Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine:

Bryce's POV

Blossom tugs gently on my hand, and when I look down at her shivering frame I know what she wants.

"Tomorrow is the first day of December, baby. You've got to start wearing actual jackets when we go out," I tell her with a sigh, slipping my leather jacket off.

Just as I'm about to drape the jacket over her shoulders, she shakes her head at me. Quietly, she then says, "It's okay. I don't want you to be cold too. I just was wondering if we could go sit inside somewhere."

"Sure, sweetheart," I respond, draping the jacket over her shoulders nonetheless as I know that she's certainly colder in that thin sweater than I am in this heavy sweatshirt.

She gives me a smile, not letting go of my hand as she guides us towards the building to our left. As far as I can tell, the main part of Juilliard is just a huge, angular glass building, and so I follow her inside through one of the back doors without any comment.

The hallways aren't very busy, as there still isn't class today. More students are seated in the sitting areas along the side walls than walking down the hallway, and when Blossom spots a vacant couch with a small table in front of it, she grins up at me before pulling me towards it.

Shrugging the jacket off of her shoulders, Blossom takes a seat on the small sofa, setting my jacket down beside herself. She pats the spot next to her and so I sit down as well, not able to resist a small smile from creeping up onto my lips as she drapes her legs across my lap.

"Today is so bizarre. Last night was fantastic, though. I really enjoyed it. It's just funny how everything seems to be going downhill today. Kennedy seems to be having the worst of luck, and we're not going to get any alone time before school starts up again," she says with a sigh, leaning her cheek against my shoulder.

I really don't want Blossom to end up with a ton of stress over problems that aren't her own. I know that she's just trying to be a good friend to Kennedy, but I don't know how much my girl could help Kennedy choose between two guys, both of which she seems really into.

"We'll be living together in no time, baby girl. We'll be able to spend all the time in the world together, and you'll still have time to see Kennedy. Don't worry yourself out," I whisper, watching Blossom's eyes tear up the slightest bit.

"I still have to talk to my parents about moving in with you. I can't do it without their permission, even though I'm eighteen: I just wouldn't feel right about it," Blossom says sadly.

I rest my hand on her thigh, giving it a squeeze. I feel the shiver rake through her body, and I get some satisfaction knowing that I can affect her so easily.

"Your dad seems to hate me slightly less now, and your mom is pretty okay with our relationship. I think that that conversation will probably go smoothly," I then reassure my girl, who is doing her best to cling to every part of me.

When she doesn't respond, I allow us to sit in silence for a few moments to gather our thoughts. I subconsciously reach for Blossom's left hand, beginning to play with her ring as my mind drifts towards the topic of Anders and Scarlett.

A question that I've had boiling up inside of me since yesterday suddenly feels important enough to say, and so no matter how childish it makes me sound, I quietly ask Blossom, "You're not actually interested in Anders, are you?"

Always ThereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon