Chapter 23

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   Barbara rushed to the door after hearing the repeated knocking. She swing the door open and there stood Elise. Her eyes bloodshot red and it looked as if she didn't get any sleep.
   “Elise, what's wrong?”
   “Mom.” Barbara pulled her into her arms as the tears came and the sobbing grew loud.
   “What's wrong?” Maxine asked as she came down the stairs. She begin staying with her mother after having the baby. “Is it the baby?” She touched her stomach as Elise continued to cry.
   “It's not fare.” Elise cried.
   “Is it Tim? Is Timothy okay?” Barbara asked. “Elise talk to us?”
   “He kissed me mom. That selfish son of a bitch.” They were now confused. “All this time. All this fuckin time.” She froze more tears streaming down her face. “For almost fourteen years mom… I've been telling that man I loved him for damn near fourteen fuckin years and he does this? Why?” Her bottom lip begin to quiver and Barbara pulled her back into her arms and she began sobbing again. “He's so fuckin shelfish mom.”
   With what she said they knew she was talking about John.
   “Come here. Talk to me.” They went into the livingroom and they listened as Elise told them about how John was so sweet to her the last few days. How she knew something was up with him but she never in a million years would think that he was attracted to her. Never in a million years would she had thought he would kiss her.
   “All the years of me telling him that I loved him and I wanted to be with him. That I wanted to spend my life with him and he waits until I'm in love with another man. He waits until I’m pregnant to want to catch some form of feelings?”
   “It’s going to be okay sweetie.”
   “It won't mom.”
   “Why won't it?”
   “Tim mom. He's going to leave me.” More tears came then.
   “You kissed him back?” Max asked.
   “I don't know.”
   “What do you mean?”
   “I remember him kissing me then me screaming at him to get out my room. But in between that time its like a blur.” She bit her bottom lip to keep it from quivering. “What if he leaves me mom. I won't be able to live without him. I won't be able to go on. And I'm carrying his child. I love that man so much. What am I going to do if he decides to leave me?” More tears came.
   “Tim is not going to leave you. That man loves you too much.” She squeezed her eyes shut and pinched the bridge of her nose.
   “You can't be stressing Elise. You're still in the first trimester of your  pregnancy. No stressing young lady.”
   “It's your brothers fault. I bet he doesn't even have mold in his house. I bet he planned this all along.”
   “No. He wouldn't do that.” Max defended.
   “Prove me wrong.”
   “Fine I will.” Max stood and called the plumber. After hanging up she looked over at Elise with a blank stare. “He didn't have mold in his house. The plumber that he used last time said he didn't have any appointment to John's house.”
   “You're lying.” Barbara said in shock.
   “Damn and here I thought I was overexerting. He actually planned to seduce me. Why?”
   “Only one way to find out.”
   “I’m sorry for cursing mom.” She said as she laid her head on her mothers shoulder. Barbara chuckled.
   “I’ll make an accpetion this time baby.”
   Elise sucked up her emotions as she lay down. She wanted to wait up for Tim but she was too tired to. She knew that he was going to wake her once he got home. She needed to clear her mind. Figure out how she was going to break this to Tim. Her fiance in witch she just recently gotten engaged to.
   “Dear God. What to do?”

I decided to stir this story up a bit with John interfering with Elise love life. Will her old crush ruin things between her and Tim or will Tim kill John for ruining the best thing that's ever happened to him? Hope you all continue to enjoy this story.

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