Chapter 17

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   Elise woke to find the bed empty next to her. She sat up looking to find Tim on the phone his back facing her. 
   “Yes I have her ma'am.”
   “Can I speak to her?”
   “Sure let me wake her.”
   “No no don't wake her if she's asleep.” Barbara said at the other end of the phone.
   “That's my mom?” Tim looked to find Elise up on the bed. She slid off naked and made her way toward him. He handed her the phone. “Mom…”
   “It's really you?” She could hear the sadness in her mother's voice. Along with excitement and relief.
   “Yes mom it's me. I missed you so much…” Tim watched as the tears streamed down her face. Right there he knew that even though they weren't blood related the love for each other mine as well be blood. They really loved each other and he knew that now.
   “This guy that's looking for you...who is he?” Tim asked as he watched her go back to the bed sitting down after getting off the phone with her mother. Did she know that she was distracting him sitting there butt ass naked? Chances were she had no idea.
   “Tim? Did you hear anything I said.”
   “Yeah. Yeah I did.” He lied and she laughed.
   “Then what did I say?” He laughed sheepishly.
   “Okay so I didn't hear you. But can you blame me? You're sitting there naked.” She looked down at herself as if just realising that she was.
   “I’m sorry… I have nothing to put on.”
   “No need to apologize. I’ll get you something to wear but until then…” He went and grabbed a robe handing it to her but she didn't grab it.
   “Something wrong?” He asked.
   “I don't want to put that on.”
   “Why not?” He asked laughing.
   “Because I want you on top of me.” He tightened his jaw. This woman was going to be the death of him. Standing she said. “Better yet I need to take a shower. Would you like to join me?” She began making her way to the bathroom and he followed behind shortly after. 
   “I thought you weren't going to come.” She said as she watched him enter the shower.
   “I’ll always come for you beautiful.”
   “What’s the next move?” Elsie asked. Sitting in the hotel had her forgetting about her worries for a bit but now she needed to know what was going on. They couldn't stay in the room forever. It's been a few days now.
   “Well we are able to go home now.”
   “Really?” She asked excited.
   “This George guy was caught.” She looked over at him surprised.
   “He has? What happened?”
   “Just how he was tracking you once we found him we begin tracking him also. Beat him at his own game. So early in the morning our plane will be here and we can leave” Her eyes begin to water and he sighed. “I can’t take this crying Elise. Please not now.”
   “Thank you.” She said going over and hugging him tight not caring that he didn't want her to cry the tears came anyway. He had no idea what this meant to her. Elise slept most of the ride back to Georgia. She had to because her body was all jittery. The only way to keep clam was to sleep. She couldn't wait to see her mother again. When it was time to land she woke only for the jitters to return.
   “Ready?” She looked up at Tim and smiled.
   “Yes I’m ready.”
   “I promised your mother that I would call her once we landed. Do you want to go over there now?”
   “It’s late. Maybe I should wait until the morning.”
   “You know she’s not going to have that right?” He said with a chuckle. “I did make a promise that I would bring you straight to her. She wants to see for herself that you're okay.” He had called her and just like he thought she had demanded that he bring her over right then. Hanging up the phone he said.  “Off to your mothers we go.”
   “She's going to curse me out.” She said with a nervous chuckle.
   “I think she going to hug you more than talk.”
   “We’ll see.”
   The door swung open just seconds after the first ring of the bell. Without a word Max went and hugged her sister tight crying in the process making Elise cry along with her.
   “Where the hell have you been?”
   “It’s a long story.”
   “Well I’m not tired. Come in and explain this shit to me.” As soon as they stepped foot inside Barbara appeared and rushed over damn near knocking Elise over with the hard hug she gave her. They hugged for what seemed like an eternity. Once Barbara finally took a step back she looked into who she considered her daughter beautiful brown eyes and said.
   “I thought something happened to you. You scared me half to death.” She hugged her again this time not so tight. Looking her back in her eyes she said. “I should whooped your damn ass you know that?” Elise sheepishly smiled. Although Barbara threatened her she had never put her hands on her to harm her in anyway. Barbara picked up very quickly that Elise hated loud noise and being yelled at. She could tell that she had been abused before she had got to them. She promised that she would never harm her. Elise was very lucky to have this women in her life. She would do anything for her. Even leave to save them.
   “I’m sorry Barbara.”
