knew his life would be much more different now that Ethan was gone, and there was nothing he could do to change it.

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