Chapter Seven | Fireflies

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Fireflies, by Owl City

Draco walked down the hall towards the library. He didn't know quite why he was going there but something was drawing him back. He knew Granger would not be there nor probably even be awake at this time of morning but he could use the time alone regardless. Besides, breakfast was not for almost two hours and Herbology followed directly after. So he had some time to spare. Draco kept his stride even but his heart still raced at the thought of seeing her.

In the weeks following the boggart incident, Draco couldn't bring himself to talk to her. No matter how many opportunities he'd been given, he just... couldn't do it. She probably hated him for what he had said. He wouldn't blame her if she never spoke to him again. He deserved it. He'd said horrible things, and pushed her away. And if that hadn't been horrible enough, he called her a mudblood. Not only a mudblood. A filthy... little... mudblood. Draco tried to convince himself that it was for her own good but guilt ate away at his heart. Or what was left of his heart.

Every time he said that word a part of him felt lost. Like he didn't even know who he was anymore. But the truth was, he never had. Draco had never known who he truly was or what he was capable of. His father always told him he was destined for great things... but Draco didn't want to do great things. He wanted to do good things, that were honorable and right. But Draco didn't know if he could do it. He didn't know if he could no a better person.

What Draco did know, was that he was a horrible person, unworthy of her kindness. Unworthy of her friendship. And unworthy of her love. Draco startled at that last word. Love. Did he want her love? He had never known what love felt like. The idea scared him. But he wanted to know what it felt like. And he wanted to feel it with her. Draco wanted her to love him. But who was he kidding. She could never love him. Draco wasn't the hero who got the happy ending. He was a villain, just like his father. Draco hung his head and winced at the thought. Granger would never fall in love with a monster like him. For who could ever learn to love... a beast?

At the sound of running footsteps, Draco stopped in his tracks and spun around. "Malfoy! Malfoy, wait up!" Granger called, running as fast as she could in his direction. Draco shook his head. Had he heard her correctly. Was she actually calling his name? Draco stood, frozen on the spot and stared at her, stunned. She yelled his name once more before running smack dab into him.

"Oh!" She gasped as they collided. Draco caught the majority of her weight but the impact caused him to topple. This time, they fell forward, and Draco thrust his hands out to stop the fall. Catching himself with one hand on the ground, he wrapped his other arm around her waist. Realizing she was about to hit her head, he quickly pulled her against himself, preventing her from falling against the ground.

Granger breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that she was only inches from the stone floor. She looked up and met Draco's eye and her eyes widened. They were so close he could feel her breath. Their noses almost touched and Draco gave her a genuine smile. When she looked amazed his smile then turned into a smirk. "We must stop meeting like this."

She blushed and placed her hands on his chest and shoulder to keep Draco from leaning any closer. Then, breaking eye contact she looked at the ground. "Yes. That would be nice."

He arched an eyebrow. "You just couldn't stay away, mm, Granger?" He purred with a sly smile.

She tilted her head a fraction so that they were not so close. "You wish, Malfoy."

Draco frowned and dropped her, letting her fall to the floor. She grunted and he smirked. "Hey!" She said rubbing the back of her head.

Draco sneered. "Next time I'll let you hit the ground. That was not nearly as much of an impact as you would have had, had I let you fall."

Fascination|𝐴 𝐷𝑟𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦 (𝚈𝚎𝚊𝚛 3, 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔 1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora