Chapter 20

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It’s been nearly three months since Elise went on the run and Tim had found her. They were still going strong and everyday her love for him grew stronger. One day after coming in from a run she nearly passed out. Thinking that she was coming down with something she laid down. Tim had started back working so she was alone by herself most of the day. They had yet to move in with each other but he spent more time at her place then his own. Something told her that it would be her house that they would move into when the time came. Hers was bigger than his. She closed her eyes when they begin to go blurry and her head begin to spin. What was going on? She didn't have a fever but just minutes later she began to feel better. After going to see her kids and talking on the phone with Tim she didn't bother to tell him about her dizzy spell. She had made her way to her mother's house. She hadn't seen them in a few days.
   “How are my beautiful people doing today?” She asked as she took a seat. Max noticed that she wasn't her bubbly self. She had took a seat and rested her head on her hands. She looked tired.
   “Didn't get enough sleep last night?” Max asked teasingly.
   “I did. That's the crazy thing. I slept all day and I'm still tired.” She sighed as she rest her head on the table. Max walked over to her having a feeling come over her.
   “I’ve been getting dizzy lately.” Elise said and Max smiled knowing exactly what was wrong with her.
   “Elise.” She looked up at her.
   “Why are you smiling? It’s nothing funny about the way I’ve been feeling.”
   “When is the last time you had your period?”
   “I never have my period Max you know that. I've always have had irregular periods.”
   “Yes but when is the last time you actually had one?”
   “I don't know. I didn't pay it any attention.” She suddenly grew alarmed. “Do you think it's something serious? Maybe I need to go to the doctors.”
   “Only if you're going to get a pregnancy test while you're at it.”
   “A pregnancy test?” She slightly rolled her eyes. “I’m not pregnant Max.” Max laughed.
   “Yes the hell you are. You just rolled your eyes at me. You never roll your eyes or have any form of an attitude.” Barbara then came and looked down at her daughter and smiled.
   “I’m gonna be a grandma again.” Elise touched her stomach.
   “You think I’m pregnant to?”
   “Yes you're pregnant. I know a pregnant woman when I see one. Remember I’m the one that told Max that she was pregnant and she was looking miserable just like you.” Barbara laughed. Elise stood and pulled up her shirt looking down at her stomach. Max gasped.
   “You’re showing already.” She went and touched Elise's stomach.
   “That's just period bloat.” Max laughed.
   “You just said you don't know the last time you had your period.”
   “That's why I think its period bloat.”
   “Elise look at your stomach. Even if you were bloating it wouldn't be that big. I say your about two months.”
   “Really?” She looked at her mother who nodded her head.
   “What do I do?” She asked and they both laughed.
   “You wait seven more months to have to the baby.”
   “I know that. What I meant  was should I go get a pregnancy test?”
   “No need I already have one.” Barbara said.
   “What are you doing with a pregnancy test mom?” Max asked.
   “I bought them for a friend who didn't need all of them so I just tossed them in my bathroom cabinet. Come on Elise. Let's go confirm your pregnancy.” After she finished peeing on the pregnancy test stick she washed her hands and went straight to baby Micheal picking her up. For the first time she was wide awake.
   “You don’t seem to be nervous about this.” Barbara said as she watched Elise make baby noise at the baby.
   “Should I be?” She asked. She really wasn't afraid of being pregnant or being a mother. She was more excited than anything.
   “No I guess not. What do you think Tim would think if you turned out to be pregnant?”
   “Excited. He’s going to rush me to the hospital before I could take my next breath.”
   “You two talked about a baby?” Max asked.
   “We talked about babies.” She corrected. “Although I wanted to wait at least a year before we begin having kids if I were to get pregnant now I would have no problem with that.” She said with a hunch of her shoulders.
   “What if you had twins?” Elise looked at her smiling.
   “You think that's possible?”
   “Anything is possible.” Max said happy that Elise was excited. “Besides from my understanding Tim has twins in his family. In fact...him and his sister are twins I believe. And if you are just two months pregnant you're big which means you could have two in there.”
   “Wow I would love to have twins. Or triplets. I hope it's triplets.” Barbara and Max just laughed making Michael laugh also.
   “You think that's funny young lady huh?”
   “Okay the minute should be up.” Barbara said going to check on the test. She looked up at Elise and smiled.
   “Congratulations future mommy.” They both rushed over hugging her.
   “When are you going to tell Tim?”
   “I don’t know. I might surprise him somehow or something.” Elise had fell asleep on her mother's chair. Being pregnant really took a lot out of you even when you did nothing at all. When she woke up Tim was standing over her.
   “Hi baby.” She slowly sat up and put her hand to her head.
   “I have a pounding headache.”
   “Do you want me to get you some ibuprofen?” He asked.
   “No. I’ll be fine.” She didn't know how it would affect the baby it was so much she needed to learn about a pregnancy. He instinctively leaned over kissing her and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulled her up off the chair as he stood.
   “What are you doing here?” I came home and you weren't there. When I called you you didn't answer. I grew worried and called your mother and she told me you were here.”
   “You missed me?”
   “I missed you all day.” They kissed again and looked at each other all googly eyed.
   “New relationships are the best aren't they?” Max said from the doorway.
   “We gone be like this until the day we die aren't we baby?” Elise said as he placed her on her feet.
   “Where's my baby at?” Elise said then froze. “Did I go to sleep with her in my arms?”
   “You did but she is fine. As soon as you fell asleep I took her.”
   “We gone have a lot of sleep overs. Me and her.”
   “Good I will need a babysitter every once in awhile.”
   “No problem with me.”
   “When am I going to meet this women of yours?” Alison Tim's sister asked.
   “Today. Mommy still having her get together right?”
   “Okay then we’ll be there.”
   “You sure she want to come?” She asked.
   “You been bugging me to meet her now you're worried if she wants to come?”
   “I just want her to be comfortable is all.”
   “She will. If there is anything Elise can do is blend in with anyone. She has not one shy bone in her body. Besides she's been asking to meet my family also.”
   “That's good then. I'm excited. Can’t wait.” After hanging up with his sister he made his way up the stairs to the bedroom where Elsie was still asleep. Why was she sleeping so long? It was now ten in the morning and she was still knocked out. Going over he touched her forehead. She didn't have a fever. God knows she didn't after the things they did last night. He smiled at the remembrance of it. He watched as she stirred awake and smiled up at him.

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