Chapter 7

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"So no work today?" Elise smiled up at Max.
"Not today." She was sitting on the windshield on her mother's backyard. She loved this back yard. Even as a grown woman now she still felt as if she was stepping out on a new yard every time. She always found herself at her mother's house whenever she was off work. Truth was that her and her team was working up a big case and she decided to take a break before she left that night. She would be gone for a few days.
"Are you hungry?"
"No I'm fine. Thanks."
"What's on your mind? Nevermind I already know. My brother."
"Nope not right now."
"Wow that's a surprise.''
"Ha ha ha. No but I'm leaving for a few days."
"Work?" Max asked already knowing.
"Yeah. John leaves tomorrow and I know how you like space and everything..."
"You need me to look out for your house huh?"
"Of course. Only if I can stay there while you're gone."
"Now you know I don't mind that. I don't know why you won't just come live with me until otherwise."
"Girl I can not be cramping your style."
"What style? You mean my baggy clothes and granny panties?" They shared a laugh. Max husband was in the army and it's been really lonely with him gone and depressing especially with being pregnant and all. She couldn't bring her depressed self on Elsie. That's what she had a mother for. That's why she spent most of her time at her mother's place because she was lonely. This gave her something to do. Something to take her mind off her husband. Pushing that in the back of her head she said.
"Why do you wear baggy clothes?"
"They're comfortable." Elise said with a hunch of her shoulder.
"I understand that but you wear it all the time. Why not dress up every once in awhile?"
"Maybe I should." She said with a sigh.
"You never know. You may just snag you a husband."
"That's the thing. I don't want to have to dress up in order to get attention from a man. Because I will feel obligated to look my best all the time. I want my man to see my beauty even when I'm wearing baggy clothes. I just want a man to love me for me."
"You think you're going to get that from my brother?"
"I was hoping so." She said as she looked down a little embarrassed because she already knew what her sister was thinking. My brother is not the one for you girl. You are not his type. Which everyone seems to think. Everyone but her. But lately she has and she really been thinking about just moving on. This week with John staying with her opened her eyes a lot. Max placed a hand on Elise hand.
"You are a very strong willed women. I trust you will make the right decision when the time come's." They both looked when they heard children screaming "Here comes the kids." Max said standing.
"Who is that with them?" Elise asked.
"Oh that's my girl Amber. She volunteered to help with the kids today. Her niece will be here also. Let me introduce you."
Elise immediately noticed the shape of the women as she walked toward them. Hourglass shape as these men say today. She was wearing shorts with a tank top the last outfit from being naked. She was beautiful also. She looked a lot like Carrier Hilson the singer. Her hair was golden brown that cascaded down pass her shoulders. She had a huge smile on her face as she made her way toward them.
"Hey Amber. I'm so glad you made it. These kids are about to be a handful. I would like for you to meet someone. This is my sister Elise. Elise Amber."
"Hi nice to meet you." They said at the same time. "Max told me a lot about you."
"All good things I hope." Elise said smiling.
"Of course. I don't have anything bad to say about my sister." Max said in a teasing way. They shared a laugh. Right off jump Elise liked this women. She was funny and bubbly. Helped with anything her mother asked of her. She was a sweet women and found that she and Elise were the same age. They chatted and joked around and Elise found herself really enjoying herself but everything changed once the guys entered. Her eyes immediately went to Johns who was already fixed on Amber. The women didn't seem to notice him but he definitely noticed her. His eyes wouldn't stop seeking her out. It was to the point where everyone began laughing at him because he stared so hard. The other men noticed her also but as the other men noticed Amber Tim noticed Elise. He looked to find her watching John as he practically gapped at Amber. So this is what he meant when he said that he liked women who dressed well? She guessed that meant women who barely wore any clothes.
She glanced at Tim again to find him watching her. She looked away embarrassed. Was it on her face with how she felt because he currently had the sympathy look on his. She didn't need anyone feeling sorry for her.
As the day went on and the noise died down she sat back in her famous spot on the window sill and watched everyone who was still there. Max was talking to Amber and John was actually standing close to her as he still gapped at Amber. Unable to hold her tongue anymore she said.
"Her name is Amber." He looked down at her as if he just realised she was sitting there.
"I know." He said giving his attention back to the women. "Max introduced us." For a split second she got angry at Max but it wasn't her fault that her brother only seen the material things in a women instead of the whole package.
"Are you going to ask her out?"
"Maybe." He said with a little attitude.
"You should. She's single."
"Maybe I will." There was a pause then.
"Why don't you look at me like that?" He snorted.
"Do you really have to ask?"
"Am I that bad of a person?"
"You're not a bad person at all."
"Then what is it then?"
"Look we had this conversation already Elise. Let's not do it again. At that point then she accepted that there will never be a them. She wasn't fit enough. Her hair wasn't straight enough and God knows she wasn't wearing the right clothes. But if all she had to do was dress in tight clothes in order to get his attention then she didn't want it. Yeah it wasn't meant to be and with that realisation her eyes begin to tear up. She had to get out of there. Standing she brushed past him rushing threw the kitchen almost bumping into Max.
"I'm sorry Max." She touched her plump stomach out of reflex tears still clouding her vision.
"Elise whats wrong?" She looked her in her eyes the tears finally falling.
"You were right. I should be with someone who actually want me and cares about my feelings."
"Wait what are you talking about?"
"You were right. I should move on. John isn't for me."
"Awe Elise." Max pulled her into her arms. "I'm sorry for bringing Amber here."
"It's not her. It just made me open my eyes. Finally right?" She gave a weak laugh. "I must be some women chasing after a man who can't stand the sight of me."
"I don't think that he thinks that.."
"I know he does Max. He said it in so many words, but stupid me just brushed it off."
"Awe honey. Are you going to be okay?"
"My heart hurts Max." She said as she patted her hand over her heart. "I don't know. I have to go." She quickly sidestepped her and made her way to the door Max on her heels.
"Elise call me when you get home I want to make sure that you made it there safely. If not I'm coming over there."
"I'll call. Max don't tell anyone why I left. Don't talk to him about this."
"I won't. Get home safe." With that she left not shedding another tear until she got into her home. The next morning she grabbed her things and made her way to the airport. She thought about staying away forever but her job is the only reason she would be coming back.

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