Chapter 15

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Elise smiled when she recognized the number that was calling her. Finally she was going to get back into action.
   "So are we ready for another go?" Elise was on the phone with Sam one of the police officers that she was with in many of the cases she busted.
   "No Elise." She heard worry in his voice.
   "What's wrong?"
   "Word is that Tommy's brother is in state." Her plause begin to race. "Now I don't know where he is and something tells me that he's not going to be found. And he's not  far. We need to talk about protective custody..." She didn't respond.
   "You think he knows where I live?"
   "It's possible. That's why we need to discuss protective custody Elise. Come to my office."
   "What about my family?"
   "You and your family have different last names. The only reason they will know about your family is if he sees you with them. Come to my office Elise so that we can discuss this."
   "What have I done?" She raked her fingers thru her hair. "My family." She panicked.
   "Elise come to my office or I will have to come to you."
   "I'll died if anything happened to my family Sam."
   "I'm coming over." With that he hung up.
   Elise stayed in the house all day afraid to leave. She sighed once her phone begin ringing again. It was Tim. She decided to let it go to voicemail. She couldn't see him. Not now. She would never forgive herself if anything happened to him also. Dear God what had she done? She had to fix this. But how?
   "Good afternoon." Barbara looked to see Tim as he entered her kitchen.
   "Good afternoon Timothy." She waited to see Elise but when she didn't appear she said. "Where's Elise?"
   "I don't know. I tried calling her yesterday and this morning but no answer. I had to work late. I assumed she was just sleep. I'm going over there soon.”
   "Really? Elise always answer her phone unless she is at work. That women works crazy hours."
   "Maybe that's it." She looked at him weird when he continued to stare at her..
   "What?" She asked. Walking over to her he leaned against the counter and folded his arms across his chest and stared down at her.
   "I talked with Elise and she told me a bit about her past." She looked at him surprised.
   "She did? What did she tell you exactly?"
   "She bounced back from such a terrible childhood."
   "Yeah she has."
   "Whats her real name?" He whispered.
   "She told you that her real name isn't Elise?"
   "Yes she did but she wouldn't tell me what her real name was. But you know it don't you?"
   "Listen Tim if she didn't tell you that means she didn't want you to know. I have no right to go against that. You're not getting that info from me."
   "Couldn't have hurt to try." He said and she chuckled.
   "You gotta do better than that." They laughed.
   "What's so funny?" They both looked to find John standing there.
   "Just an inside joke." Barbara said.
   "What's up bro." Tim went and gave John a brotherly hug.
   "I'll be good once I beat your butt in some cards." John said.
   "Yeah right. My pockets been empty lately. I'm gonna crack you in a few games and win me some money."
   "We'll see about that."
   "Elise been draining you dry?" Barbara joked.
   "No." Tim said laughing. In fact she's been doing just the opposite."
   "What do you mean?"
   "When I ask her out on a date like a dinner or something she cooks for me instead. As a matter of fact I haven't hardly spent any money at all."
   "Elise is a money saver." Barbara said.
   "Yeah which is a plus. Not that I'm crying  broke or anything but she definitely know how to save money. She is a wonderful women Barbara. You did a good job."
   "Don't give me any credit. She did it all herself I just provided a roof over her head."
   "Hello everyone." Max said as she plopped a bag of groceries on the table." She looked over at Tim. "Where's Elise?"
   "I don't know. Figured she's working."
   "She's not at work." Max said pulling out  her phone and calling her again. When there was no answer she said.   "When was the last time you spoke to her?"
   "Yesterday. That morning. I was with her but my job called me into work. That was the last time we spoke. 
   "She never not answer her phone."
   "Don't start getting people worried Max." Barbara warned.
   "I"m just saying if she's not working there is no reason for her not to answer her phone. She always answers." She tried her again. Still no answer.
   "I've tried calling her a few times also." Tim said. "But I thought she may be working but Max is right. She's on vacation. She doesn't have to work. But even while on vacation she still goes to the orphanage. Maybe she's there.” He pulled out his phone and called her but nothing. He then called the orphanage and found that she wasn't there either. 
   "Mom call her. If she doesn’t answer anyone she’ll answer you." Barbara called her but no answer.
   "Okay. Maxine over here got me worried." Barbara said.
   "I'm going over there." Max said.
