Backing Down?

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I watch both dragons fall to the ground. Snotlout flew into a bush, but Hiccup was no where to be seen.

Toothless landed on the ground with his wings wrapped around his body.

"Go see if Snotlout is okay!" I say to the twins and Fishlegs as I run to Toothless.

"Hiccup!" I yell, sinking next to the black dragon.

I heard Hiccup cough as he pushed Toothless' wing out of the way.

"You okay?" I ask.

"I think so."

"Are you hurt?" I ask.

"I don't know."

"Can you feel anything?" I ask one more question.

"Uh. I don't know."

Toothless slowly stirred, opening his eyes. "You okay Bud?" Hiccup asked him.

Toothless snorted his answer.

Hiccup smiled faintly. I take his arm helping him stand. "Let me help."

As soon as he stood up he yelped in pain, cringing.

"Hiccup. What's wrong?"

He cringed again. "My leg." He groaned.

"Which one?"

He looked at me, before leaning against Toothless. "My good one."

"Can you move it?"

"No. Not really." He groaned.

"You should get it looked at!" I tell him.

"No. I'm fine." He said before putting pressure on it. He collapsed, making me catch him.

"You're. Not fine." I say to him.

"I'm fine."

I sigh then help him over to the others.

"Is Snotlout okay?" I ask.

"Little Dizzy." Snotlout replied.

"But I'm good."

He ran looked to Hiccup.

"What about you?"

Hiccup shrugged.

"He hurt his leg." I say.

Snotlout snickered. "That's what you get for not backing off." He said.

"Me?" Hiccup hissed, his bright blue eyes narrowed. "You're the one who didn't back off!"

"Okay. We don't need to start a fight, you two." Fishlegs started.

I balance Hiccup again. "C'mon. Let's get you home." I say, leading Hiccup away.


I sit by the great hall alone. Hiccup was with his dad again.

He should be back soon.

I think Hiccup's losing his mind.

He never does what he did.

Not backing down from the collision. It's like he wanted to make Snotlout fight him. It's not him.

I think he's sick. Or just.. nah. I think he's sick.

Everything he does is not... Hiccup like.

His eye color, the raw fish. His hearing, knowing what we're up to. His defenses are going crazy making him kill that Viking. He as taking to the dragons, and was extremely denial about finding that Night Fury.

Knowing Hiccup, he would be excited in finding another Night Fury. But he seemed to disagree.

And the sad thing is, he doesn't know what he's doing.

I hear Toothless screech telling me he's here. Toothless landed by Stormfly as Hiccup slid off. I can to him helping him.

"What did Gothi say?" I ask him helping him to the steps where I was sitting.

"Sprained." He started. "But I'll be fine."

We sat, staying silent for a moment.

"Hey." He started. "I need to talk to you." He said.


"I know, I've been acting a little weird lately." He started.

"You think."

"I'm just telling you I'm sorry." He said. He stayed silent for a moment.

"And about the Night Fury." he started again. "What if I know the Night Fury?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I knew it? They said it was with Toothless. So it was clearly with me." He said.

I look at him. "Is that why you didn't want to go after it?" I ask.

"Eh. Sorta."

I sigh again. "Hiccup. You're dad is doing what's best for he village. And if there is a wild Night Fury out there, anything could happen. We all know how dangerous Night Furries are."

He sighed. "Yeah I know."

"And you're dad. Doesn't want anything to happen to you." I add. "He almost lost you once. He doesn't want to lose you again." I say.

"That's true..." Hiccup sighed kicking some snow with his prosthetic.

We stayed silent for a moment. I decide to break the silence.

"So..." I start.

"So... What?"

"How bout you and Snotlout?"


"You two plainly collided with each other." I say.

"What, he deserved it."

I smile. There's the Hiccup I know... Well. Sorta. I look to him for a moment.

"Sure he did, Hiccup. Sure he did."

The last two chapters were short, but I'm trying to get back Into this.

I think I needed a break from it. But I'm back now. if I update late, I'm sorry. But I'll try.

The Soul Of A Night Fury [How To Train Your Dragon] EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now