Chapter 12

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“You ready to finally pop this baby out? Elise asked as she rubbed Max huge belly. She had one more month before the big day. She knew that Max was scared even though she never spoke on it. She wanted her husband to be there for the birth of there baby but being deported made it difficult for him to make it back home on time. Elise had promised to be there for her and of course she was going to take his place for the birth of the baby but she knew that she couldn't replace the man she loved. She will do everything in her power to make her as comfortable as possible.
   It's now been a month since she and Tim began dating and also a month since she worked and although she had the orphanage to occupy her she couldn't stop thinking about all those other kids that needed her. The pain they were going threw. No child should have to go threw that pain and she wanted to stop every person who harmed any child. That was her life goal. Stop harm to all children. But she couldn't do that without making her next move. But for now she had to wait. There were a lot of work that needed to be done.
   She had made her way into the back yard when the card game started. Every week John and his friends would come and play cards. And every week she still managed to bother them.
   “Good afternoon fellas.”
   “Hello Elise.” They said in usan. Before she could begin to bother them Amber came prancing out with a huge smile on her face.
   Over the weeks Elsie and Amber became really good friends. She and Amber talked a lot and although she felt they had nothing in common she was still a cool person.
   Amber loved the finer things in life. Such as she always had to have the newest shoes out. The style that was trending for that month she had to be rocking it. To Elise there was nothing wrong with that. Whatever floats your boat but she just couldn't understand why some people worshipped the material things in life. To her those things did not matter. Maybe that's why she threw on sweat pants and called it a day. She did have to admit she began dressing more “girly since she began dating Tim. She enjoyed looking good for him. But that still didn't stop her from throwing on anything she grabbed and walking out the door. It just was not important to her.
   “Hey girl.” Amber said as she got closer to Elsie. They kissed each other on the cheek and she then said hello to the men. Then gave John a kiss. Everyone glances at Elise wanting to see her reaction but the only one she gave them was a smile.
   She couldn't lie and say at first them kissing in front of her didn't hurt her but she quickly got over it especially after she began dating Tim. That man changed her way of thinking and acting around a man. He was teaching her things that she never thought of and the respect he showed her was so wonderful and amazing. Even when he was frustrated he would never direct his anger at her although it's only been a month of them dating she knew that she was falling in love with him if she wasn't already. She was the queen at taking things slow and she felt she had to in order to build into something that would last forever. What was the point in rushing into something when you're not going to rush to get out of it? She just didn't understand it.
   She was taken by surprise when Amber wrapped her arm around her shoulder smiling down at the men. Attention just gravitated off her. When she was somewhere she demanded attention. Maybe it had to do with the short shorts she loved to wear and the thin tank tops she wore as shirts.
   Elise could not lie the woman was beautiful and very sweet but she felt she was very confused as to what was more important in life but who was she to judge? That's why she kept her mouth shut about petty things.
   “It’s good that you two are close now.” John said beaming up at Amber.
   “Yeah we are close friends. We have a lot in common.” She said and Elise forced a smile. She obviously thought they had nothing in common. They talked a little more and thanked God  when her mother called after her. Saved by the bell.
  It was early afternoon and the kids were out and about. Already running crazy with high energy. She was tending to one of the kids scraped knee when she heard.
   “Practicing for our future kids?” Looking up she found Tim looking down at her and she smiled.
   Standing she so willingly went into his arms kissing him gently on the lips.
   “How are you baby?”
   “Im fine now that you're in my arms.” She wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him again. She's been so tempted to give this man all of her but something was holding her back from that. Ask her what and she wouldn't be able to tell you. But she loved this man presents his appearance, and his touch. He was amazing to her.
   “Elise are you getting in the pool with us?” One of the kids asked as she looked up at Elise. Her little eyes was so excited and pleading at the same time.
   “Yes I'll get in the pool with you.”
   “Me to.” Amber called out.