   "No I will." Tim cut in. "Don't stress. We don't need that in your state.” He said referring to her pregnant belly. “I'll call you once I get there."
   Elise froze when she heard the doorbell. Who could that be? What if it was someone to hurt her? But why would they ring the bell? Why not just break in? The bell chimed again followed by a knock.
   After Samuel left she broke down and cried. He had told her that she needed to leave. That if she didn't want a chance of her family getting hurt she needed to leave the state. Protective custody was her only option. And she couldn't trust anyone in the police force now. So she had to be her own protective custody now. She couldn't risk her family.
   "Elise!" It was Tim. What was he doing here? He shouldn't be seen with her. At her house. With that thought she rushed to her door. No one could be seen here. He was better inside.
   His heart dropped when she opened the door and seen the fright in her eyes. Even with her mahogany complexion she looked pal. She allowed him to entered and she quickly closed the door behind him.
   "Are you okay?" He asked. Not saying a word she went into his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist. She took in his scent. He smelled so wonderful.
   "What's wrong Elise. Everyone is worried about you." She wanted to tell him but the police informed her that the less her family knew the better. Lye. She was a very bad liar that's why she always told the truth. It was much easier and better. When she still didn't answer he picked her up and carried her to the living room sitting on the couch with her in his lap.
   "Hey." He made her look at him. "What's wrong with you? I can't help if you don't talk to me." She wrapped her arms around his neck and rest her head in the crook of his neck.
   "I'm scared."
   "Scared of what?" Don't say anything Elise. She thought to herself. Sucking it up and forcing back the tears she said.
   "There's a mouse in here." Chuckling he said.
   "A mouse? Really?"
   "That's what got you not answering anyone's phone calls? That's what got you looking pal?"
   "Mouses are nasty." Laughing harder he said.
   "I don't believe that one bit. It's not a mouse that got you scared like this Elise. You're the type that would pick up a mouse and set it free. It's not a mouse that you're afraid of. Talk to me." Sighing she slid off his lap.
   "I need for you to leave."
   "Yes and don't come back."
   "Where is this coming from?" He asked alarmed.
   "Just go!"
   "Go Tim..."
   "Talk to me Elise. What's going on?” He seen tears form in her eyes.
   "I'm no good for you. I'm no good for anyone."
   "No go." She turned and left him standing there. She was leaning against the kitchen counter trying to control her breathing when she felt his presents.
   "I can't leave Elise." She began crying then and he rushed to her.
   "Elise now you're scaring me."
   "I'm sorry."
   "Tell me whats going on."
   "I can't."
   "Why not?"
   "Tim..." Lifting her head to look at him he said.
   "I want to help you baby. You have family that will help you. You just have to tell me what's wrong."
   "I just want for you to leave."
   "Dammit Elise. What happened? Yesterday everything was fine.”
   "Get out..."
   "I'm not leaving. What the hell is wrong with you?"
   "Get out."
   "Why are you doing this?"
   "I never want to see you again."
   "Baby what's making you do this?"
   "GET OUT!" She yelled. "Get out of my house." He just stood there staring at her. Why was she doing this?
   "I don't understand Elise."
   "I can't stop thinking about him." She had to find a way to make him leave so she she lied.
   "John. It's not fair to you. I can't put you thru this."
   "You're lying." She heard the hurt in his voice but she had to make him leave.
   "He's in my fucking head. My heart. I'm in love with him. I can't be with you because he already has me."
   "Look at me and say that. Look me in my eyes and tell me that." She was looking down the whole time. Looking up at him she said.
   "I'm in love with John." Her eyes were clouded from the tears. Her bottom lip wouldn't stop trembling.
   "I love him and I was just using you as an attempt to get him off my mind but it's not working."
   "I don't believe you."
   "It was never a secret that I was in love with him. Everyone fucking know. I can't stop thinking about him and I want you gone. I want you out of my life.”
   He took a step toward her but she backed up.
   "Goodbye Tim."
   "Alright fine. If this is how you want it." The tears came back.
   "It is how I want it."
   "Goodbye Elise." She didn't even wait until he left the house before she broke down her knees buckling beneath her. Tim pause at the sound of hearing her cry. Why was she doing this if it was hurting her like this? Something else was up and he was going to find out what it was.

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