Miss Mystic Falls

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Elena and Lottie are both sitting in the dining room eating breakfast.

"How are you feeling?" Lottie asks.

"I'm okay." Elena smiles.

"Have you heard about Miss Mystic Falls?" Lottie asks.

"No, I haven't checked." Elena says.

"I'm sure you got in." Lottie gives her a small smiles. Elena nods her head.


Lottie waits for Elena outside in the hallway.

"So how did it go?"  Lottie asks.

"It was okay." Elena gives her a small smile.

"I know you're doing this for mom. I'm proud of you E."  Lottie smiles.

•    •    •    •

Caroline and Bonnie enter the room where the dancing is occurring, Bonnie sees Elena and Stefan leaving.

"Bonnie. Hey." Elena greets.

"Hey, how are you?" Stefan greets Bonnie. She doesn't answer, Elena and Stefan feel that there's a problem.

"I begged Bonnie to fill in for Matt, he had to work today." Caroline says.Elena looks at Bonnie.

"Bonnie, do you have a minute?" Elena asks."We only have 30 minutes for rehearsal." Bonnie says.

"It'll only take a minute, please?" Elena aks. They walk out of the room. Caroline and Stefan share a look.

"Bonnie, you have to tell me what's wrong."Elena says.

"It not worth talking about." Bonnie says.

"What do you mean not worth it? You barely said ten words to me and you won't even look at Stefan. Is that what it is? Is it Stefan?" Elena says.

"Listen, Elena, I can't just pretend that everything's okay. Everything my Grams did was to protect us from those vampires in the tomb. And now they're out which means she died for nothing." Bonnie explains with tears in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry Bonnie. What can I do to make it better?" Elena asks.

"That's just did, there's nothing you can do. I blame him, Elena, him and Damon and I'm not gonna put you in a situation where you have to choose sides. I'm just having a hard time with it, okay? Now I know Ettie got hurt and kidnapped by being near them."Bonnie says. Elena

Stefan is listening to them, he knows getting close to his niece . Stefan is walking across the campus. He gets to the basketball court. One of the players has injured himself and is bleeding. Stefan tenses up and can't turn away from the scene. Alaric touches his shoulder. Stefan strangles Alaric. He realizes who it is and let's go.

"Stefan! Are you okay?" Alaric asks.

"Yes, I'm sorry. I was just...I was feeling a little sick." Stefan says. He leaves, Alaric watches him.

•    •    •    •

Elena goes down the stairs, she has her dress in her arms. Someone knocks at the door she opens it and it reveals Alaric.

"Hey." Elena greets.

"Hi." Alaric greets.

"I heard you're driving." Lottie says coming towards the door.

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