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Yes, sadly this book is coming to an end... I really had soooo much fun writing this story and I don't wanna stop soooo... read till the end and you'll see the little surprise hehe

399 dates and eight years later...

      Kai and Cole's relationship has really grown since. They of course had their moments, fighting each other over the smallest of things (mostly how Kai would "accidentally" eat Cole's cake), but they were able to apologize to each other and work it out. Ever since they got together, Kai's temper calmed down a bit, and he seemed to feel more open to talking about himself, emotionally. It was always a struggle for the fire ninja, but Cole's kindness and empathy broke the barrier.
     On the other hand, Cole's confidence and pride increased over the past five years. He doesn't seem to be reluctant to take the lead when Lloyd wasn't around, or feel like if he failed, the world would collapse. He's able to control his anxiety towards being perfect, finding the right times to be hard on himself and when to not. Kai really helped guide him towards loving himself more, being the confident person he is.
    They've been dating for at least eight years and a half now. The word had spread across Ninjago, and surprisingly, many people supported their relationship. Cole was worried people would look down upon them, shame him and Kai for falling in love. Kai was able to talk some sense into him, telling his boyfriend it didn't matter what others thought, as long as they were together. Cole agreed Kai had become very cringy in the process of their relationship.
      The two are really the perfect match. They legitimately love each other very much, and are always there when one is needed. Kai admitted he really wouldn't know what he'd do without Cole, and Cole wouldn't know what he'd do without Kai. Polar opposite characteristics sometimes mesh and get along very well. Kai had helped Cole slowly accept Ethan's death. It only took like their whole relationship, but it is something that will eternally stay unhealed.
      Lou and Abigail are as happy as can be, her return lightening Lou's mood by a lot. It was weird to see him so cheery all the time, definitely not something Cole was used to, but he was so glad to have his mom back. He would visit them every month just to strengthen their family bond even more. 
      Nya and Jay finally got married, and all of Ninjago joined their wedding. The couple had been very stressed, preparing all the decorations and invitations and all. Nya bawled her eyes out a good amount of times, and gotten into arguments with Jay over flowers, or what food they'd serve, but now, they're bound together by law, and nothing will ever drive them apart. They thought of having a child, and are still deciding, but when they do, it'll only be a new generation of the ninja.
      On that note, Kai had just walked out of the jewelry store, a two carat diamond ring safely enclosed in his pocket. He purposely got it in orange, Cole's favorite color, and was able to get a large discount on the price, partly because he was one of Ninjago's beloved ninjas and the seller was a supporter for their relationship.
     He nervously twisted the small red velvet box in his fingers, figuring out what to say to Cole. He and the earth ninja planned a special date tomorrow, where they'd have a private dinner in a fancy beachside restaurant, where they'd serve grass-fed steak and other goods. Kai was completely fine with water now, and loved going to the beach.
      Just a week before he bought the ring, Kai talked to his parents about marrying Cole, and talked to Cole's parents for permission. They both said yes, very happy to have expanded their family with the Smiths.
     Kai landed home at the monastery, heading straight towards Nya's room. It was ghostly silent, given the ninja didn't get much action nowadays and mostly relaxed. However, it didn't give them an excuse to stop training, Sensei made sure of that. Jay, Pixal, Zane, and Lloyd had gone out to have lunch, leaving Nya and Cole at the monastery.
      Passing the game room, Cole laid on the couch, sleeping and taking a nap like he always did. Kai rolled his eyes with a smirk and kissed his nose. He mumbled a little, smiling, and shifted so that he was laying on his side. Kai laughed silently at his cuteness and walked out to seek advice from his sister. Knocking on her door, he waited patiently as he heard her soft, dainty footsteps against the tatami floors. Nya opened her bedroom door, ushering Kai in before something might accidentally leak. Most of their teammates knew, not including Jay knowing he had such a loud mouth, but every time Kai would bring the fact up, his teammates would give him advice then snicker like they were hiding something. It left Kai very confused, but he just brushed it off.
      Nya lead Kai to her bed, patting the empty space to the right of her.
      "Did you get it?" she asked. 
      "Yup." Kai opened the box and revealed the ring. A two carat orange diamond sat in the middle of the platinum band, smaller diamonds embedded around it. Nya marveled at the gemstone, examining all angles of light it would flash.
"It's gorgeous, Kai. Cole will love it." she commented, already sounding like a mom.
"Yeah, I think so too. But I dunno what I'm gonna say, I mean, how do I just... ask?"
She thought for a second, remembering how Jay had asked her. Given they weren't in the middle of a crisis, that memory wasn't the most helpful for this situation.
"Well I guess you just do it."
"wOW so helpful." Kai said in a sarcastic tone.
"Well my experience with that topic isn't very relatable to yours."
Kai put the diamond ring back in his pocket. "Can you at least help me with the date tomorrow? Like what I'm supposed to dress like and all that stuff."

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