Hiccup's Chance

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Astrid's P.O.V.

Stormfly and I fly up ahead.

The dragon academy was told to look in the sky just in case.

I don't believe Hiccup would do this. I know that's not him. He's going to pull back.

He's never known for harming someone. Hiccup's more of a peace maker then one to start fights.

All this goes through my mind, I don't even know where I am.

I hope Hiccup is okay though.

I fly to the end of the island, then look around. Nothing here.

I was hoping Hiccup took his dragon team and left. I don't want him to leave. But if he needs to keep himself safe, is rather he left then trying to fight.

Stormfly turned around heading back to Berk when I hear a Dragon screech.

Multiple ones.

Oh no. They found Hiccup!

Amber's POV.

I tackle down a large Hideous Zippleback, flipping it.

The vikings found us, just as we were heading back to the cave.

There were more then Hiccup said there was. An entire Armada. And dragons.

I saw Hiccup tackle down a Nightmare then take down some vikings.

Thankfully. NightStorm, Claw and Moonrise came to help.

Hiccup was lucky he had me and Toothless with him.

But Berk had more Dragons then Hiccup said.

Hiccup said there would only be a few from the Dragon Academy.

But there were a lot more.

Toothless and Moonrise, both tackled down some Nadder's

I look over when I see a Blue Nadder and a Girl with blonde hair land, getting ready to fight.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I try to make out which dragons were ours and which were Hiccup's.

I managed to locate, Barf and Belch, Meatlug, and Hookfang.

I can see Toothless and some other Naddef right down another Nadder. Hiccup was no where to be seen.

That worried me. I look to Stormfly then grab my Battle axe.

Just as I was about to fight, I get pinned down by a purple Nadder.

It looked at me with a death look.

This wasn't one of ours. Defiantly Hiccup.

It was about to shot a blast when a blur of green knocked the Nadder off of me.

I sit up a little to see the Nadder and... A green Night Fury...


"What are you doing?!" The Nadder screeched. It sounded female.

I can understand her. She's half Nadder.

"No one hurts her!" Hiccup snarled.

"But she's part of the armada!" The Nadder hissed.

"No. One. Hurts. Her!" Hiccup snarled then flipped her over, onto her stomach.

"If you do so much as touch her, I will kill you!" Hiccup snarled again.

The Nadder backed up, letting Hiccup take charge.

"Okay." She said as he released her. She flew off to help the others.

As soon as she was gone, I look to Hiccup.

He turned his blue gaze to me.

"Why'd you do that?" I ask.

"I couldn't let her kill you." He said.

"But your fighting Berk. Why didn't you let her kill me?" I ask.

He sighed. "Because I can't Attack Berk. I can't harm them." He said.


"Because your there. And so is everyone else I care about." He said.

I was going to say something when I hear more Dragons Screech. Hiccup turned to see two of his dragons cornering his father.

Hiccup took flight, flying over quickly. I get on Stormfly flying over. Toothless managed to get there as well.

Hiccup tackled the Nightmare and Nadder, pinning them to trees.

The Nadder out up a fight with him, but after a short fight, the Nadder was unconscious.

The Nightmare went for him, but Toothless and the Nadder that tried to kill me, both threw him off, throwing him into a tree knocking him out.

Toothless looked to the Nadder then to Hiccup.

Stoick regained his strength, spotting Hiccup.

"The Night Fury."

Hiccup then flew up as quick as he could, followed by Toothless and the two Purple Nadder's.

Stormfly flew up as well, joining them.

"There's too many, Hiccup." One of the Nadder's said.

Hiccup shook the blood from his ear then looked to me.

"Astrid. What was there plan?" He asked.

"Your father wanted you dead." I say. "Like the Night Fury you."

"He doesn't know I'm a Night Fury?" He asked.

I shake my head. "We covered for you, telling him that you left with the Night Fury, and that the Night Fury was planing to raid Berk." I explain.

He looked at me. "So if they find the Night Fury, they'll find me." he said.


Toothless circled Hiccup, facing him.

"Hiccup, we need to retreat. We can't fight anymore." He started.

"We're outnumbered." He said.

Hiccup looked at him.

"Your injured too." Toothless added.

"I'll be okay." Hiccup insisted shaking the blood off his ear plate again.

An arrow suddenly flew at us, piercing Hiccup's tail-fin making him lost balance.

He struggled to keep himself up right when a Bola, shot at him taking him down.

The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now