Chapter 16

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“She kicked you out of the house?” Barbara asked. He had called her as promised to tell her what happened. “That doesn’t sound like her.”
   “Something is up Barbara.” He said as he ran his hand down his face.
   “What do you mean by that?”
   “I don't know. All I know is like you said she wasn’t herself. Something was really bothering her. I’m worried about her.”
   “I’m going over there.” Barbara said and grabbed her car keys.
   Elise hopped on the first bus that was leaving out of Georgia state. She had to protect her family and if that meant leaving then so be it. She had to disappear until the police found the guy that was trying to harm her. She couldn't put her family thru this. This was for the best. At least she kept telling herself that. She would change her cell number along the way. She didn't need Barbara calling her. She didn't need anyone calling her trying to get her to come back.
   “I can’t believe she left.” Barbara cried. “Why would she leave without telling us anything. She always told us where she was going. She knows how I worry. And she changed her number. Why would she change her number. What's going on?”
   “She's trying to put me into an early labor. When I find her I’m going to strangle her.” Max ranted on.
   “She’s grown…” Barbara and Max glared at John who clamped his mouth shut after that.
   “No one asked your opinion.” Barbara said anger in her voice. If he said one more thing she was going to snap.
   “I guess that's my cue to leave.” He said standing from his seat.
   “Bye.” Barbara said and he shook his head as he walked away. “That women loved that man. She would do anything for him. Even when he talked shit to her she still did for him. I don't know why he hates her so much but he needs to stop his foolishness because she had done nothing to him but love him. I swear sometimes I wondered what kind of man I raised in him.” Barbara ranted. John's heart sank hearing that. His mother thought he didn't care. Thought he was spoiled also. Maybe they didn't need him. Maybe he should have been the one that left.
   “Everything is going to be okay Mrs. Rockmore. I'm going to find her I promise.” Tim said as he stood.
   “You're not like my son are you?”
   “When it comes to Elise? No. I would never disrespect or harm her in any way. I'm in love with that women. I'll bring her back to you. I promise.”
   “Thank you. She needs to know that someone other than us two care about her. She hurts and I see it. She smiles thru her pain. Although she consider us family I know she wishes she knew who her real family was. I'm not her blood but she is still my baby. I'll go crazy if something happens to her. Please bring her back safely.”
   “I will. I'll keep you posted. Right now I'm going back to her place to see what I can find.”