   “Yes.” The little girl said excitedly as she jumped in. Amber had got in the pool before her since she came with her bathing suit on. Elsie went to change and was excited to swim with the kids especially since she haven't worked out in a long time. Playing with the kids would be her workout.
   “Damn Elise you have a fuckin six pack?” Amber said as she watched her walk into the pool. Elise just smiled as she went into a doggy paddle. She didn't care to wear two piece swimsuits but today she had to make an acception since it was all she had.
   She played with the kids enjoying herself. She noticed that Amber was a little touchy feely. She kept telling her how she had a nice body and how she wanted to get into shape like her. To Elise Amber had a beautiful body. Way more shapely than Elise was. The kids began trying to do flips in the pool.
   “Elise can you show me how to do a backflip?”
   “I thought I taught you how to do a flip already young man?”
   “I'll show you.” Amber said boosting out of the pool. “Just boost yourself off the edge of the pool forcing yourself backwards like so.” She said and she demonstrated doing a backflip. All the kids clapped for her.
   “That was good Amber.” They cheered.
   “Can you do a flip?” She asked Elise.
   “I can. Yes.”
   “I wanna see.”
   “One demonstration is enough for the kids.”
   “No.” Elise said smiling.
   “I mean it's okay if you're afraid. I took gymnastics as a kid so it comes easy to me.”
   “That's cool. Maybe you can show the kids more flips then.” She said and the kids cheered pressuring Amber to show them more flips. As she got out showing them more flips Elise took this opportunity to do laps on the other side of the pool. She was almost done when something nearly hit her head. Coming up for air she seen that it was Daniel one of the kids.
   “You almost knocked me out young man.” She said as she grabbed him.
   “Im sorry elise.” He said with a smile on his face.
   “It's quite alright. Who’s hungry?” She asked. They spent two hours in the pool so she knew they worked up an appetite.
   “Me.” They all sang. At that time Barbara took over. Elise boost herself up out the pool amber following suit sitting next to her.
   “Is your hair natural?” Elise nodded her head. Her closeness was making her a little uncomfortable. “For how long?”
   “All my life. I just kept it at a cerent length over the years. I just let it grow freely a few years ago.”
   Elise looked to find Tim and John looking there way. She smiled at Tim.
   “I think our men want us over there.” Amber said noticing them.
   “I'll let them finish their card game.” Elise said but it must have went in one ear and out the other with Amber because she was already standing holding her hand out to Elise.
   “Come on.” She helped her up and they begin their way towards the men.
   “Company is coming over.” Melvin said as his eyes were glued on the women. Tim could see the distress in Elise's face. He knew it was from Amber being too much for her but she was tolerating her. She was a very tolerable women like she said she was. They walked side by side. Elise had put her hair up in a bun making her look exotic. She was perfect in Tims eye's and no one could tell him different. She was very mature and he loved a mature woman. She didn't flaunt herself. She was more than capable of doing so. She and Amber were very different. There were no comparison except they were both beautiful black women.
   Elise was also a bubbly woman and could be a clown also but she knew when to get serious.
   “Hey fellas.” Amber said once she got to the table.
   “Damn Elise how often do you workout?” Melvin asked unable to take his eyes off her body. 
   “Not a lot but once I do I work out for about two hours straight.”
   “You look good.”
   “Thank you.”
   “Who knew you had that body under all those baggy ass clothes you wear.” They laughed.
   “I knew.” Tim said giving her a sweet crooked smile. She shyly smiled back at him. “You'd be surprised what you could learn about a woman if you just pay attention.”
   “You two are so cute.” Amber said.
   “And what is it that you learn?” Melvin asked. “Cause I'm still trying to figure women out.” They shared a laugh.
   “Well if you're actually interested in a woman you'll learn a lot about her in just the first few weeks in dating. The problem with men is we compare one women to all women and that's where I feel the term “I can't figure a woman out” comes from. You can't compare one woman to all women. You're never going to find answers like that.”
