Chapter 2: Part 5

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Mel's Pov

You know that anxious feeling you get when you know something is going to happen but you just don't know if it's good or bad? Or that feeling when you know you shouldn't do something but you do it anyway? Well that's how I feel right now today is the Luna ceremony and I'm nervous so many questions were running through my head. Was I cut out for this? Was I ready? Do I have what it takes? Does Axel love me enough to stand up for me if needed? All these questions and all I can do is stand on this post in front of a mirror while different people run in and out of the room doing my hair or makeup finding the perfect dress and shoes. I haven't seen Emily or Axel since breakfast.

"And done! Luna, you look beautiful." One of the girls named Amanda said and I mumble a quick thank you and then turn to look at myself in the mirror. Wow, I look just wow.

"Oh, my moon goddess, you all did a wonderful job," I say and they all hug me. There weren't many girls, just 4. Amanda, Cloe, Jacie, and Arial.

"Thank you Luna but no time to chit chat. It's time for the ceremony," Declan said walking out of the room to the entrance of the stage. Declan is a witch. He's here with the group that is arriving in 3 weeks. He's 19 years old just a year older than me. Once I walk through the door Axel grabs my hand and walks with me to the podium.

"Today is an exciting day for everyone before we swear your future Luna Mel Anne Fox in. Does anyone have any questions?" Axel speaks with such authority. A young girl about the age of Ariana raises her hand. "Yes, Jasmin?" Axel asks the girl.

"Luna, Since your human how are you going to lead a pack of wolves that you didn't know existed a month ago?" She asks and I gulp.

"True I didn't know about your existence till a month ago when I met your Alpha but I know now and from the people I have met have become family to me. Leading isn't only about the strength I mean hell...Wait am I allowed to say hell?" I ask and everyone laughs and Axel sends me a smile and I continue. "Anyway like I was saying sure strength helps but also intelligence and I'm not saying that I'm better than any other person here shoot I'm sure you're all better than me in some aspect but I will take care and treat you all like family," I say and even though to me that seemed like the shittest speech ever people clapped and I relaxed.

"I have a question?" Brittany says and I feel Axel stiffen.

"Yes, Brittany," Axels says in a monotone

"Does your mate know how many other women you've been with?" She says with a smirk on her face and I tensed. No, I didn't but at the same time did I want to know?

"No, but it's really none of your business. I'm going to let you off with a warning. next question?" We answered about 20 more questions until Axel said the thing I've been dreading. "Does anyone wish to challenge Mel for the potion of Luna?" Axel asks and I can tell he was tense. I visibly relaxed when no one raised their hand.

"I do!" Brittany said and for the second time today, I've wanted to rip her hair out.

"Okay um, Battle presumes in 10 minutes go get changed," Axel says in a calm voice but I could tell he was worried for my safety and shit so was I. If I lose I die or have to leave Axel to mate with Brittany and If I win..yeah let's face it I'm not winning. "Stop siking yourself out," Axel says and I jump.

"How can I not? She's going to destroy me," I mutter and he pulls me into his chest.

"You're going to be fine just pin her down within the first minute and remember your training." He says and I gulp.

"Why the first minute?" I ask him.

"Because after a minute she gets to turn." He says and for the first time, I realize this is where I die. I kiss Axel on the lips for the first time because if I die I want him to understand that I do indeed feel the mate bond. The kiss deepens until we pull apart for air. I rest my forehead on his and whisper. "I love you." for a moment he's stunned and says nothing but then he smiles.

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