Either side of the door

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You slowly push the door open, wincing as it creaks. You pray that Natasha wasn't waiting for you, she'd want to know what had happened.

Of course, she was sat, right in front of the doorway, waiting for you. As soon as she saw the door start to open she jumped up out of the chair and started ranting.

"Where have you been y/n? I was worried sick. I. . ."

She trails off when she sees the disheveled state that your in. She stares in shock at the bruises and cuts that are littered across your face. After a moment of silence, she pulls you into a hug, her frown deepening when she felt your entire body shaking.

"God what happened to you?" She asked worriedly.

You shake your head and push past her. You quickly walk to your room, knowing she would follow you. Your fast walk turns to a run and you sprint into your room and slam the door shut, locking it.

"Y/n please, please open up" You hear Nat call from the other side of the door.

You ignore her and run your hand through your hair. You lean against the door and slowly slide down to the floor.

(Like this but slower)

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(Like this but slower)

Once you hit the ground your head falls into your hands and you press it against your drawn up knees. Tears stream down your face causing your open wounds to sting. You lift your head up and lean it against the door. The tears keep coming, running uncontrollably.

Nat sat outside the door, refusing to leave you. Eventually she ended up in a similar position to yours, back against the door, opposite yours.

She was scared and worried. She didn't want to push you but she needed to know what happened. She needed to know that you would be ok.

The truth was, she was in love with you. She was too stubborn to admit it of course, but she was. She couldn't get you out her brain, whether you were on the other side of the world or sat right in front of her, she just couldn't stop thinking about you.

Unbeknownst to the other, both women sat, on either side of the door, all night. Y/n, because she didn't have the strength to stand and Natasha, because she wouldn't leave Y/n.

After a while Y/n's thoughts drifted away from the fight and towards Natasha, as they always did. She felt terrible for leaving Nat out there, worried and confused, but she didn't want to talk about it.

Neither woman got any sleep that night, both too wrapped up in there own thoughts. In the morning, a weary Y/n nervously emerged from her room, to find Natasha curled up on the floor, finally asleep.

She smiled softly at the sight, watching as Nat's chest rose and fell with each breath, observing just how peaceful she looked. Shaking her head to clear it, Y/n carefully stepped over the sleeping figure and trudged to the kitchen.

Natasha woke to the smell of bacon and music playing quietly. She sneakily walks up behind Y/n and wraps her arms around Y/n waist. The woman jumps, almost dropping the bacon she was holding and turns around.

Nat leans in and Y/n's eyes widen. She veers to the side and takes a bite of the bacon.

"Perfectly cooked" Natasha says, mouth still full of bacon.

Y/n smiles at the redheads cuteness and chuckles lightly.

Despite the previous night's events, there was no tension between the two. That was in the past, now they would move on.

Y/n finished putting the bacon on the plates as Nat went to sit down at the table. Y/n picks up the plates of bacon and places them on the table, pretending to be waiter.

"Is there anything else I can get you, ma'am?" Y/n jokes.

"A coffee would be lovely please." Nat plays along.

About ten minutes later, two steaming coffees are placed on the table. "There you go ma'am"

Y/n then sits down and a silence settles, both women too hungry to talk. Within seconds all of the bacon is gone, leaving two, extremely full, women sat at a table.

"How was your meal ma'am?" Y/n starts up the joke.

"Excellent thank you, I might just leave a tip." Nat replies.

Nat then stands up, walks over to Y/n, pulls her upright and kisses her, briefly.

"What was that?" Y/n asks, slightly baffled.

Nat smirks. "Your tip."

Y/n nods. "I'll just have to keep the good service up then"

Nat's smirk grows bigger. "You can just have free tips if you want."

That was all Y/n needed to convince her to smash her lips back to Natasha's. When the two pull away, both are gasping for air and slightly, just slightly, flushed.

"We should do that again some time" Y/n says, breathlessly.

"How about all the time?" Natasha responds, just as breathless.

Nat then dives in for another kiss, Y/n happy to oblige. The rest of the day is then spent cuddling on the sofa, kissing and watching horrible, cliche TV shows. It was perfect.


As always, I had noooo idea where to end it.

So this one is based off of an OTP prompt so please let me know what you think.

Also, please leave requests.

Thank youuuu


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