Chapter 5

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This is my character Tim. Timothy is a very handsome man who doesn't flunt his looks to get what he wants. All he want is Elise but she too strung up on John who isnt interested. It was okay though because he is a patient man. He just hoped that she would eventually come to her sinses.

   "Look who made it." Max said as she gave Elise a hug. "I haven't seen you in a few days."
   "Work." She said with a sigh. "But I love it though."
   "I hear ya. You get anymore kids in?"
   "Not yet but I know it's coming. This is the only job where I wish I didn't see any kids. That means they would all have good homes."
   "Yeah I hear you on that."
   "But on a more happy note." She said more perky. "Where's my husband?"
   "In the yard." Max pointed in his direction. "Do you think that maybe...just maybe you shouldn't pursue him anymore?"
   "We talked about this before Max. I'm in love with your brother. It's not just something you can turn on and off. Maybe one day if he doesn't see my true love for him it may be a point where I'll stop but today isn't that day." Max nodded.
   "Your are a strong determined young lady Elise."
   "Thank you girl." She gave Max a kiss on the cheek then made her way out in the yard. Today was saturday and Barbara was throwing one of her many cookouts. It wasn't as big as it usually get but there was kids in the yard playing basketball and instead of making her way toward John like she usually did she made a beeline to the kids who was playing ball.
   "I want in." She said as one of the boys passed her the ball. She had learned how to play basketball by some kids in school. That was all she played during gym in school. It was something she loved to play and watch. She began watching it when she learned that John loved to watch it also only finding that she really enjoyed the game. She was playing for a good hour before the boys gave up their attention going to something else. She was shooting when she seen Tim coming her way.
   "I'll play you in a game. One on one."
   "Bet." She said checking him the ball. "First to ten?"
   "What do I get if I win?"
   "What you trying to play for money?"
   "A date." He said smiling his handsome smile down at her.
   "No thanks. How about twenty bucks."
   "Why won't you date me?" He asked.
   "You know why."
   "Let's say that John wasn't in the picture, would I have a chance then?"
   "Yes you would have a chance. No doubt about it."
   "One sec hold this." He said passing her the ball.
   "Where are you going? I thought you wanted to play a game."
   "I'm about to go kill John."
   "What?" She asked alarmed.
   "If I'm next in line I'm gonna kill him off so that I could be first." She laughed.
   "Stop being silly and come get your butt whooped real quick."
   "Oh you talking like you know you gone beat me."
   "That's because I am."
   "We still on for that twenty dollar bet?" He asked.
   "Then be prepared to get your ass whooped."
   "We'll see about that."
   "Pay up." Tim said holding his hand out to her.
   "You was lucky on that game." Elise said as she dug into her pocket for the twenty.
   "Yeah okay." She smacked the twenty into his hand and he gripped her hand staring at her.
   "Go out with me Elise."
   "I can't Tim."
   "Why not?"
   "You know why."
   "One date. You'll like me I promise.”
   “It's not about not liking you. I already like you Tim. I just don't like you like that."
   "You would if you gave me a chance."
   "It's not as easy as you're trying to make it seem. I'm in love with John it's not just a crush. I can't go out with you Timothy. I'm sorry."
   "It's cool. He doesn't know that he has a good thing when it comes to you. He has a good thing and he doesn't even know it. Why couldn't it be me you're crushing on?"
   "Sorry." She said really meaning it.
   "Maybe if John messes up enough you'll see the good in me and would want to date me."
   "I already see the good in you Tim. You just can't help who your heart tells you that you're in love with. If I could switch it I would."
   "I hear you." He finally let go of her hand and she gave him a hug. "You're a good man Tim and one of these days you'll find that women to love you. I know you will." He gave her a nod and walked away.  She kind of felt sorry for him but like she said she couldn't help who she loved.
   "Who want to get they butt whooped in a b-ball game?" She asked as she dribbled the ball as she looked for a victim. Her eyes landed on John.
   "What about you Handsome?"
   "No thank you." He said. They were starting a new game of cards.
   "Afraid a women will beat you?" She pushed and his friends snorted.
   "Go bother someone else Elise."
   "Okay be a chicken. Grown ass man is afraid he'll get beat by a women. Wack ass." Everyone burst out laughing and he threw his cards down.
   "Alright Elise you want to get your ass whooped real quick."
"Ohh that's what I like. A man who knows what he wants. Come get that ass whooping." She checked him the ball.
   "I don't want to play a whole game." He said with a sigh.
