Night In The Cove

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"You're the Night Fury?!" I hiss at him.

He nodded slowly. "Yea."

"And you never told me?!"

"I-I couldn't. I was told I couldn't!" He protested.

"By whom?"

"Toothless. He said I can't tell anyone!"

I relent. "Toothless told you?"


"Y-You can talk to dragons."


Stormfly came up beside me then chirped.

"Okay." I start. "What did she just say?" I ask.

"She said, I was one of the first to find out!" He replied.

"You really can talk to dragons!" I say.

He nodded. I look at him. A thought comes to mind.

"That's Why you didn't want to find the Night Fury. Because it was you!"

He nodded. "If my dad ever found the Night Fury, he'd kill me before he knew, it was me." Hiccup told me.

"I thought I could go without getting noticed. But then the villager saw me, and everything changed."

I look at him. "This is a life or death situation with you." I say.

He nodded again.

"Hiccup.. I could've helped you. Your father could kill you, your right. He'd never know the difference between a dragon and his son."

Hiccup looked to me. "Promise me something." He said.

"Not to tell anyone!"

"Please. Don't." He sighed.

I look at him. He looked scared now. It's like if someone knew what he was, he'd die.

"Your secrets safe with me."

He smiled. "Thanks."

He then looked behind him at the cave.

"Eh, would you like to stay?"


"How long have you been.. Well, a Night Fury?" I ask.

We were sitting in the cave. Toothless and Stormfly were in the back of the cave.

Hiccup and I were by the mouth of the cave by the fire.

"Since the Red Death battle." He answered.

"And you didn't say anything."

"I couldn't."

I think for a moment.

"Everything that happened to you was because of the Dragon."

He nodded.

I give him a look.

Toothless snorted behind us.

Hiccup looked over to him, then looked to me. "We should get some rest." He said.

I get up slowly, following him.

He let the fire die down a little, but, light enough to project heat.

He curled up beside Toothless, as I did with Stormfly.

I lay there for a moment.


"Yeah Astrid."

"What do you think will happen if someone did find out you're a dragon?" I ask.

He sighed. "I don't know." He started.

"But I know, I won't live to see much of it."

The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now