(Three months later)
   Tim sighed with relief once he spotted her. Elise stood watching her surroundings sure not to seem obvious doing so. To the average person she seemed normal but with his seven years in the army and five years as a cop she gave herself away. And from his personal experience with this women he knew her shape her walk the way she stood. The way she moved in general. Over the years of knowing Elise he had her ways implanted into his brain. Nothing got passed him when it came to her. He hated that she decides to run instead of coming to him for help. Didn't she know that he would protect her with his life? Making sure not to lose sight of her he willed her to look his way. He knew she felt someone watching her he could tell from her demeanor she just didn't know who and from where. She continued to look around but begin to make a move. She was scared. He had to let her know he was there. No one would hurt her if she allowed him to help. He stood following her.
   As soon as Elise got away from the crowd she picked up her pace. Someone was after her she could feel it. She had to hurry and get to her safe house. She took off running once she got to the alleyway. Dipping into an abandoned building she stopped to make sure that she wasn't being followed. Sure that she was alone she continued through the alleyway and once she got close to where she was staying she pulled her cap down low and quickly walked to the entrance. She stopped short when she seen him. Her heart sank and brain became blurry. George stood there looking around. How did they find where she was? She didn’t use a credit card. She had even changed her name. How was it possible that they were so close to her? She couldn't move. Her feet wouldn't budge. She was taken by surprise when a guy roughly bumped into him making him lose balance. The guy was huge compared to George’s small frame. Her breath caught when the guy looked her way. Tim…?
   “Run.” He mouthed. She suddenly took off in the direction she come, going back to the abandoned building. She was out of breath more out of fear. It was Tim. How did he know where she was? Why was he here? After the things she said to him he still came for her? She rushed to a corner of the abandoned building covering her mouth from screaming when a rat ran across her foot. They found her. What could she do now? She willed herself to slow here breathing and prayed to God that they wouldn't find her. She watched as a shadow appeared first then a huge figure of a man.
   “Elise?” She was in shock. Kneeling down in front of her he held his hand out to her. “It's okay Elise.” Placing her hand inside his he helped her up and she just stared up at him for a few seconds. “You know how hard it was finding you young lady?” He said with a familiar smile and tears began running down her face. It was really him. He had come for her. She didn't just imagine it.
   “Tim…” She stepped into his arms where she broke down even more. God how it felt good to finally feel a sense of relief. He was here for her. He still cared even after how she treated him.
   “Don't cry baby. I’m here.”
   “How did you find me?”
   “Shhh. We’ll talk, but let's get out of here first. Those men are still looking for you.” She nodded her head. “Still in tune with your parkour?” She nodded her head her adrenaline boosting back up to high drive. “Good we need to get out of here. Stay on my ass.” He exited the building climbing a ladder she following on his ass as he ordered. The buildings were so close that they both easily hoped them. She stopped in her tracks once he jumped down the side of a building. Looking down she seen as he slid down the whole building. Someone's been practicing. She thought to herself. Taking a slightly more easier way. She hoped from balcony to balcony then slid the rest of the way to the ground. 
   Feeling as if they got a good distance from the men they walked at a quick pace side by side to a car. They both slid in and drove off. The minute they were on the road Elise closed her eyes and let out a slow calming breath. She felt as if everything was going to be okay.
   They drove in silence. No words were being said for the whole hour drive. She had actually dozed off until Tim parked the car. They were at a hotel. She woke and exited the car without word following beside Tim. Once in the elevator he took her hand in his. Still no words were being said. She felt everything. Right now words didn't need to be spoken. She suddenly felt the urge to break down. She still couldn't believe he was here. He came for her. She gave his hand a squeeze.
   “It's okay now baby. I won't let anyone hurt you.” He said and the tears suddenly came again. He held her hand as he made his way to the room. Opening the door he allowed her to enter before him. She walked toward the bed then turned to face him. He was still standing near the door. The tears streamed down her face.
   “How did you find me?”
   “How I spoke to you. The things I said…”
   “Don't beat yourself up about that Elise. I figured you had reason to have said what you said. Turns out I was right. I mean I was right wasn't I? You didn't really mean those words did you?” She shook her head.
   “No.” That's when he made his way toward her. She wrapped her arms around his neck meeting his mouth in a rough kiss.
   “I’ve missed you so much.” She confessed.
   “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” He picked her up and sat her on his lap. “I love you. I thought I lost you.”
   “I love you to.” Hugging him she said. ““Thank you so much for not giving up on me.”
   “Never baby.” Finding his mouth she kissed him again this time it wasn’t rushed. She captured the taste of him. God how she missed his taste. She nipped his bottom lip and he groaned. Resting her forehead against his, she said.
   “Make love to me.” She didn’t have to ask him twice. Standing he lay her on the bed and kissed her slowly. Taking his time with her. Resting himself between her legs she sighed. “Timothy…” Sliding her hand under his shirt she pulled it over his head. Damn was the man cut up. Just perfection. She could appreciate a man who took care of himself. She gasped when he so easily pulled her up pulling off her shirt also. He then unsnapped her bra. “A pro at that huh?” She teased making him smile. God how he missed her sarcastic ass. She gasped again once he took a peek nipple into his mouth making her lose all train of thought.
   After stripping her of her pants and panties he groaned at the scent of her.
   “You smell so wonderful.”
   “Tim baby…” Her mouth gaped open in a satisfying o once his mouth connected to her moist center. “Oh my God…” Her back arched off the bed surprised that such an act could feel so wonderful. “Tim…” She gasped. The man wasn’t letting up. Although it felt great she feared it was too much for her virgin body. Her legs begin to shake and she couldn't slow her breathing. Her hands gripped the top of his head. Before she knew it she was letting out a scream so loud it pierce her own ears. Her body shook and her brain grew cloudy. She felt as Tim climbed over her but she couldn't speak. Her body was drained. Who knew something so satisfying could be so draining.
   Positioning himself between her legs he thirst inside her and she gasped.
   “Dammit Timothy…” He quickly paused and pulled away.
   “You’re a virgin.” He stated matter of factly.
   “No shit.”
   “Why didn't you tell me?”
   “I tried to but you were too busy.” She  said with a smirk. He smiled as he shook his head. She looked down at his very much hard erect shaft. No wonder he hurt her he was huge. Once she looked back up at him he seen the apprehension in her eyes.
   “We don't have to do this…”
   “I don't want to do this with anyone else but you baby. I’m a big girl.” She leaned up kissing him.
   “All this time you were a virgin?”
   “I was born a virgin.” He laughed. 
   “Right. But why not tell me before this?”
   “I don't know. I didn't see it as being important. Besides I figured everyone knew.”
   “I didn't know baby. I knew you were innocent but not this innocent.” She slid her tongue along his bottom lip and he graon. 
   “I want you to be my first and only baby. Make love to me Tim.”
   “Are you sure?” 
   “I ain't never scurred.” Laughing he planted himself back between her legs.
   “Are you sure?” He asked again.
   “You are my love. I wouldn't change my mind. My need for you is like my need for my next breath.” She wrapped her hand around his hard shaft making him groan from her warm soft touch. “Now continue making love to me please.”
   “Yes ma’am.” She felt every inch of him as he slowly slid inside her. “Tell me to stop if it's too much.”
   “You’re talking is too much right now baby.” He kissed her roughly as he thrust the rest of the way inside her. She bit her bottom lip hard expecting hard sharp pain but nothing. She let out a breath of air.
   “You okay?
   “Yes baby.” She kissed him with a need. “Timothy…”
   “Don't stop.”
   “Yes ma’am.”

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