   “No.” She cut off. “I'm your damn mother you hear me?” The tears came again. “You don't get to leave and have me worry about you. I know I’m not your birth mother but you are still my baby okay? I’d go crazy if anything happened to one of my children do you hear me?” Elise nodded her head unable to talk. She hugged her again. “I’ve missed you so much.” She said as she continued to hug her.
   “I’ve missed you to.” Once they were finally able to sit down Elise prepared herself for the questions to come. She knew that she could no longer dodge them. After so many years she knew that she would have to answer all the questions she avoided as a child.
   “So where in the hell have you been?” Barbara asked and Elise took a deep breath and started from the beginning.
   “So there is someone trying to kill you?” Barbara asked alarmed.
   “Was…” Elise corrected. “Thanks to Tim and the cops they caught him.” Sighing she continued. “I just didn't want to put you guys in any danger. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that were to happen. I’m sorry I scared you guys but I was only doing what I thought was best.”
   “I understand why you did it.” Max said. “Because those kids were orphans and come from bad places and I know you come from a bad place but can you tell us what happened to you as a child Elise?” They all seen as she shut down something like she use to do as a child whenever they asked about her past. She knew she couldn't get out of it now but she hated thinking about her past let alone talking about it. Taking in a slow deep breath she slowly let it out and said.
   “What would you like to know?”
   Barbara sat up straighter in the chair she was seated in and said.
   “Where in Haiti are you from?”
   “I don't know.” She answered honestly. “All I know is the women who had me as a child would call me a Haiti bastard so I assumed that's where I was from. I can also remember bits and pieces of my father who had an accent.”
   “How old were you when you came to America?” Max asked. Elise racked her brain.
   “Four maybe five. I could have been younger. I don't  know.” She answered unsure.
   “Elise what happened to you from the time you was taken from your father to when we met?” Max asked. Elise eyes begin to tear up and she began to shake. Tim touched her hand giving it a gentle squeeze. He hated seeing her upset.
   “Do you want to stop?” He asked and she shook her head. Taking another deep breath she said.
   “I believe I was taken from my father and crossed the border to the U.S illegally. I believe I was sold for sex trafficking.” Barbara gasped as she covered her mouth in shock. “Im almost sure that it was trafficking. I remember living in these old dirty places. It was always cold and scary…”
   “Elise…” Barbara interrupted. “Were you...rapped?” Elise looked her in the eyes and the tears she tried so hard to control came spilling out.
   “I don’t know...I mean I remember these men...they would touch me…I mean I don’t think they…” She paused. How did she say this? “I don’t remember ever being penetrated by a man. Just touching.” Barbara quickly stood not wanting to hear anymore.
   “I can't hear this.” She rushed out of the room.
   “She’s going to think I'm disgusting now.” Elise said worried.
   “No she's not. She just hate that men can hurt a little girl. Her little girl.” Tim reassured her. Elise stood and went to her mother. She found her in the kitchen. Barbara went to her and hugged her tight.
   “I’m so sorry this happened to you.”
   “Threw my ordeal came happiness. Because of you I know what a real family is. I'm forever grateful for you mom.”
   “I love you baby.”
   “I love you to.”
   “If I knew who those men were that hurt you…”
   “Don't you worry about something like this. God handled it.”
   They made their way back to the living room where Max and Tim were waiting. She instinctively walked into Tim's awaiting arms who gently kissed her after she wrapped her arms around his neck. Max and Barbara both witnesses the act with wide smiles on their faces.
   “You two look so beautiful together.” Max said. “Reminds me of me and my husband.” At that time Elise looked down at Max's way smaller stomach.
   “You had the baby?” Max smiled as she nodded her head. “Where is she?”
   “Upstairs.” She made her way up. Elise following on her heels. Her heart began racing at the sight of the baby crib. Walking over she looked down at the small figure lying down. She was sleeping.
   “She is so beautiful. Looks just like you.” Elise was on the verge of tears again.
   “Do you want to hold her?”
   “Can I?”
   “You sure can. You’re her godmother.” Elise gently picked her up. She was already in love with her.
   “She's so tiny.” She cradled her in her arms. “I’m so sorry I missed the birth.”
   “It’s okay. You’re here now.” Max assured her.
   “I promised your husband that I would  take his place and I broke that promise.”
   “You had good enough reason to. Besides he was here.” Elise looked up at her surprised.
   “He was? Thats a blessing.”
   “Yeah they allowed him to come see the birth of his child. I was so grateful for that. Of course he had to leave right away. She gave her attention back to the baby. 
   “Can you say auntie Elsie; huh? You are going to be so spoiled young lady.”
