Chaper Fifteen | Say Something

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Say Something, by A Great Big World & Christina Auguilera

It had been two weeks since the accident and Hermione was doing much better. After she had woken up, Madam Pomfrey had insisted she stay in bed for another few days, much to Hermione's displeasure and Draco's amusement. When she finally had let Hermione out of the hospital wing, she told Hermione that she had to take it easy. Hermione was not thrilled, and she insisted she was fine, but Madam Pomfrey threatened to keep her longer if she didn't do as she was told. So Hermione obliged, not wanting to miss any more classes.

   Draco smiled to himself as he packed his potions books in his bag. How anyone could be so anxious to attend classes he would never understand. But that was one of the things he loved most about Hermione. She was the smartest girl in the school and her intelligence matched his own. She truly was, the brightest witch of their age.

   Draco wasn't interested in a girl who cared more about looks than brains. He didn't want a girl who thought beauty was her only feature. Draco wanted Hermione. There. He'd admitted it. He wanted her with every bone in his body. Draco didn't fancy any of those other beautiful girls who fawned over him. Not that Hermione wasn't pretty, but he didn't want her for her beauty. He wanted her because he... he loved her. He loved her and cared about her more than he'd ever cared about another person before. But he wasn't ready to admit it to her just yet.

So, until she was able to leave the hospital wing, Draco would visit her and read to her from time to time. He avoided Potter and Weasley, which was fairly easy since the weasel didn't come to visit her very often. It hurt Hermione to know that Weasley didn't even care enough to come and visit her. Though Draco hated the weasel, he never wanted to see Hermione hurt.

Still, Draco couldn't say he wasn't happy the jerk didn't show his face. Draco was fairly certain that Weasley was still suspicious of him and Hermione. But Draco had been careful, not letting the weasel or Potter catch him when he'd visit her. The only one who knew about his and Hermione's friendship was the female Weasley. Ginny. Draco had become quite fond of the young girl and began to think of her as a younger sister. Even if she was the weasel's sister, she was nothing like him and Draco liked her attitude and spirit.

Draco made his way down to the hall towards the dungeons. He had skipped breakfast again. Draco refused to eat in the great hall without Hermione being there. Even if she was sitting at another table. But it didn't bother him much to miss meals. Besides, he wanted to get an early start on Potions this morning. Double Potions, first thing. Hermione would be able to come to this class.

Once he reached the potions classroom, Draco took his usual seat and pulled out his books. Professor Snape stood in the front of the classroom, with his back turned to Draco. He waved his wand in smooth streaks and writing appeared across the blackboard with the lesson for the day. "Good morning Mr. Malfoy." Snape said without turning around.

"Good morning, professor." Draco replied respectfully.

They remained silent for several seconds before Snape spoke again. "I presume you have seen Ms. Granger recently?"

"Erm... yes, professor." Draco said a little confused.

"I assumed so, seeing as how the two of you have become quite close as of late." Draco could almost feel Snape smirking. "She is well?"

"Yes, professor. She has recovered quite well."

Snape set his wand on the dest in the front of the room and brushed his hands off. "Very good. So I can be expecting Ms. Granger for class this morning?"

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