Bloody Hell

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It was the day after game night and you woke up feeling all crampy and grumpy. You went to the bathroom.
"Well shit!" You said. You got out of the bathroom and grabbed a clean pair of underwear and a pad. You were not looking forward to going into work. Cause let's face it, you were always a massive bitch the first day of your period. Kara knew it, Alex knew it. Winn, well, the poor baby has never seen you on your period.
"Well, this will be fun." You said sarcastically. You put on your work outfit and Winn came over to pick you up for work.
Winn opened the car door for you and could tell something was wrong.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Winn asked.
"Um..." you said squeamishly.
"What is it?" He asked worried.
"I'm on my period..." you said.
"Oh, maybe you should just call in sick today, we can stay in and watch movies and cuddle." He told you.
"No, because they saw me yesterday. Plus... I'm not a very good liar." You told him. He nodded his head and you got in the car, and he got back in, you guys buckled up, and then began to drive off.
"I really hope I dont get fired..." You said quietly.
"What? Why would you get fired?" Winn asked confused.
"Let's just sat I'm a bit of a bitch the first day of my, well, bloody hell as i call it."
Winn busted up laughing. You gave him a grumpy look, and then he stopped.
You guys arrived at the D.E.O and for the first time in a long time you got there on time.
"Look who is on time." Alex said.
"Oh fuck off." You stated.
Winn gave you a wide eyed stare. You looked down embarrassed and sat down at your computer and got to work.
Alex could tell something was up and was determined to figure out what was going on.
"Hey, L/N, can we talk for a minute." Alex asked you.
"Umm... okay." You said nervously. You and Alex headed outside to talk. You were hoping you weren't in trouble.
"What's up?" She asked you in a gentle tone.
"I'm on my bloody hell." You told her.
"That explains the whole 'fuck off' thing." She said.
"Yeah, sorry." You told her.
"Hey, it's fine. Just be careful with Jonn. He might not be so forgiving with that." Alex warned. You nodded your head and then you guys headed back into the D.E.O. When you guys came back inside Kara gave Alex a questioning look. Alex mouthed that you were on your period. Kara gave you a pitiful look and you smiled back at her half heartedly.
You sat down back at your computer by Winn and then got back to work.
You didnt really want to work, but you figured if you didn't that you would probably be fired. An alert for an alien attack popped up on the computers.
"Oh, well shit. Kara!" You yelled.
"Yeah?" She asked.
"Alien attack at Noonan's." You told her.
"Not Noonan's!" She whined as she headed out.

Kara's POV

"Hey! How about you leave here." Supergirl said.
"How about I dont!" the alien said holding a gun to a woman at the register. Supergirl walked up to the alien and then the alien shot at her with the gun.
Supergirl rolled her eyes.
"When with you guys learn, guns dont work on me." She said knock him out.
Kara then brought the alien to the D.E.O for holding.

Your POV

"Well, that was easier than I thought. And Y/N, that was a robbery, not an attack. Learn the difference. That could mean life or death you know."
"Whatever Kara. It was an accident I didnt do it on purpose." You told her.
"I know, just be more careful next time." She told you.
"I know, I will." You told her. It was finally 6 PM which meant, you could go home, and watch star wars and cuddle with Winn.
You and Winn got in his car and drove to your apartment.
You pulled out star wars 1-3 and made some popcorn. Once the popcorn was finished you put on some sweats and then sat down on the couch with Winn.
"I'm so glad I have you in my life." You told him.
"I'm lucky to have you. You're so amazing." Winn told you.
"I'm just glad periods dont disgust you." You chuckled.
"Why would I be disgusted? It's a natural thing." He told you.
"Well my last boyfriend got so disgusted and wouldn't go near me until my period was over, I was actually on my period when he cheated on me." You told him.
"He sounds like an asshole. Why did you date him, or stay with him?" Winn asked you.
"Well, to be honest, I was scared to be alone." You told him. "But after he broke my heart for the fifth time, and made me feel totally worthless, I decided I would rather be alone then be hurting."
"I swear to you Y/N L/N, I will never, ever hurt you. I promise." Winn assured you. You looked at him and snuggled closer into him. You began to smile and watched the movie. He looked you in the eye.
"I love you so much." Winn told you.
"I love you too." You told him. You fell asleep watching the second movie. By the time you realised you fell asleep it was already 7 in the morning, you woke up and realised you weren't in bed. Then you felt arms around your waist and saw that Winn had been holding you.
"Morning." He groaned.
"You stayed?" You asked him suprised.
"Yeah, you looked comfortable and I didnt want to wake you." He told you.
"Thanks," you said.
"For what?" He asked
"For showing me, that I am worth loving." You told him. You smiled into his chest and fell back asleep. The two of you spent the entire morning like this.

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