In the one with the secret meetings

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Dear Diary,

So I know what's wrong, and I'm still
trying to process it. I'm pregnant and Ty and are keeping our baby. We are still do decide who are going to be the godparents and how to tell our parents. Wish me luck that they don't kill us.
-Your Truly Scarlett

•    •    •    •Scarlett's POV•    •    •    •

"Mom can you drop me off?" I ask.

"Yes hun, so what's our excuse this time?" She asks.

"I'm in the next town at their coffee shop and big library." I say. She nods her head.

"Where's dad?" I ask.

"He left early one of his patients ene into early delivery." She says I nod my head. And I gather my things and then we make our way to the car.

"Now behave, I know you love learning from Sheila, but you behave yourself young lady, I don't need your siblings questioning what's going on." Mom says. I give her a smile and it's her check. I hug her tight.

"You're the best mom." I say.

"I love you, sweetheart." She says.

"I love you. Take care, be safe." I say getting off the car. "Text when you get to your destination." I say making her smile. And right before I knock Sheila opens the door smiling. I greet her wine a hug and kiss on the check.

"Are you ready for your lesson?" She asks. I nod my head.

"Have you told your parents or anyone?" She asks. "Now, we're going to start a spell." She says I smile and we behind to do a spell. This one is a little complicated than the previous ones I've done.

"So umh Sheila, um never mind." I say. She raises her eyebrow at me. "I was going to ask if Bonnie is one but it's none of my business." I say giving her a small smile.

"Thank you, for teaching me, I'm glad you are, you're like my a grandma to me." I say rambling on. My eyes widen once I realize what I said. "I-I I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable." I apologize for my weird behavior.

"It's fine, you can call me grandma, I don't mind. I mean if you're okay with it." She smile at me.

"I'd like that grandma." I smile.

"When Bonnie's time comes, I hope you're honest with her." she says. I smile at her and I nod my head. We practice some spells.

"Scarlett, you seem distracted." She says.

"I'm just tired, worried for school and the towns events." I say giving her small smile.

"I know, child. If you need anything I'm here." She says making me smile widely.

"Thank you grandma." I say and then we do another spell.

•    •    •    •

"Hey baby" Ty greets and kisses me as I lay on my bed.

"Hi baby." I say. Ty moves down to my flat stomach and kisses it.

"Hello to my child in there. This is daddy speaking." He says making me laugh.

"Shhh." I say and I smack him lightly.

"So I was thinking, who you be the godparents?" Ty asks.

"I think you should be in charge of the godfather and I'll be in charge of the godmother." I say.

"I know you already have someone in mind." Ty says.

"Yeah I do." I say giving him a smile.

"Elena." We both say at the same time making us laugh.

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