Chapter 26

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“What are you doing here Tim?” She was obviously still angry with him. But right now she had much bigger problems.
   “It's Elise.” That's all it took for her to allow him to enter the house.
   “What's wrong?” She asked. “Is the baby okay?” When she looked at him again she seen tears  in his eyes. She never seen this man like this. She suddenly thought the worst. “Please don't tell me she's dead Tim.” Her eyes were now tearing up. “Tim…”
   “I tried to get to her…”
   “Tim. You better not tell me my baby is dead.” She sobbed.
   “Mom?” The tears came now when he heard Max voice. How did he face the both of them? “Where's Elise?” She felt pain coming from the both of them. Something wasn't right. “Tim. Where's my sister?”
   “She was kidnapped.”
   “What do you mean, kidnapped?” Max asked not understanding.
   “She did a job out in Barbados. A man was killed. The man that was killed his brother came back to the U.S to seek revenge. That's why she went on the run.”
   “I thought he was arrested. You said he was arrested.” Barbara said.
   “He was. He hired men to find her. They chased her earlier today. But she couldn't out run them.” More tears came. “She said that they were going to kill her if they got to her first. I tried Barbara…” She went and hugged him.
   “I know you tried. I know how much you love her.”
   “What am I going to do without her? She was pregnant…”
   “You're going to find her. And bring my baby back. Right?” He knew right then that she was asking for him to be strong. She needed him. They all did. They looked when the door opened.
   “Mom.” It was John.
   “John. Someone kidnapped Elise.” He hugged her then gave his attention to Tim.
   “Look man. What I did…”
   “Don't worry about it.” He cut off. “I kissed your fiance and we fought. Shit happens. Let's find her.” Tim nodded his head and they hugged it out.
   “Okay let's go over the conversation you were having with Elise today.” Theodore said.
   “We were talking about her staying in shape while being pregnant. Then it went to her joining me for lunch today. And as soon as she was going to turned to go back to the car she seen some men. Three where chasing her and just as she was almost to her car she said another guy appeared. She said his name.” He raked his brain for a name. “I don't know. It was happening so fast. It started with an N. I remember thinking I hated that name because it reminded me of John.”
   “That would be funny considering the situation.” Max said and John smiled as he continued to think. Then it hit him.
   “Yes. Yes. Nathan.” Tim cheered.
   “I remember a Nathan.” John continued. “About seven, eight months ago me and Elise went on a date. I lost that basketball bet. We went to a fundraiser. There a was a guy there named Nathan. She didn't like the man. He was a rich snobby guy. He hit her…”
   “What?” They all said at the same time.
   “Why didn't you tell us when it happened?” Barbara asked.
   “I thought Elise had.” He said with a hunch of his shoulders. They were all glaring at him. “Okay. We all established that I was an ass to her. Lets just find her by looking for this Nathan guy.” They silently agreed.
   Tim, Theodore and Sam both went to this restaurant where the event happened in hopes of finding out anything.

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