   "Okay fine. How about we make a beat."
   "What kind of beat?" She took the ball.
   "Three shots from the three point line. First to make three shots in a row wins. When I win though I get a date."
   "Ha ha. When you win." He mocked. "When I win you stop calling me Handsome."
   "I like that name though. I think it suits you very well."
   "Do we have a beat or what?"
   "Okay beat. Three shots from the three point line. Whoever makes three in a row wins." She said waiting for his agreement.
   "Okay let's go."
   "You want to go first?" She asked trying to hand him the ball.
   "No you first."
   "Okay." She said and he shook his head. He watched as she dribbled the ball then slowly took the first shot it hit the rim bounced in the air then landed inside the basket. "That's one." She said smiling over at him. He ignored her as he passed her the ball. She did the same thing taking her time with the second shot. This time it hit nothing but net. "Ohhh..." She hyped herself up. They now had an audience. Retrieving the ball she took her time again watching the net as she dribbled the ball.
   "Ready to put that suite on Handsome?" She said as she took the shot. It bounced off the rim in the air and onto the ground. She had missed it.
   "I pray that you miss." She said as he took her place at the three point line. He just laughed at her words. Taking his first shot it hit nothing but net. She watched in silence as he took his next shot and it hit nothing but net again. He shot again the third shot bouncing off the rim.
   "Yes." Elise cheered. She took the ball and quickly took the shot hitting nothing but net and did the same for her next shot.
   "Will you just shot the ball already." John said because she was taking too long to shot. Tossing the ball up it seemed as if it was going in slow motion. Suddenly the ball hit the backboard and bounced in the hole. She looked at John and seen the blank look on his face. When he looked at her she said.
   "I would like to be picked up at eight o'clock tonight."
   "Tonight?" He repeated.
   "Yes that was the deal Handsome. Are you going to keep your end?"
   "Do I have a choice?" He asked smartly as he walked away.
   "Just wear a suite." She said to his back.
   "I hope you wear something other than baggy sweatpants."
   "I can dress."
   "Could have fooled me." Ignoring him she said.
   "I'll text you the address. I'll have to meet you there. I have something I have to do."
   "So you gonna stand me up?"
   "I would never stand you up Handsome." Turning around she made her way to the house.
   John sighed as he stood at the entrance to the restaurant he was given directions to by Elise. He was a few minutes early so if she wasn't there nine o'clock on the dot then he was going to leave. He looked at his watch and seen that it was two minutes till nine and sighed. How did he get caught up in this? Oh yeah he lost a bet that he felt pressured to do at the time.
   "Already want to go home huh?" He looked up to see Elise standing there. She began making her way up the stairs towards him.
   Wow she was breathtakingly beautiful. He thought to himself. To say she cleaned up well was an understatement. She had a beautiful red dress on that hugged her body very well. And she was wearing heels. He didn't know that she even owned a pair of those. Her body was toned as if she worked out frequently.
   "Wow she's on time." He said trying to sound as if he wasn't affected by her presents. "You look nice." She stopped when she got in front of him.
   "Thank you Handsome. I'm glad you like it. No sweat pants." Laughing he said.
   "No no sweat pants. For once."
   "Ha ha." He held out the crook of his arm.
   "Shall we?” He said and she slid her arm threw his, loving the contact. This was the first time since she knew him that he willingly allowed her to touch him. She wondered if he knew that.
   "I'm not trying to be here all night." She said in a low voice as they entered the restaurant. "I'll show my face for a bit then we can leave."
   "You never told me what this was for." He said.
   "I didn't think you cared to know."
   "Well I do." He said a little embarrassed that until now he really didn’t cared what this “date” was for.
   "It's for charity. For our young kids that struggling with getting school supplies and clothes. The things we take for granted." She explained.
   "That's wonderful. Why do you want to leave so soon though?"
   "Although the event is a good thing some of the people here aren't. I rather avoid something then jump right in the middle of it. The less drama the better."
   "Could have fooled me." He said with a smirk on his face and she chuckled knowing that he was referring to her crush she had on him.
   "That's because you're special Handsome."
   "Ha, now that's funny."
   "It's true. Now I do have a confession."
   "Now I knew there was something else. Come on, lay it on me. What's up?"
   "See that guy over there?" She said slightly jerking her chin towards the guy that was at the bar. He was tall and so strikingly handsome that even John noticed it. Anyone could spot him from a mile away.
   "Although I had to show my face here he is the real reason why I didn't want to come here alone." Johns protective instinct kicked in.