   “Look at you Doctor Phil.” Amber said as she sat on John’s lap. Compare me and Elise.” She said and Elise grew stiff. She did not want to be compared to Amber. She was too different from her.
   “I can't do that.” Tim said.
   “Understandable.” Amber said not knowing that her words were a low blow.
   “Well there will never be a comparison. The maturity level is way too different.”
   “Yeah Elsie is way too innocent.” Amber said.
   “I’ll take innocents over lack of maturity any day.” Tim said and Melvin snorted while Amber just smiled because that comment flew over her head. Need he say more. Elise leaned over kissing him for that.
   “I’m going to get dressed I'll be back in a bit.” Tim watched as she walked off. None of them noticing the secret stares John was giving her also.
   “You look nice baby.” Tim said as Elise walked into the kitchen. She was wearing low cut jeans with a pink blouse. She was beautiful and she knew it but she only began wanting to dress right after she began dating Tim.
   “Thank you baby.” Going to him she kissed him softly on the lips and Barbara beamed because she felt the love just blooming off them.
   “Where did you get those jeans from? They look nice on you.” Amber asked as she watches the interaction. While she and Amber talked Tim excused himself to the bathroom and by the time he was coming back some sort of commotion happened.
   “I am so sorry Elise. I didn't mean to do that.” Amber apologized as Elise held her breath. For some reason she felt that Amber had done that on purpose. How the hell did you accidentally spilled orange soda on someone that was more than two feet away from you? Deciding not to flip out she said.
   “Its okay. It's just liquid no harm done.” Elise took off her shirt and balled it up.
   “What's wrong?” Tim asked as he entered the room.
   “I accidentally split my drink on Elise.” Amber explained. Tim looked at Elise to see her with her eyes closed mentally counting. He had to get her out of there or she was going to explode.
   “Do you have another shirt?” He asked her.
   “No. It's cool. Mom I’m outta here. Have to check on my kids.” She said as she gave her and Max a kiss on the cheek.
   “Here.” Tim took off his shirt and handed it to her.
   “Awe thank you baby.” It was way too big when she put it on but the thought is what got her. “Now u have no shirt.”
   “Its cool. I rather for me to walk outside with no shirt on than you.” Winking at her he said. “Ready?”
   “So how did you really get the drink on you?” Tim asked as he drove.
   “I think she did it on purpose. I didn't want to accuse her and start anything though.”
   “Why do you think she did it on purpose?”
   “I have no idea. I thought we were cool.” She said her eyes closed enjoying the breeze from outside.
   “Maybe it's jealousy.”
   “Amber jealous of me?” She said as if that was bogus. “I don't know if that’s it. Maybe it truly was an accident.”
   “Or maybe she's jealous.” He said again.
   “I doubt it.” Wanting to drop the subject she said. “Where are we going?”
   “To your house?” He said questioningly.
   “Can we go to your place instead?”
   “Sure can.” He said taking the next turn.
   “Are you sure this is where she lives?” Tommy asked his partner.
   “Yes. Maybe she is on vacation or something?”
   “Whatever it is we're not leaving until we have her.”
   Tim had thrown Elise shirt in the wash as they sat in the living room watching tv. He was still topless and she had no problem with that because as he held her she ran her hand up and down his chest. He was so fit. Body was hard but heart was so soft. Huge and gentle. She loved that about him.
   “Think I'm boring yet?”
   “No.” He said chuckling. “I love your company.” He also loved her touch. The way her hand was rubbing up and down his chest was driving him crazy. He found himself working out a lot since he and Elise began dating. They still haven't been intimate with each other and to say he was going crazy with need for her was an understatement. He had to workout to stay sane.
   “I love your company also baby.” Leaning up she kissed his jaw. Turning his face she kissed him gently on the lips
   “Elise. I can't do this.” He said between kisses.
   “Do what?” She asked as she pulled off the shirt she was wearing.
   “This.” He said stopping her from straddling his lap. “Just kissing you isn't enough anymore.” She sat back on the couch.
