Chapter 2: Part 2

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Axel's Pov

I woke up feeling awful about yesterday. She's right I brought her here and I've only been distant and cold. I walk into her room and see no one. I start to panic but I mind linking Mia who's with the kids.

"Is Mel with you?" I ask her.

"Nope neither her nor Emily showed up I thought you dismissed them for today." she links back.

"Shit!" I scream and start freaking out until I see Tom if anyone left he'd know. "Have you seen Mel and Emily?" I ask him.

"Yep." He says popping the 'P'. He doesn't like me much. Mel explained how I kidnapped her and then treated her like crap.

"Okay where are they," I ask him and he laughs.

"Not like you care but she left, but I'm sure she's coming back. They only had a small bag she's probably visiting the family you stole her from." He says on edge I knew he liked her. He's one of the witches in my pack which means no mate and he is free to like whoever, I hated it.

"Yeah whatever, get back to work," I say walking off.

"Hey, Jason," I called my best friend who was eating in the kitchen.

"Yeah, man?" He asks with his mouth full.

"I'm leaving for the day you're in charge, Don't mess anything up.

"Alright." He says and I grab the keys to my BMW. An hour later I pull up at Mel's dad's or her house. If I'm being honest my place will probably never feel like home to her. I walk up to the door and hear laughing so I turn on my wolf hearing.

"So for your birthday party tomorrow we could have a 4 tiered cake, a few chips, and open presents. Then at night we teens can go to the club and get hammered." A young girl's voice said. Wait.. her birthday's tomorrow and I didn't know? I'm a terrible mate.

"Ariana I'm not sure I'm okay with you getting drunk but yeah it sounds fun." I hear Mel respond happily. I haven't heard her that happy unless she was around Emily.

"But I can't go to the club," Emily says, winning.

"You can stay with your grandpa, how's that sound?" An older man's voice says.

"Can I, can I mommy Mel?" Emily says, sounding excited.

"Yes, and thank you, dad." She says.

"Anytime." He responds.

"Now onto decor," Evelyn says.

"Axels outside," Emily says, clearly smelling me. I am her alpha.

"Who's Axel?" Her dad asks.

"Just somebody I know." She answers her mood dropping god I hate that I caused her mood to drop. The door swings open and she stands there with Emily on her hip.

"What." She hisses.

"You can't leave without saying so," I say simply, and her face flares red.

"Emily darling, go hang out with my dad and auntie Lyn kay?" She says putting Emily down.

"Okay." She says running off and Mel shuts the door leaving us on the porch. Mel closes the door and glares at me angrily.

"I am not your possession. I am staying with my father and sister for a few days to celebrate with people I actually love. If not for Emily I would never come back but she's going to need her pack." She calmly but there was a fire in her eyes.

"You are mine!" I growl out.

"No, I'm not if I was and if you actually loved or even cared about me you would let me leave the damn room I am your fucking mate, not a damn prisoner." She shouts, "I just wanted to see my friends and family again. You're never around, you ignore me why won't you just reje-" I cut her off slamming my fist into the wall and grabbed her by the throat and her breath hitched.

"How many times do I have to say that you are mine, you aren't leaving," I growled fear flashed and I backed away from her feeling the regret of what I've just done. "I'm so sorry," I say.

"It's fine," She says, touching my arm but I jerked back. I had hurt her. "I don't blame you, Axel, it's okay," She says softly I tried to jerk away again when she wrapped her arms around me but she wouldn't let go.

"You're right you are my mate and I should treat you as my equal, not a prisoner," I say ashamed of how I had been treating her.

"Thank you." She breathes out and we both stand there looking at each other until she breaks the silents. "Wanna come in?" She asks.

"Are you sure?" I ask unsure.

"I mean I'm your mate and if I accept you we'll get married so might as well meet the fam and besides we're planning my birthday and I guess it'll be cheaper if I get to use your club for free." She says smiling and I smile back.

"Alright," I say suddenly, nervous I've never met someone's dad. "Wait!" I shot nervously and she turned around confused. "What if they don't like me?" I ask for the first time ever self-conscious, and she laughs. "I'm nervous and you're laughing great," I mutter and she laughs harder.

"It...Just you're a big bad Alpha and you're scared to meet my dad and little sister." She says laughing between words.

"Yeah yeah soak it up if I care if my Human mate's dad loves me it's not like you're a wolf I can't just explain that I loved you the minute after meeting you not mentioning that your 17 and I'm 23," I say annoyed that she wasn't seeing how important this all was.

"Hey, It'll be alright plus I turn 18 tomorrow." She says giving my hand a reassuring squeeze. We start to walk toward the living room where everyone is when Mel stops.

"What?" I asked confused when she looked at me.

"Does the mate bond work on me?" She asks and my eyebrows knit together.

"I mean it's supposed to but then again no one has ever had a human mate," I say shrugging and she nods and keeps walking.

"Dad, Ariana this is Axel he's my...." She spaces off. "My boyfriend." She says her dad shakes my hand and Emily jumps on Mel.

"He's fine, nice job sis oh and older so I approve," Ariana says.

"Exactly how old are you?" Her dad asks, giving me a once-over.

"23 years old sir," I say, still very nervous Mel grabs my hand.

"Have you two been sexual because if so that's illegal." Her dad says seriously.

"No sir we have not," I say looking him directly in the eyes so he knows I'm not lying.

"Well then nice to meet you lad." her dad says clapping my back

"Holy shit I know who you are!" Ariana exclaims.

"Languages Aria! And who is he? He's not a criminal is he?" Her dad asks quickly.

"God no dad he's Axel Creed the owner of the Creed Blackout Club!" Ariana screams.

"Yeah, Mel said y'all were going to throw her party at my club," I say, and Ariana squeals.

"Holy shit I'm going to the Blackout Club!" she says and Mel laughs and shakes her head at her sister. We talked a while. I even had dinner with them, but after a bit, I left and got Mel something for her birthday then back home making sure Jason didn't burn it down.

(1167 Words)

Tue, Sep 3, 2019

Edited: Saturday, July 11, 2020

10:32 pm

I love Tom! Don't yall? Anywho her backstabbing bitch of a best friend will be back also so will Andrea. The next parts going to get very real. Also, a flashback about her mom so read and enjoy. <3 :) also, I love the mother-daughter relationship between Maria and Emily.

Also, I ship my own characters even tho Axel can be an ass but in his defense, he dated Brittney *cue eye roll* 

Rewritten: 2-17-2021

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