The Company of Light, It's Agents, and I

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I was never the type of guy to be nice to anyone. The only thing you got by doing that was a black eye and a few bruises you wouldn't remember the next day.I kept to myself and I mostly stayed out of trouble. I never really understood the potential I held deep inside. But the Light sure did. It choose me for a reason that at first I didn't fully understand. It awakened powers within me that I never knew I had.

I go through the motions of my day. I walk down the street and find the alleys that emanate the darkness I deal with all the time. I feel the emotions of Loneliness and Despair chilling my bones to the core and start my warm-up fight.

I am John Aureas and I am an agent of Light and Life. I have gone through New York doing what is needed of me. Destroying the worst emotions that you can think of. You may think of how weird that sounds, but until you are on the receiving end of a sawed-off shotgun made of pure rage, and live to tell the tale, I'll be the expert on emotions.You know, it's not as black and white as one would imagine; an almost unlimited number of feelings, good and bad, that all need to be kept in perfect balance. I have made it my promise to the powers above me to help keep the order.

"Why are you doing this alone, John" is what you must be thinking. Well for my sake and yours I'm happy that's not true.I'm part of a vast network of agents tasked from the beginning of time to keep the world safe. We are Heavenly Might, Emotions Division or HMED for short.My fellow agents and I scour the world, making it a nicer and more peaceful place.

"If there are all these terrible emotions that are so hard  to hunt, then how do you get them?". It's quite a complicated process so I will get into that in a second but all you need to know is that it's effective, fast, and creatively brutal at times. 

How could something as big as my company be hidden from the public eye in this day and age? We know how to hide ourselves well enough. The bottom line is that we are the silent guardians looking over what needs to be protected. Your Welcome.

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