   "Why? What he do?"
   "Well he's rich and spoiled and he thinks he can get any women he wants."
   "And he wants you." John guessed knowing that he was right.
   "I told him that I was deeply in love with a man and I would never give myself to him. Well to say that it pissed him off is an understatement. Now he is determined to get me. Any way that he can."
   "He forced himself on you?" He asked anger growing in his voice and she looked up at him.
  "Well if I didn't know any better I'd say you actually care."
   "Although I don't want to be with you Elise I don't condone a man putting his hands on any women."
   "Well I took care of it." She began walking and he followed. He didn't know how much it hurt to hear him say that he didn't want to be with her. They chatted with a bunch of people and she introduced him to some people who would be able to help him with his business. Although he didn't personally tell her what was wrong with his business she did hear him talking about it to his family one day.
   Elise was already ready to go but it seemed John was having an interesting time without her. He had moved off to talk to someone about his business leaving her at the bar. The hairs stood up on the back of her neck. Already knowing who it was she closed her eyes let out a slow steady breath and mentally prepared herself for the drama that was bound to happen.
   "Hello Elise."
   "Hello Nathan." She said as normal as possible. She glanced at the exit door and wish that she could just walk threw it and leave right this second. She spotted John. His back was facing her. He was too busy doing his thing. He could care less if she was in distress right now.
   "How have you been?" He asked breaking into her thoughts.
   "I've been good and you?"
   "I'm fine now that I'm seeing you."
   "Yeah right." She thought to herself. He didn't like seeing anyone but himself. His conceited ass. She forced herself not to roll her eyes.
   "So have you given some thought in our last conversation?" He asked.
   "Our last conversation?" She asked playing dumb.
   "You know what conversation I'm talking about Elise." The man easily got annoyed.
   "Ohh that convo...I haven't had time to think about it." She said. Her eyes drifted back to the exit. Man how she wished she was threw that door right now. She felt this conversation going downhill. She always listened to her instincts, and right now they were saying run like your life depends on it. He rolled his eyes.
   "Stop playing Elise. What do you think of my preparation?"
   "I think it's a bunch of bullshit." She thought to herself. There was no way on this God giving earth that she would ever go out with this man. Even if she didn't have a crush on John she still wouldn't consider going out with that prick. The man was a womanizer to the fullest extent and he thought he could have any women he wanted and since she wasn't interested in him he had decided to make it his mission get her but, she wasn't having it. Right then and there she decided not to beat around the bush anymore and be straight up with him.
   "Nathan I think we should just continue to be friends." She lied she didn't even want to be his friend, but she would let him down easy for her sake and his.
   "Friends huh?" She could tell by the look on his face and the tone in his voice that that wasn't the answer that he wanted to hear. Her eyes searched for John. Spotting him his back was still facing her.
   "Why?" She heard Nathan say. Giving him her attention she said.
   "I'm sorry Nathan but my heart belongs to someone else."
   "Yeah he seems to be paying a lot of attention to you." He said sarcastically and she frowned. Ten minutes into walking in the building John had disappeared and they haven't spoken since. He must really couldn't stand her. She knew not to put him in this situation again. Spare her heart ache and spare him grief from being around her.
   "I have to go." She tried to walk away but he blocked her path.
   "Why not be with a man who actually want to be with you? Be around you?"
   "And you're that man?" She snapped. "Let's face it Nathan..." She begin in a low firm voice. "The only reason you want me is because I turned you down and I became a challenge for you. You don't really want me because you truly have feelings for me. This became a game for you the minute I said no." A devilish smirk appeared on his face.
   "I knew you were smart. But I also know some things about you Elise."
   "And what do you think you know about me?"
   "I know you're really a weak woman who needs to be put in her place." He said and she snorted. "What other women would allow a man to disrespect her the way you're allowing your so called date to disrespect you? He hasn't said not one word to you since you came threw the door. Maybe you deserve it."
   "Fuck you." She said and was taken by surprise when he placed his hand around her neck. He wasn't squeezing hard enough to choke her but firm enough to give her the hint that he was serious. "You need a man to put you in your place with that sharp tongue of yours. I'd be the right man for you." She felt him begin to slid his free hand between her legs. All of this was going on in front of a room of people and either they really didn't see it or didn't bother to do anything because of the man Nathan was. He was powerful enough to have nearly everyone in there fired from their jobs so no one bothered to but in.
   "Nathan stop." He heard the fear in her voice which made him smirk. His hand touch her feminine part and she pushed him away with all her might making a quick dash to the exit. Once out the door she felt as if she could finally breathe. She had to get out of there.    
