Chapter 21. Gnumus

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Bai: Quibeek

They cautiously made their way down the ship's dark hallway. They had left the comfort of the sunlight a long time ago, and now relied on the small emergency lights provided by their suits and the ominous dim-blue glow from the plasma ceiling of the ship.

EkirBai's nerves had calmed down a bit, although still fearful of whatever could be lurking in the dark, abandoned rooms that she and Byralnus quietly passed.

The floor was flooded in what looked like a thick oily tar that they had to walk though, and the only noises heard between them was the heavy breathing from Bai and their own footsteps as they sloshed though the mysterious goop.

"Byralnus!" Hissed Bai silently. Her voice was soft but it sounded loud as it cut through the silence. "Byralnus, what is this black stuff we've been walking though?"

Byralnus glanced back at her. "Is it hurting you?"

"No... I don't think so... it's just gross."

Byralnus shook his crystalline head. "I don't know what it is. Probably something leaking from the ship."

They continued in silence once again, but Bai was sick of the eerie silence.

"Byralnus?" Bai hissed again.

"Yes, EkirBai."

"Are we looking for Tyler AND Short?"

"We are saving Jacobs." Said the captain resoundingly. "But if we happen to find the short Circuit on the way then we will do what we can to capture and detain him."

"And how is a scared Quibeek and an old rock going to do that?" Bai said with a shiver.

Byralnus looked back at her with an amused smile. "EkirBai, the Quibeek species are known for their strength and fearlessness. It is not good for me to hear that the best of the two of us is doubtful of our success."

Bai paled. "You got the wrong girl for this job, Captain. I'm already only a jump scare away from soiling my suit at this point."

Byralnus grimaced. "That's... nice EkirBai. Please refrain from telling me if and when that time actually arrives."

They pressed forward in silence. The dark scenery was for the most part unchanging. Occasionally, large gash marks lined the the metal walls like a large beast had once attempted to carve its way through the inside of the ship.

Could Short possibly be that beast? Bai shivered in the stale air. A prisoner to his own wrecked ship, maybe the lacerated metal were his attempts to free himself. Or was it just manifestations of his pure insanity? She had to remind herself that Short was just a Circuit. Not a beast. Still, Bai could not keep her mind from racing as she examined the deep gashes in the dim light.

Suddenly Byralnus's suit crackled on loudly. "Captain Byralnus? This is Officer Toin." Bai jumped violently, shrieking a little. The voice from the captain's suit blared loudly through the empty passage, echoing off the shadowed walls. Byralnus scrambled to turn the volume down.

"Ruolt!" Cursed Bai under her breath. She was shaking from the shock.

The voice continued, quieter now. "We have reached the coordinates, and located the wreckage. Two members of your team have informed us that they were instructed to stay outside, so we are proceeding into the ship without them."

Suddenly there was a movement from the far end of the corridor. Something had quickly moved from one side to the other into a dark room. Bai gasped in horror.

"EkirBai..." Byralnus said coolly with a hushed voice. "Did you see something move down there?"

Bai nodded, her terror filled eyes wide and searching. She tucked her four arms close to her body and hunched over, attempting to stop her body from shaking.

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