In the one where she tells her family

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Dear Diary,
I'm telling my parents today, Tyler will take his parents today too. Pray for me god, that I do great. Well that they take okay, at least. Let's pray for Ty too I need him alive.
-Yours Truly Scarlett

•    •    •    • Scarlett POV •    •    •    •

The sun is shining bright today. I get up from bed and I begin doing my daily morning routine.

"Morning Scottie." E greets as I come out of the shower.

"Morning E." I say as I finish getting ready.

"I'm telling mom and dad today. Ty and I talked about it." I say.

"Good." She says giving me a small smile. Once we're done I take her hand and give her a smile and leading us to my room.

"We need to talk." I say. We take a seat on my bed.

"What?" Elena asks, I give her a smile.

"I want you to be my child's godmother. I know  it's a lot of res-"

"Yes yes yes. A thousand times yes." E says smiling.

"Thank you Elena, it means so much, to Tyler and I. To our baby." I say smiling at her pulling her into a hug.

"I love you Scottie, I will love this baby as my own." E says making me smile. I feel tears form in my eyes, happy tears.

"I love you E, and thank you for loving my child." I say smiling wide at her. She nods smiling.

"Ahh I'm so excited!" E says and laughs excitingly.

•    •    •    •

We're all sitting in the sitting in the dinning table. Dad and mom are talking about something. Elena is looking at me giving me a small smile.

"Mom, Dad I have to tell you something important." I say playing with my food with my work. I look up to them. "In private."  I say.

"We'll y'all after dinner sweetheart." Mom says giving me a small smile. I nod my head giving her a small smile, I continue eating my food. e gives me another small smile. We eat and talk about anything. Jer is talking about his art.

After dinner Jer and Elena go up to their room, I go to mine and pull out the box with the pregnancy test. I take it downstairs and I see my parents sitting on the couch.

"I just, I need to say one thing before I spill my guts. I love you guys, and I hope after I tell you what I do your love won't change." I say.

"We love you Scottie no matter what." Dad says.

"Just please, try not to freak out. I just I'm scared." I say as tears form in my eyes. I give them the box, "I'm pregnant." I say and I open it for them.

"Mom, I'm so scared, mommy." I say as I feel tears escape my eyes. "Daddy, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry." I say.

"I love you, no matter what. Scottie, your mom and I love you. We do this together, you're my daughter I won't let you do this alone." Dad says coming to me and wrapping his arms around me into a hug.

"I'll kick doors down and find his bonehead ass, and shove my foot up his ass for you Sweetheart"  Dad says. I cry and I give him a smile.

"Daddy no but thank you seriously." I say.

"Baby. Sweetheart, look at me. Your dad and I love you, whatever you decide we will be by your side."  Mom says holding my face and I nod at her.

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