Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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"Hello" I say into the phone.

"Hey, babe, from a scale from 1-10 how excited are you?"

"Off the scale!" I scream in to the phone, while I double-check I have everything for tomorrow, my first day in a new school. School started 2 months ago, but I moved here only a week ago so I'm so excited but still so scared.

"How about I come over and we do a little....studying or something" he says in a low sexy voice.

"Don't be late!" knowing he's going to be at least half an hour late, so I have enough time to take a shower, and get dressed.

After I showered and wore my pjs, I took my laptop, which is a PC unfortunately and it literally stands for Piece of Crap. I went on Netflix, lookimg for a new series I haven't watched yet. That's when I heard a doorbell ring. I closed my laptop and ran downstairs, opened the door.

"So, when are we ...studying" I laugh and close the door.


I get dressed very slowly trying not to wake up Jason, he looks so cute and innocent. I have breakfast which is and always will be lucky charms.I run back upstairs and get my bag and run back down at perfect timing to leave.

"You look cute" I jump not knowing what was right behind me. Jason sitting on the counter
"Thanks" I say smiling.

"Want a ride to school?" he asks

"Jason, I'm trying to have a good reputation and a boyfriend with marshmallows stuck in his teeth doesn't really match it" I say laughing, "I mean isn't bad enough that my accent is different than everybody else's"

"Which will make you the hottest girl in the school" he says "So should I be worried that every single guy in London is way hotter than me?" He says while changing to his clothes.

"Are you kidding, I'm lucky enough to get you, and no one's is hotter than you" I say honestly because a guy with perfect hair and abs, is the guy for me. Serously though, his abs.

"But the guys in London are hot" he says...which is really awkward.

"No... well kind of" I lie, have you seen the guys here, there like models but I have Jason, that's perfect and plus checking guys asses never hurt anyone. "Let's go"

He dropped me off at school and left. It's was huge. It took me a while till I found the office. As soon as I walked in a guy went in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Mark Shirley, I'm your principle, you must be the new student Cassie" He says, way to happy.

"Yea" is the only thing I could think of saying.

"Ok, here is you schedule, and here is you locker number and code, have a great first day!" he says and leaves me.

I walk around the halls to find my locker...I think I'm lost... oh well, it just means I won't have to walk into the middle of a class when everyone will look at me, judging me with their eyes.

I finally found it, locker 483, and I open my locker. I put my bag, grab a note book, a pencil and look at what I have right now...English. I walk looking for the room and then accidentally bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry" I say and then right as he hears my voice, he starts looking at me weird but then has the biggest smile ever, a bit creepy. His accent on the other hand, so hot!

"No problem, are you new?" he asks

"Umm...ya, can I ask you a question, do you know where Mr.Knite's room is?" I ask

"Oh, you have English too, come I'll take you" he walks down a long hall and opens the door.

"Hey Mr. Knite, this is a new student...umm what's your name?" He says with his sea blue eyes.

"Cassie" I said.

"Well nice to meet you Cassie! Take a seat!" I sit in the back because it the only seat left. While everyone is gossiping, A guy with deep green eyes and brown messy curls and weird tattoos which cover his body...not that I was checking him out or anything. Someone should really tell him his body is not a piece of paper to doodle on. He gave me a note. I open it written inside janitor's closet, after class  right then and there I knew what he was thinking, I don't even know how to go back to my locker, you expect me to go to janitor closet. Not that I was thinking about it.

The bell rings and I get up, go down the hall way, and find my locker. I dump my stuff and see what I have next. Break.

"Why are you here?" Curls askd

"Cuz its my locker?"

"Well, I said right after class" curls says with a attitude.

"Yeah... about that, no thank you."  He storms off and I go to the cafeteria to get me some food, or to see if any is edible. I go and see it's the worst food ever, so I'd rather not eat anything, so I decide to find all my classes so later I don't get so lost. I see everyone look at me and whispering, great. I text Jason saying the first day is going horribly good, he says it couldn't be that bad. He's right it couldn't, people are still staring and judging me. Half way walking, I get stopped by a girl with horrible taste of clothes and smells like strawberry, probably from the amount of lip gloss she put.

"Hey virgin, dont be so scared. Harry wont bite"

"What?" I say confused

"You a virgin and everybody knows it. Your too scared of Harry becuase hes WAY more experienced" she says with a annoying attitude.

"Who even told you I was a virgin?"


"Who's the fuck is Harry?" she does that of course face

"Him" she points at curls

I was about to give a whole speech about how he's lying but who would believe so I decided to just show them the proof. I took my phone out and called Jason.

"Hello" Jason says, I put it on speaker

"Hey Jason!" I say

"Don't you have school?" he asks

"Don't you have class right now?" I ask him


"Can you tell me exactly what we did yesterday after you came? Word for word?" I asked, everybody still confused.

"Ya sure, so, I came to your house, we ate pizza and had a study session" he said while everyone faces turned to confused

"Study session....?"


"Thank you, Bye"

"Sure, Bye" Then I looked at the curls.

"Just because I didn't want to do 'it' with you, doesn't mean I'm a virgin" I say I look at gloss lips and say "Your friend is just experiencing something called rejection" smiled and continued. "Being a virgin is nothing to be ashamed of! Even if I was one, I wouldn't lose it to a waste of space dickwad like him" I walked out the cafeteria like a boss.

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