The Hunt Part Two

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Sam is reading a newspaper article about Dustin. A minute later, Dean and Lottie come outside, laughing Dean waving a wad of cash in the air.

"You know, we could get day jobs once in a while." Sam says.

"I'm only doing this once in my life." Lottie says.

"Hunting's our day job. And the pay is crap." Dean says.

"Yeah, but hustling pool? Credit card scams? It's not the most honest thing in the world, Dean." Sam says, Lottie doesn't say anything she knows it's a family matter.

"Well, let's see honest." Dean Says holding out one hand. "Fun and easy." He holds out the other, and gestures that "fun and easy" outweighs "honest". "It's no contest. Besides, we're good at it. It's what we were raised to do." Dean says.

"Yeah, well, how we were raised was jacked." Sam says.

"Yeah, says you. We got a new gig or what?" Dean says.

"Maybe. Oasis Plains, Oklahoma - not far from here. A gas company employee, Dustin Burwash, supposedly died from Creutzfeldt-Jakob." Sam says.

"Huh?" Dean asks.

"Human mad cow disease." Sam says.

"Mad cow. Wasn't that on Oprah?" Dean says making Lottie giggle, which Dean tries hard not the smile, at the girl's giggle.

"You watch Oprah?" Sam questions his older brother.

"Embarrassed, can't think of anything to say." Dean says.

"Ooo guilty pleasure." Lottie says teasing Dean.

"So this guy eats a bad burger. Why is it our kind of thing?" Dean asks changing the subject.

"Mad cow disease causes massive brain degeneration. It takes months, even years, for the damage to appear. But this guy, Dustin? Sounds like his brain disintegrated in about an hour. Maybe less." Sam explains.

"Okay, that's weird." Lottie says.

"Yeah. Now, it could be a disease. Or it could be somethin' much nastier." Sam says.

"All right. Oklahoma." Dean says. They get in the car. "Man. Work, work, work. No time to spend my money." Dean says.

"I can spend If for you, online shopping. New shoes, shirts, coats, or lingerie." Lottie whispers the last part into Deans ear, making him shift.

• • • •


We get out of the car and approach Travis. Deans eyes wonder off to Scarlett who is wearing a tight plaid skirt with see through leggings and long sleeve white shirt.

"Travis Weaver?" Sam asks.

"Yeah, that's right." Travis says.

"Are you the Travis who worked with Uncle Dusty?" Dean asks.

"Dustin never mentioned nephews." Travis asks. "And?" He asks as he motion to Lottie's.

"Dean's girlfriend, Lottie." Sam says. Lottie smiles at the guy, as Dean moves his hand onto Lottie's hip giving it a squeeze.

"Really? Well, he sure mentioned you. He said you were the greatest." Dean says

"Yeah." Sam says.

"Oh, he did? Huh." Travis asks smiling.

"Listen, we wanted to ask you... what exactly happened out there?" Dean asks.

"I'm not sure. He fell in a sinkhole, I went to the truck to get some rope, and, uh... by the time I got back..." Travis says.

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