   John rushed outside once he seen Elise take off in that direction. Once outside he seen her making a dash to her car.
   "Elise!" He called. He watched as she got in her car and drove away. What happened? Going back into the building he found the man she was last talking to and went over to him. "What happened?" He asked as soon as he got to him.
   "What do you mean?" Nathan asked with a smirk.
   "With Elise. What happened with Elise?” John found himself growing angry by the second.
   "What's it to you? It's not like you've been paying her any attention anyway." He retorted and before he knew it John’s hand was around the man's neck pinned down against the table.
   "What the hell man!"
   "If you so much as put a hand on her I will find you and break all your damn fingers." He threatened as he forcefully let him go. He made his way back out the door.
   "Find out who that guy was and make his life a living hell." Nathan said to no one in particular. He was going to see that that man had nothing left once he got done with him.
   Elise was quiet for the rest of the night. In fact she didn't come out her room after she got home from there date. He thought to knock on her door to see if she was alright but stopped himself from doing so telling himself that she needed time to herself. The next morning she was gone. When had she left? He was surprised to see her walk thru the front door an hour later. He appeared from the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee.
   "Good morning." He said unsure how he should react to her right now. She had smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes.
   "Good morning." She said as she switched pass him and up the stairs. She was still upset. He guess as he watched her. Question was... was it him that she was upset with? He found out an hour later when she came back out prancing into the kitchen. Gone was the awkward moment and here was the bubbly women that he was use to. That annoyed him but at this moment he welcomed it. Good maybe things would be back to normal between them.
   "What are you doing today?" He asked her.
   "I have to go to work for a bit but after that; nothing. Chillin at home I guess."
   "What do you do for work?" I don't think I ever asked you?"
   "I work with children. My own way of saving them."
   "Saving them?"
   "Programs and things like that."
   "It helps?"
   "The programs? Yes I would like to think so."
   "That's good. I never knew what you did."
   "There's so much that you don't know about me." She said seriously.
   "You got that right.” He said as he placed his cup of coffee down. "Like where are you originally from?"
   "I'm originally from Miami."
   “You were born in Miami?”
   “Haiti but Miami is where I moved to before I met your family.”
   "Really?" She nodded her head.
   "Anything else you want to know just ask."
   "I asked my sister and mother about you."
   "Really?" She asked as she moved about in the kitchen as if this was an regular conversation but deep down she was very curious about this conversation he had with his sister and mother. "Why would you have a conversation about me?"
   "Curious about you is all." He said with a hunch of his shoulders. She finally turned to face him.
   "Curious about me? Why?"
   "Just was..." He said like that was supposed to explain everything.
   "But why...? I mean we've known each other for many years..." There was a pause. "You still feel as though you don't know me?"
   "I know you Elise...I just..." She waited for him to continue. "I. Just. Don't. Know. You."
   "What does that mean?" She asked now growing offended.
   "It's just...I don't know your past."
   "And that's bad because...?"
   "Because like you said we knew each other for years and yet I don't know one thing about you before you entered my family lives. Why is that?"
   "I'm just a private person. And my past is something I rather forget about."
   "Because my past was so bad so horrible that the only way for me to go on with my life is forget as much as I could, and not talk about the things that I do remember."
   "It couldn't have been that bad." He said and she began to grown angry. How dear he belittle her life. Her situation.
   "I'm done with this conversation." She said making her way out the kitchen.
   "Why?" He asked. Turning back to face him she thought about it then said.
   "Because you're sheltered. And you would never understand. Therefore I am wasting my time with this."
   "How am I sheltered? Because I lived in a house? Because I had both parents in my life? Because my parents made sure I didn't want for nothing?"
   She shook her head. "Because you see what you want to see and believe what you want to believe. If it doesn't seem right to you then you throw it to the back your mind and forget about it because if it doesn't make any sense to you then it's just not worth thinking about it. If it doesn't make any sense in your eyes then it must not be true. If you're uncomfortable about a situation you'll ignore it and see if it goes away like that before you address it."
   "You have no idea what I believe and what I've seen."
   "I guess we don't know each other then."
   "I guess so." He said as he took another sip of his coffee as if this conversation meant nothing and was over with. She walked away with that. The man was so stubborn and all about himself. And the sad part about it was he didn't realize how truly sheltered he really was and how spoiled his grown ass was also. She silently prayed that the rest of his time with staying with her would go by smoothly.

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