Chapter Three | Youngblood

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Youngblood, by Five Seconds Of Summer

Draco walked among his group of Slytherins as they followed their new Care of Magical Creatures Professor into the woods. Potter and Weasley walked ahead, right alongside the half-giant, Hagrid. Draco rolled his eyes. He didn't understand why Dumbledore would give the big oaf a job that required teaching others. It clearly showed that neither were qualified to teach. Still, Draco did wonder as to where Granger might be. She was usually with Scar Head and Weaselbee. Perhaps she was smarter than he thought and hadn't signed up for this class. It would make her smarter than him. But why was he thinking about this anyways?

   Frustrated, Draco shook his head and turned back to face the group. Pansy, fortunity, was not in this class, so he had Zabini, Crabbe and Goyle for company. It was a sad excuse for a group of friends. Though he was glad Pike was not in this class either or he would have lost his temper by now. He thought back to Granger's pained expression when Pike had hit her and his blood began to boil. He wasn't above the name calling and teasing, but when it came to physical abuse, that's where he drew the line. It was wrong to hit anybody, especially if it was a girl. This girl in particular.

"Hey! Hey, wait up!" Draco's head snapped up. Speak of the devil. He knew who that voice belonged to immediately. Draco turned around to see Granger running full speed at him. He stared at her in shock, until he realized that she had not been speaking to him. She ran by, her soft, bushy hair brushing Draco's face. But for a fraction of a second, she stumbled, and that was all it took for her to tumble forward. Draco barely had a moment to react when all of her weight came barreling on top of him. Draco reached out and placed his hands on her waist to avoid the collision but it was no use, the force of the impact knocked him over and they both fell to the ground. Granger on top of Malfoy.

   For a split second, they remained that way. Draco felt the soft tresses of her hair brush his cheek and eyelashes. Granger propped herself up on the palms of her hands, her face mere inches from his. Their noses were so close they could almost touch and Draco could feel the warmth of her breath on his lips. Her hair hung over her shoulder, creating a curtain between them and the other students. Draco took in her scent and held his breath, trying to make it last. She smelled of roses and strawberries with the hidden scent of new parchment. Granger's breath hitched when Draco lifted his head a fraction and their noses touched. They both remained silent, not daring to move.

When finally, Draco snapped out of his distraction and came to his senses. He sat up, his hands still on her hips and shifted precariously, twisting Granger around to where she sat on the ground beside him. She landed on her bottom with a shocked look on her face. Draco smirked. "Next time don't run into me, Granger." She started to open her mouth but decided better of it and shut it again. Draco pulled himself to his feet and grunted. He brushed off his robes, ridding them of any dust or dirt and smirked. Then he turned around and walked away, leaving Granger on the ground.

Draco did not look back as they continued on into the forest. When they finally made it to a gated area along the border of the woods he laid his bag down and leaned against a boulder. Feeling bored, Draco turned on his signature know-it-all smirk and began twisting his Slytherin crested ring around his finger. The silver band stood out and felt cold against his pale skin. It glinted in the mornings light, blinding those around him as he circled it round and round his ring finger. He looked around for any victims to patronize but unfortunately Potter and Weaselbee were preoccupied.

   When no one seemed amused or annoyed by his presence, Draco huffed and pulled out the monster book of monsters. The book writhed and growled under his touch, but Draco secured his grip so as not to drop it. Hagrid stopped walking and turned around to begin giving instructions. "Open yer books to page forty-nine."

Fascination|𝐴 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 3, 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora