Astrid's Descovery

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{I'm so s'rry for the late chapter, I'm trying To cheer myself up. And it's not working.

But I promise I'll have more chapter for this and the other books.

Anyways, short chapter. But a short chapter is better then no chapter.

So on with the Chapter}

Hiccup's P.O.V.

I sigh to myself as I throw some fish into my cave a found at the cove.

Toothless laying by the state spring sleeping. I sigh again then shift into my Dragon form.

"Toothless!" I yell to him. "I caught some fish!"

He wakes up coming to me.

"What kind?"

I look at him. "Fish. I don't know what kind. I'm not a fish expert." I tell him tipping the barrel over with my tail.

He started to eat some then tossed a fish to me.

"I'm not hungry." I tell him.

He stopped eating and looked at me. "Not hungry? When are you not hungry?"

"Right now. Okay."

He looked at me. "Okay. What's bugging you?"

"Nothing. I'm just...."


"Toothless. I'm fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I curl up in the corner, eating some fish.

"Are you okay?" I ask him remembering him crashing into the ground.

He looked at me. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you crashed into the ground after you and Hookfang crashed." I say.

He moved his wings a little bit.

"A little sore, but I'll be fine." He said.

I get to my paws slowly.

Toothless and I have eaten all the fish.

"I'll go get more." I say waddling or of the cave.

As soon as tere was room to stretch I shifted, grabbing a bucket.


I froze after my name was said.

I turn around slowly only to see....

"... Astrid..."

Astrid's P.O.V.

*Couple minutes earlier*

I walk through the trees, throwing my axe at every tree, not missing any.

If that Night Fury comes around, it'll have to go through me, before it can get to Hiccup and Toothless.

Speaking of Hiccup, I haven't seen him all night. He did say he was staying in the cove for the night.

Don't know why.

Stormfly walked up, behind me, squawking at every bird that flew past.

I suddenly get to the Cove. I see a cave. Toothless is in there.

Carefully, I climb down, not wanting to fall. Once I get into view. I see Toothless laying there eating fish. I hide behind a bush.

To my complete shock, the Green Night Fury comes out of the cave.

Hiccup knows the Night Fury.

The Night Fury suddenly blurred charming into a human.

... Hiccup IS the Night Fury!!


He froze. He dropped the basket, then turned.


The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now