Chapter 11: England

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"Bring out the last round of tanks!" I commanded.

"Yes, sir!" A soldier said saluting before running off.

"This is when we crush Japan," I whispered to myself, "and then I'll be able to go home."

"Dude! Look at Japan running off like that. I think we scared him." America said looking back at me.

"We leave tomorrow at dawn." I said walking off.

"Dawn!? That's too early!" America whined.

"Dawn or else I'm leaving you here." I pushed.

"Fine." America grumbled.

I sat down making sure to have some tea before getting into bed. I slowly began dozing off to sleep.

"ENGLAND!" America shouted into my tent.

"Bloody hell, what are you doing America?" I grumbled.

"I can't find my bedtime burger!" America said while rummaging around my tent.

I face palmed.

Back at lunch time,

"Oh dude, I'm so hungry. I could eat two burgers!" America said.

"If you do that I'm not paying for your medical bills." I said.

"Too late, I already ate them both." America said with his mouth full of hamburger. I sighed.

"Weren't you saving that other burger for tomorrow's lunch?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I forgot. It was supposed to be my bedtime burger. Oh well." America said before standing up and exiting.

"Didn't you eat your bedtime burger for lunch?" I asked.

"I wouldn't do that! The bedtime burger is the best burger." America said. I face palmed again.

"Don't you have a whole tent full of burgers?"

"Yeah but they aren't for bedtime, they're for breakfast."

"And why do you think you're burger would be in my tent?"

"Maybe you stole it because you wanted to taste the awesomeness of the bedtime burger!" I looked at America with a very unimpressed face. "Ok, maybe not because of that reason but maybe because you..."

I stood up and covered America's mouth while pushing him out the door.

"Or maybe you ate your bedtime burger at lunch because you're such a pig." I said. "Now go to bed it's sleep time!"

I closed the tent and went back to bed.

We got off the ship and I wished America well.

"Come back and visit!" I shouted at him.

"Will do!" America shouted back and then the boat disappeared out of sight.

I walked up to my house and opened the door. I walked into (Y/n)'s room and saw no one there.

"(Y/n)?!" I called around the house. I entered (Y/n)'s boss' office to see (Y/n)'s boss unconscious on the desk.

"Hey? Are you ok?" I said shaking (Y/n)'s boss.

"E-England?" (Y/n)'s boss said clutching their stomach.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's (Y/n) she went to the front lines and..." (Y/n)'s boss grunted in pain. "I think she got shot."

My heart rate speed up.

"Don't worry I'll go save her, you'll be alright." I said before running out of the room. I ran down the stairs and out the doors. I ran to where Germany was supposed to be fighting (Y/n).

I came to a bunch of trenches. As I sped down the trenches I looked for the infirmary. When I came to the infirmary I looked through all the rooms and didn't see (Y/n) anywhere. I exited the infirmary and began running to the front lines. I bumped into a bulky man.

"What do you want?" I heard a monotone voice. A shiver went down my spine. I looked up and saw... Garry.

"H-how, y-you're supposed to be d-dead." I stuttered, backing away.

"You think you could get rid of me that easily?" Garry asked. "Just put me on the front lines and wish me goodbye?"

"N-no it's not like that!"

"Really? It definitely seemed like that. What are you going to do when (Y/n) finds out?"

"Even so, you should've died of old age!"

"Old age? Tch, when it comes to (Y/n) I'll always come back to life." Garry said making sure to block my way.

"Garry, let me through!" I shout trying to push him out of the way. I climbed up out of the trench and surprisingly didn't get hit by any bullets and ran around Garry and jumped back into the trench.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Garry shouted while running after me.

I continued running and finally made it to (Y/n) but (Y/n) looked really pale.

"Hey, England." She greeted.

"(Y/n) are you alight?" I asked crouching down beside her. "Did you get shot? Are you hurt?"

"What, I'm fine." She said. She then stood up and immediately sat back down, wincing. I noticed blood leak out of her stomach. "Perfectly fine."

"I looks like you've been shot in the abdomen. We've got to get you to the doctor." I said lifting her up.

"No, put me down. I'm almost done." She said wriggling in my arms. I looked down at where (Y/n) sat and saw a magic circle on the ground that looked like it was drawn with blood.

"You were trying to use magic." I growled. "That's dangerous, how did you even learn how to use it?"

"Let... go!" (Y/n) said before pushing herself out of my arms and landing on the ground winding herself and worsening her bullet wound. (Y/n) then finished the magic circle. "GARRY!"

Garry appeared behind me.

"Yes, (Y/n)?" Garry asked.

"I'm ready." (Y/n) gasped out. (Y/n) then put her hand on the magic circle and I realised.

That's a stop time spell. It can take a really big toll on the person using the spell and leaves the castor out of sync for a couple days.

"No, don't-" I began and time stopped then started again with (Y/n) seemly teleporting onto the ground lying on her back. "-do that."

(Y/n) lay on the ground with one hand over her bleeding wound and another tugging at my pants.

"(Y/n)!" I gasped crouching down beside her. "No, no, no. This can't be happening."

"England," she began, coughing up blood as she went, "can you fill in for me at work tomorrow? Tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow, and forever and ever... can you?"

"Wha, n-no you can do it yourself." I said tears building in my eyes.

"Pleeeaaasee?" She asked.

"O-ok. Just this once." I said tears spilling out of my eyes.

"Yay! Thanks E-England. You're the b-best." (Y/n) then leaned up and kissed me on the lips before falling back down, one last breath escaping her lungs. "Love you."

I shot up in my bed. Tears rolling down my cheeks.

"England, you ready to leave dude?" America asked.

"A-America..." I stuttered getting a grip on reality.

"Dude, you ok?" America said coming over.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said looking away. "Y-you're up early."

"Really, thanks dude but It's like twelve o'clock."

"What! Get out of here. I need to get ready!" I shooed him out and started getting dressed.

I hope that nightmare will stay a nightmare.

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