   “You spoil my baby then I'm going to have to spoil yours when you have one.” Max retorted.
   “Me have a baby?”
   “Yes; it is possible you know.” Max said smiling.
   “Imagine me being a mom.” There was a pause. “You think I’d be a good mom?”
   “Of course you would. You’re a wonderful person.” Elise smiled. She kissed the baby on the forehead.
   “Whats her name?”
   “Michael.” Elise looked over at Max. “Michael Elise Braxton.” Max said.
   “You named her after me?”
   “Yes. You’re my sister. My best friend. Why wouldn’t I?” Elise placed the baby in the crib and went and hugged her sister.
   “I love you so much.”
   “I love you to.”
   “Are you staying here?” Barbara asked. They were all now in the kitchen.
   “No I’m leaving with Tim. I’ll be back tomorrow though.” She said as she grabbed Tim's hand. Barbara then smiled up at Tim went over and gave him a hug.
   “Thank u for bringing my baby back to me.”
   “No problem at all. I'm glad I found her.”
   “Me to.” Minutes later Tim and Elise said their goodbyes and after promising to come back they left.
   “Where to?” Tim asked.
   “Your place if that's okay.”
   “Of course it is. My place it is then.” Elise went and took a much needed shower once there. She was grateful for the robe Tim had. It was so soft. They were in his bedroom. With him knowing that she was naked underneath that robe was driving him insane. He had to mentally tell himself to calm down.
   “Maxines baby is so gorgeous isn't she?” Elise said breaking him out of his thoughts.
   “Yes beautiful.” He noticed when she touched her stomach.
   “Max said I would make a good mother. Do you think I would?”
   “Yes a wonderful mother.”
   “Yeah I think I'd be okay also.”
   “Does the thought scare you? Being a mother?”
   “The thought doesn’t scare me at all.” Tim sat up straighter and said.
   “What if you are now? You know pregnant?” She touched her stomach again.
   “Is that possible?” Chuckling he said.
   “Yes it’s possible.”
   “What I meant is; we didn't use any protection?”
   “No. I’m sorry. I should have protected you.”
   “We’re both grown.”
   “You were innocent. I should have protected you.” She reached over cupping his cheek.
   “The only thing that would scare me about being pregnant is if you decide you don’t want to be the father.”
   “I would never do that.”
   “Then I’m okay. Don't beat yourself up about it. If God gave us this gift then we’ll embrace it but if not we’ll be more careful until we are both absolutely ready. Okay?” He nodded his head.
   “I love you.”
   “I love you to.”
   “Yes beautiful?” He said his mouth just a inch away from hers.
   “I want you to make love to me.” With that he connected his mouth to hers pulling her onto his lap.
   “My pleasure love.” He suddenly froze.
   “What’s wrong?”
   “I have no protection.”
   “Why not?” She asked a confused look on her face. Chuckling he said.
   “Because I had no reason for them until now.”
   “I thought all bachelors had things like that at there house.”
   “Not all. I was never a man to sleep with every willing women. It’s just not me.”
   “That’s a good thing.” She reached up kissing him. When she grind against him he groaned and he lost control when she took his bottom lip into her mouth. Taking her he turned her so that she was laying on her back him over her. She wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him to her. He closed his eyes groaning when she reached down between them cupping his hard erection. She smiled loving the effect she was having on him. She freed him from his pants and guided him to the entrance of her he sighed.
   “Elise what are you doing to me?”
   “Making you mine.”
   “I’m already yours.” She teased his mouth with hers.
   “Then show me.” He pressed against the entrance of her and she sighed.
   “Dammit Elise. Do you know what you're doing?”
   “Trying to get my boyfriend to have sex with me.”
   “I don’t have any protection.” He never thought he would regret not having condoms. She sighed again this time in sexual frustration. She flopped fully on the bed arms spread open not caring that her body was exposed.
   “I don’t like this feeling.” She said letting out another sigh.
   “What feeling?” He asked as he still hovered over her.
   “What is it called? Sexual frustration?” He laughed.
   “Yeah it’s not a good feeling at all.” She smiled touching his cheek looking lovingly into his eye.
   “You are so handsome and I am so much in love with you. It scares me.”
   “You have nothing to be afraid of baby. I’m not set out to hurt you.”
   “Good because I only want to make you happy from this day forward. I love you so much baby.” With that he thirst inside her and she gasp taken by surprise. He had no doubt that this was the women for him and if she were to get pregnant now then he would be the happiest man in the world.

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