Chapter 2: Part 1

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Mel's Pov

    It's been a month. A month of me hanging out with the girls and being stuck in my room unless it's to go out back into the yard or eat which I have to do before the rest of the pack. I don't know why because the pack knows about me some have even caught a glance at me but nonetheless. It's also been a month since I've seen or heard from my sister and my dad it's a little easier to forget when you busy but today is a ball for different werewolf packs and Axel didn't think it was a good idea for me to go but in reality, I think he's embarrassed that he has a human mate. Not to make matters worse, it's my 18th birthday in two days and I just wanna be with my family.

"Hey what's wrong?" A sweet angelic voice asks.

"Emily, sweeties what are you doing up here?" I ask the little girl I've come to treat as my own two weeks after meeting her I found out her parents were killed by rogues and that's why she mostly bounces from friends houses I instantly found out how I could adopt her and sure It was rash but I don't regret a second of it, and of course I had moved her into the house with me. Axel wasn't happy with the idea at first but once I said it would make me feel less trapped his face softened and he reluctantly agreed.

"I missed you and Alpha Axel said you weren't allowed to leave the room so I came here." She says and my heart melts, not even Axel has come to check on me all day. He only sent Mia or Jason who I still dislike by the way. I mean Mia knocked me out well Jason's Axels best friend need I say more.

"Aww, thanks sweety wanna watch a movie?"I ask her and she nods.

"Yes, let's watch The Lion King 2." She says excitedly and I giggle and put it in. Halfway through the movie, she fell asleep snuggled up against me. We did this a lot, like me she has her own room but I think we both just like having someone with us. There was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I say softly and in walked the devil himself.

"What have I told you about referring to me as the devil." He says with an amused smirk on his face.

"And what have I told you about reading my thoughts," I say staring at the man I haven't seen all day. "What do you want Axel?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"I was looking for Emily. I hadn't seen her when I saw her friends. I roll my eyes, of course, he isn't worried about me that would mean he cared.

"What's that supposed to mean of course I care?" He asks and I scoff again.

"Like you don't know I'm your mate and you keep me hidden you're embarrassed by me." I snap and look at Emily to make sure I didn't wake her up. She stirred but didn't wake up. I breathe out and look up at Axel, his eyes softened.

"I'm not embarrassed by you I just.." He trails off trying to find the right word to say just that.

"I just wanted to see my family again. You're never around, you ignore me why won't you just reje-"

"You are mine, you aren't going any fucking where," He growled.

"Then start treating me like it, ugh Can you just get out! Go back to your party or your room. I don't care just go I'm already trapped in here the least you can do is not bug me." I say settling down suddenly emotionally and physically tired. His eyes swirl with a mix of purple and blue which tend to do when I make him mad or when his wolf is fighting for control.

"Fine." He says walking off like he always does I know it's what I said but for once I'd like him to treat me as more than a prisoner. I love Emily a lot. I've even made friends with some of the pack members that I've actually met. I even made a new best friend. Her name is Andrea oddly enough she's Mia's mate, but other than that I really don't want to be here, I just want to go home. I silently cry myself to sleep.

"Mel wake up!" I wake up to a sobbing Emily shaking me awake.

"What's wrong?" I ask her.

"You were screaming in your sleep." She says with tears running down her face.

"I'm sorry, baby I just miss my dad and my little sister," I say softly.

"Why don't we visit them." She asked innocently.

"You know what I will, You sure you wanna come?" I ask and she lights up.

"Yea when are we going," she asks and I smirk.

"We're sneaking out, now come on let's go to your room to pack a small bag," I say quietly packing a bag and grabbing a pair of keys. After we finish I grab the bag of hers and mine. I then pick her up. We walk outside safely and make it to the car. I buckle her in her car seat and drive off to the don't gate.

"Where are you going Ms.?" The security guard at the gate Tom asks.

"Out, away from prison for a while," I say rolling my eyes and he laughs at me and Tom have become great friends but I've never tried to leave because Axel told me I'm not allowed to leave. God! Some soul mate.

"Have fun," Tom says opening the gate. I nod and drive toward my dad. We arrived an hour later. It was 1 o'clock in the morning when I got there I went up to the door and knocked.

"Oh my god, Mel!" My sister screamed, throwing her arms around me and Emily who was in my arms asleep. Which my sister has yet to notice.

"Who's at the door?" My father asks sleepily.

"Hi, daddy," I say and his eyes go wide and he hugs me.

"Who is this little angle?" He asks and Evelyn finally notices Emily.

"Emily is my daughter," I say and they look stunned and very confused.

"You've only been gone a month?" My dad says confused and I laugh.

" I adopted her last week. She's 5." I say and he relaxes.

"Oh that makes more since she's adorable." my sister says and I laugh.

"Come in get some rest we'll talk in the morning and plan for your party." My dad says and I nod. "I missed yall," I say kissing them on the cheek and heading to my room and putting Emily under covers and then putting our bags on the dresser and laying down myself.

(1128 Words)

Tue, Sep 3, 2019

Edited: Saturday, July 11, 2020

8:56 pm


The Alpha kidnapped me  ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora