Chapter 1: (Y/n)

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England asked me to come to his office after lunch and he looked very serious about it too.

I hope nothing's wrong.

I knocked on his door.

"Come in," England's voice greeted me as I opened the door, "(Y/n) I need to talk to you about something important."

"What is it? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"It's World War Two. America is probably going to come over here and ask you if you'd like to join his team. I know you like to be nice to everyone but I need to ask you to say no to his request."


"It's because if you choose a side you're most likely going to become a target and that's the last thing I want to happen to you. You will remain neutral like Switzerland and Spain."

"But I want to be with you! I want to help you!"

"I know but it's too dangerous."

"Everything's dangerous England that's just how the world works."

England looked away from me before standing up off of his chair and walking toward me. England never looked so serious and... scary.

"E-England?" I stuttered backing away.

"This is for your safety just like all my decisions. If you remain neutral you can still help me and the other countries by supplying us with food and crops. You'll also be less likely to be attacked because you won't be on the opposing side. It's just the safest option." England said backing me into a wall. He looked directly into my eyes.

"O-ok. I'll stay neutral." I yelped. England let out a breath he seemed to be holding in from the beginning of the meeting.

"Phew. I thought it would take a bit more to convince you but I'm glad you agreed. I didn't want things to get too aggressive," England said returning back to his normal self. I just nodded my head to shocked and afraid to say anything more, "don't worry I'll supply you with some tanks and soldiers just in case something happens. But if something does happen, make sure to stay away from the front lines, ok?"

"Mmhmm" I nodded again.

"Ok, well I need to get to another meeting with the rest of the allies. Keep yourself safe alright." He smiled at me before leaving the office.

I stood inside still glued to the wall England pushed me up against. My heart was racing from how scary that was. I slowly made my way to the door and was about to open it before the door was slammed right into me face.

"Oooww!" I grumbled, staggering into the other wall.

"Hey, (Y/n)! England told me you were in here," America burst through the door and then looked around confused, "wait, (Y/n) where are you?"

"Right.... here." I said holding my head and pushing the door closed. "What... do you... want to talk about?"

"Oh there you are. I'm here to ask you to join the hero!" America said posing.

"Oh. That's what this it." I sighed.

"So do you want to join the allies?" America asked. I remembered what England said from like two seconds ago.

"Um, sorry I'll have to pass. I'd like to stay neutral."


"Yeah, sorry about that"

"You can't be serious! You're going to join the Axis!"

"What! No I didn't say that!"

"But if you're not joining the Allies then there's no other team!"

"No, I'm staying neutral. I'm not joining either team."

"... oh, sorry about overreacting I seriously thought you were going to join the Axis. Well let me know if you change your mind." America said before pulling a hamburger from out of nowhere and walking out the door.

I held my head and walked out the door after him. I then began walking to my room.

I wonder what my boss is going to think about this.

I entered my room and flopped onto my bed. I lay there for what seemed like hours contemplating what to do next. I then decided to go talk to my boss.

I knocked on the door to my bosses room. I got no response so I opened the door and entered.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)!" My boss said greeting me, her voice slurred. She was sprawled over on the desk with a glass of beer in her hand. "What up!"

"You're drunk again boss." I said. My boss was always immature and at times she was an amazing boss she was usually acting like this because England's boss did all the hard work.

"I know and it's great." She laughed.

"I have decided to be a neutral country for World War Two. I hope you agree with my decision."

"Whatever floats your boat." She giggled

"Alright well, see ya" I said, walking out the door and leaving.

I walked down the halls going nowhere in particular until I bumped into England.

"Oh hey England!" I said.

"Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere," he said puffing, "I'm heading to Japan with America so that we can have a battle. I'm leaving you with some of my army and equipment in case anything happens. Remember to let me know if something does happen so that I can come over and help you out."

"Yeah, ok. Are you going to be alright?"

"Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Focus on yourself. Look out for Germany, I feel like he's planning on attacking you. If that happens don't go anywhere near the front lines. The last thing I want to see is you injured." England said before waving me goodbye and leaving with America to go to japan.

I'm not usually left alone like this because England never usually leaves my side so it'll be nice to be home alone but it'll also be a bit scary since Germany is planning to attack.

I walk back to my room and flop onto my bed before dozing off.

It's been a few weeks since England left and I've been awaiting the arrival of Germany but it never seems to arrive. England sent me a letter saying he should be back in about a year or so. I was pretty relaxed at home by myself.

That was until...

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