   “I’m sorry. I didn't know how much it was bothering you.” Turning to face her he said.
   “You're not bothering me. It's just…” He didn't know how to put it.
   “You're horny.” She said and he laughed.
   “Yes. Yes. Just kissing you isn't enough anymore. And i don't want you to think I just want sex from you…”
   “But you're a man.” She finished for him. He had an apalopic look on his face and she smiled. “You are an amazing man Timothy. I love being with you. I feel so safe with you and I want to give you all of me…”
   “But you're just not ready.” He stated and she nodded her head. “Is it because of John?” She looked away. She knew that she wasn't in love with John but that what if is in the back of her mind. Damn. “You're still in love with him”
   “I'm not in love with him. I don't think I ever was in love with him. I don't know how to explain it”
   “You're in love with him.” He repeated.
   “I’m not.”
   “You're not ready to move on from him though.” 
   “I am ready to move on from him. And I do want to be with you. I just don't want to rush things. But I also don't want to deny you what you want.”
   “Are you breaking up with me?”
   “Well I don't want you to feel stuck in a relationship you feel may be moving too slow. I want you to be happy.”
   “I'm happy with you Elise.”
   “This conversation don't feel as if you're happy.”
   “You're right and I’m sorry.”
   “Maybe us...we were a bad idea.” She stated not wanting to believe it.
   “I didn't tell you I couldn't do this because I no longer wanted to be with you.”
   “It sounds that way.”
   “I know. I’m sorry.”
   “This is crazy.”
   “Yeah...” After a pause she said.
   “I don't know how to respond to this.”
   “Well how do you feel?”
   “I love your company. I enjoy every single bit of you. And I care deeply about you. So much…” She couldn't express it. “You're everything I've been looking for in a man. What I’ve been looking for in John you have that and more. I met John when I was thirteen and I think I was fascinated with him and it just grew stronger as I got older. It was never love just a girl crush.” She took his hand and entwined their fingers together. “I dont want to lose you Timothy.” She kissed his knuckles. “I don't want to lose you but I also don't want to be the reason you feel held back. So if you want to break this up…”
   “No. I don't want to break up. I don't even know how we got this far with the conversation.” He caressed her cheek and she leaned her cheek onto his hand as she closed her eyes. “I care so deeply about you also Elise.”
   “It’s scary isn't it?” Smiling he said.
   “Yes it is.”
   “If you can wait for me Timothy I'll give you all of me. I swear I will. I just need..” she paused not sure of her next words to speak.
   “You just need me to be more patient.” He said and she looked at him with pleading eyes.
   “I don't know. I just feel that patients is key to building something so strong. It takes time. And if we learn more about each other and figure eachother out more when we do decide to come together and we do have our differences we will know how to fix it. I don't know maybe I’m naive about it but I really truly want us to work. I care so much about you.” With that confession Tim declared that he would wait forever for her because waiting for a women like this is worth it. The way she spoke and the way she touched him. He knew that she was cencere about what she was saying. “I can't see myself with no one else but you.”
   “I'll wait forever for you Elise. I’m sorry I even brung it up.” She smiled as he leaned in to kiss her. Before the kiss got to deep she pulled back and stood.
   “I should go.”
   “Because I don't want to…” She paused trying to find the right words. “Turn you on; I guess.” She said and he laughed. Standing he pulled her to him.
   “If you don't mind I would love for you to stay over.”
   “Are you sure?”
   “Yes I'm sure.”
   “Okay well I can sleep on the couch…”
   “Come here woman. You're not sleeping on a couch.” He said picking her up and carrying her to his room.
   “You'll sleep in my bed.”
   “Where are you sleeping?”
   “On the couch.”
   “Are you sure?”
   “Yes.” He kissed her forehead. “Get some sleep.” He turned to leave but she grabbed his hand.
   “Stay with me Timothy.” She watched as his jaw set and she gave his hand a slight tug. Giving in he slid in the bed with her and she snuggled close to him. Smiling he fell into a deep sleep.

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