Chapter 10: (Y/n)

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I kicked the commander in the jewels, works every time, and he let go of me and I stole his pistol from out of his holster.

"Alright, who's next?" I asked, my pistol against the commanders head. I wasn't going to shoot unless completely necessary

"Hah, that gun isn't even loaded." The commander scoffed. I took some of his bullets from out of his pocket and loaded the gun.

"It isn't is it?" I asked. The commander was silent. The other people in the room had taken their guns and had all aimed at me.

"This is mutiny!" The commander shouted.

"I'm glad you can identify situations." I said. I took a grenade from off of it's clip and positioned it near my mouth ready for me to pull out the pin. "This will kill us all. Wanna shoot now?"

I might have to use magic to get myself out of here but it's been a while since I practiced or read any of England's books.

"You wouldn't dare." The commander gritted his teeth. I smirked.

"I've killed germans. Killing you guys would be the same, right?" I asked. The commander glared at me. "Could someone get me a pen?"

A nice fellow who look (Y/n)ish, but you couldn't really tell these days, gave me a pen.

"Thank you..." I waited.

"John." The man replied.

"Thank you John." I said.

I clipped my grenade back onto my belt and took the pen and began scribbling on a piece of paper.

I believe this is a mind control spell. It would be funny if I turned one of them into a frog, though. If I remember correctly mind control spells take a big toll on the mind so I'll have to be careful.

I drew a magic circle on the piece of paper and put my hand on the page whispering the magic words under my breath.

"What are you doing?" The commander asked, fear and confusion in his voice. I turned the gun's safety off.

As the magic circle lit up I felt my hand heat up. My hand was going to have a big burn on it, I could feel it. I made my hand look like a gun with my thumb pointing up and my index finger pointing forward, my signature salute back in the day. I pointed at the man in front of me and made a bang sound with my mouth while pretending to shoot the man. The man fell backwards as if he had been shot by a bullet. Everyone around me gasped.

I went around the room and 'shot' down everyone in the room until John and the commander were the only ones left standing. My headache was beginning to kick in. I pointed at the commander dropping his pistol and bringing up my finger gun.

"Bang." I said forcing the commander backward and causing him to fall to the ground. I turned to John. "How was that?"

"Pretty good." John said standing up. "Is it my turn now?"

"Not unless you want to be against me." I said. John nodded. "Can you go get a soldier called Fredrick for me."

"Yes, sir!" John said saluting. I shook my head.

"That's not how we do it in my army." I put my hand up making a gun with my fingers again. I pretended to shoot the wall making a gunshot noise with my mouth. "That's how we do it. Let's practice. I need you to get Fredrick for me."

"Yes, sir!" John said pointing a finger gun at me and shooting me. "Bang."

I clapped.

"Brilliant, you don't have to call me sir either. It's just (Y/n)." I replied waving him off. "Oh and can you go check on this kid in the infirmary for me, his name's Oliver."

"Yes, (Y/n)." John said walking you the door and shooting me once again. "Bang."

I looked at my hand and saw that there was definitely a burn because my hand was all red and it was stinging like crazing. I looked at the higher ups on the ground. When they woke up I'll have to start using my mind to control them. This was going to be exhausting.

John kind of reminds me of Garry, the way he doesn't question my commands, the way he doesn't give a crap about all the stuff happening around him. I like John he gets a tick in my book.

I began picking up the unconscious commanders and laying them down in their chairs.

"(Y/n)!" Fredrick shouted when barging through the broken door. "What did you do?!"

"Just doing a little bit of housekeeping." I replied.

"W-what happened to your hand?" Fredrick pointed to my burnt hand.

"I-it's nothing. I'm guessing John went and got you?" I said changing the subject.

"Yeah." Fredrick said looking at the unconscious commander. "D-did you kill them?"

"No, they're not dead... just sleeping." I replied plopping the last higher up into his chair.

"Bang." A monotone voice said coming from the door frame. Fredrick jumped back in surprise.

"Garry!" I said leaping for joy. John looked at me confused. "Oh, uh. John! Did you check on Oliver?"

"Yes (Y/n). He's going to be taken home in a few days." John said.

"Brilliant, let's begin!" I said pointing at the map on the table. "We only have a few minutes before the higher ups wake up."

"Wha, I didn't agree to this." Fredrick said.

"Then I'll send you home, I don't want cowards on my team." I replied.

"I'm not a coward!" Fredrick said coming up to the table. "W-what's the plan."

Works every time.

After discussing the plan for a few minutes, I felt a sharp pain in my head.

"They're waking up, I'm going to think more about the plan. I need you two to go and help convert the soldiers." I said slouching into one of the chairs. I saw the commanders eyes flicker open.

"Uuughhh, What happened." The commander said. Fredrick looked at the commander with pure horror in his eyes. I smirked.

"William Hurtward." I said.

"H-how do you know my name?!" The commander said, shocked.

"You belong to me, I am the new commander you shall obey my every command." I said swings my arm across my view as if cutting the commander in half. The commander immediately formed a gun with his hand and pointed at me.

"Yes, (Y/n)" The commander, William, said. "Bang."

My head began to ache slightly.

"William deliver the news, I am the new commander of this army unit." I said.

"Of course (Y/n)." William said before walking out of the room. Fredrick looked at me bewildered.

"Magic." I said before shooing them off. Once all the higher ups woke up I commanded them to do my bidding and to go and spread the news to all the soldiers.

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