AN 2

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You guys!!

Wattpad is telling me that this story has gotten to a thousand reads! 😱Thats sweet!! I hope that you guys continue to enjoy the story! Like I said... its only going to get better from here, promise! 😉

As per request, I went ahead and loaded this author's note with a bunch of pictures. I think I got all the main character's that you guys would be most curious about, but if there is another character or species you guys want to see, just ask!

So I first want to say that there was a reason why I didn't post a bunch of character pictures in the first place. I know I have some, but I didn't want to do too many. I think there is a beauty in being able to read a story and have your mind envision what everything looks like, as if a movie was playing through your head. Does that happen to you when you read a story?

I also believe that it says a lot about the author if she/he is able to paint that image in the mind of the reader with nothing more than words. I don't know if I am good enough to do that yet, but I am trying. I know my writing needs improvement.

Now to the pictures. Most of the pictures come in two's; the first picture being character art and the second being the species concept. Each picture has a label preceding it so that you know what you are looking at. It gets a little repetitious, I'm sorry about that. I just wanted things to be clear. Also I must apologize for the quality of the pictures, some of the drawings are old and I don't have the best camera/scanning device.

If you have a question, just leave a comment to the picture or the label. Or leave a comment at the end of the chapter, I am not picky. I just enjoy hearing from you! 😊


1) Hudaryous and Natilliea (Hud- Pardos species, Natillea- Human infused Rhaa technology)

2) The Pardos species

3) Tyler Jacobs and Ishnook (Tyler- Human species, Ishnook- Bovase species)

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3) Tyler Jacobs and Ishnook (Tyler- Human species, Ishnook- Bovase species)

3) Tyler Jacobs and Ishnook (Tyler- Human species, Ishnook- Bovase species)

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4) The short Circuit (Circuit species)

5) The Circuit species

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