Chapter 5: England

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The battle was raging on as the casualties on both sides continued ticking up.

"Bring in the tanks!" America yelled to one of his commanders.

"Yes sir!" The commander shouted back. I looked over at the letter I had received from (Y/n) the other day.

It was a letter about how Germany had announced that them and (Y/n) were going to have a war. I always knew countries would fight to have (Y/n)'s nutrient rich soil and gold but this time it was different because I wasn't there to protect her. I hoped her boss wasn't drunk again and actually read the letter I gave them. I hoped (Y/n) hadn't thrown herself onto the front lines like she always wants to do. I hoped my troops are enough to keep Germany at bay just long enough for me to come back and help. I hoped (Y/n) was still alive and well.

"Hey dude, you alright?" America asked waving his hand in front of my eyes. "Not getting PTSD yet are you?"

"What? I've been fighting wars longer than you have." I retorted.

"Oh, so you're thinking about your girlfriend?" He pushed.

"For the last time she's not my girlfriend!" I replied feeling heat rush to my face. America huffed and turned away from me. His shoulders relaxed.

"She's grown up a lot." He said.

"Yeah." I replied.

"I remember when you brought her back from off the street and kept her a secret in one of your rooms until she randomly interrupted us during a meeting." America said a smile appearing on his face. I laughed.

"And then afterward I had to tell you the whole story." I added.

"At least you're taking good care of her. She's lucky to have you." America said as he started walking toward the door.

"You can always come back you know." I replied with semi-desperation. America laughed and turned around.

"And have to eat your burnt scones? No way! I'd rather eat my hero food thank you very much!" He said poking his tongue out and pulling a burger out from nowhere and taking a big bite out of it before walking out the door to go command his army. I flopped into my chair.

I remember the day I found (Y/n) as if it were yesterday. It was right after America had his revolution and moved out. I was walking down the alleyways in the rain when I saw a little girl sitting next to a pile of rubbish. She clutched a knife in her hand and looked very pale and skinny.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked crouching down next to her. Her head shot up and she immediately got into a battle stance with her knife held in her hand ready to stab me if I got too close. "Wow! Easy now. I'm not going to hurt you, love."

"Tch, and why should I believe you?" She asked tightening her grip on the knife.

"Wait here, I'll get you something to eat." I said before running off into the direction of the grocery store. I entered and picked up a water bottle, yoghurt, and apples. These weren't things I usually bought but they were the best thing for someone who hasn't eaten in a while. I then bought all the food and ran back to the alleyway. To my surprise the girl stayed where she was. When she heard footsteps she turned back around to face me. "See, food. You should eat it if you want to feel better."

The girl looked blankly at me before ripping the food out of my hands and gulping it down.

"T-thanks." She replied looking down towards the ground. Droplets of water fell from her face. "That's the n-nicest thing anyone has ever done for m-me."

I looked back at her not sure how to react. Comforting was never one of my strong suits. The girl looked back at me revealing that she was definitely crying. The girl dropped her knife and ran up to me hugging my leg and drenching my pants in tears. I flinched at the sudden contact but eventually crouched down and stroked the girls hair.

"Hey, do you want to come live with me? My house is a lot better than this place." I said extending my hand. The girl looked at me then grabbed her knife and I thought she was about to attack me but instead she placed the knife into my hand.

"To protect yourself." She said and then took my other hand. I held onto the knife and took the girl all the way back home and when we got there I made sure to feed her plenty of food so she could heal better. I few weeks had past.

"Do you like it here, love?" I asked. The girl rarely smiled and continued looking skinny no matter how much food I gave her.

"It's pretty good except the bed is too soft and the food is too... too yummy." She said looking down at the ground. "I'm sorry if that upsets you. If it did I'll go to my room."

"What? No, it's fine. I'll see if I can get you a new bed and if you want I can get you some different food but isn't yummy food a good thing?" I asked. Sometimes this girl can be quite amusing but I really wanted to make her feel at home.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I'm not used to all this stuff. Yeah, the food is yummy but it kind of makes me have a stomach ache afterward and I don't really like that part." She said.

"Thanks for telling me, why don't we just stick with the easy food like yogurt and apples for the time being?" I asked. She nodded her head and I swear I saw a smile appear on her face.

England, we're making progress.

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