Earth 1

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You pushed the button on your extrapalator. You, Winn, and Alex walked through the breach.
The breach opened into the cortex where Cisco, Barry, Iris, and Caitlin were talking.
"Hey Cisco?" You asked.
"Hey! How've you been?" He asked.
"Well, I need some help..." you told him.
"Sure. Anything. What's up?" He asked. You then shot sound waves, knocking Winn down.
"That. Sorry Winn." You said.
"Its fine." He said.
"Um... well that's new." Cisco said. After saying that Ralph had walked into the cortex.
"Ralph? Is that you?" You asked.
"Hey! Y/N! It's good to see you. What are you doing here?" You showed Ralph what you were capable of doing and they all went wide eyed.
"Yeah, Y/N, do you mind if we run some tests?" Caitlin asked you.
"That's why I came here guys. I knocked my ex on his ass."
"Which one?" Barry asked.
"The one I met on this Earth. I dont know how he got to Earth 38." You said.
"Well, let's run those tests." Caitlin said.
You nodded your head and went into the room where they ran the tests. You and Caitlin saw that you were indeed affected by the dark matter.
"First time we checked it didnt show anything." You said.
"I guess the powers took time to manifest, just like it did with some of the others." Caitlin told you.
Winn and Cisco were standing in the corner of the room talking about star wars and video games.
"Hey," you said to Caitlin. "Am I good to go back to my Earth?"
"This is technically your Earth." She said.
"This isnt where I grew up most of my life. Promise you guys will visit some time. Or I'll come here. It was nice seeing you guys. Especially you Ralph. I'm glad you didnt die in the bus." You said.
"Yeah, you too." He said and you waved goodbye.
You pushed the button on the extrapalator and left.

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