Chapter 47. Letters of encouragment

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Some letters of encouragement, for the believers:

1. Our universe is almost  incomprehensible in vastness. And the void stretches out even further.
2. We don't see all the life that is out there. We don't hear from them, or see their works and wonders.
3. Yet, we know that we are not alone. Can't you feel it?
4. Life exists here, and what kind of a twisted reality would allow us, only us, this world alone... to be an exception?
5. Does a bacterium subsisting on the hairy head of a Huhve know of the multiplying cell within the beast's foot? Perhaps it ponders a similar question, is there life outside of my world; and the cell, the same.
6. As an axiom: life teems with life.
7.The universe itself expands like the lungs of a wild beast, and we are as the thoughtful bacterium at it's head.
8. Brothers. Sisters. We will soon be out there among them.
9. I write these letters to you, the faithful followers of my race in these troubling times. To encourage you, and to open your eyes to the truth. There shall be more epistles to follow.
10. We are kings. Go forth and be as such.

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