Chapter Twelve | Magic

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Magic, by One Direction

"Well, what do we have here?" Said a deep voice from behind.

   With a gasp, Hermione's eyes snapped open and she pushed herself away from Draco. He stared at her, shocked and a bit disappointed. But his disappointment didn't last long when he saw who stood behind her. Draco's eyes widened and his crestfallen look was replaced with one of alarm. Hermione winced, scared to turn around. She recognized that voice. And if Draco was worried then it must be who she assumed. Hermione took a deep breath and spun around to see who had caught them. She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth. "P... Professor!" She stuttered, confirming her dread.

   There, looking her dead in the eye with a scorn was Professor Severus Snape. He looked down on Hermione and Draco, scowling. "Ms. Granger. I assume you have a reason for this disgusting display of... affection?" He met her eyes with his black beetle ones. 

Hermione shuddered. "Yes, professor... See I was... I mean we were..."

   Snape lifted his chin and gave her a scorn then walked over to the table. Then a cruel grin grew across his face. "Sneaking into the kitchens to steal alcohol I see," he said picking up the bottle she had used for Draco's wound. 

"No professor! It wasn't like that..."

"Twenty points from Gryffindor for speaking back to a teacher and thirty more for stealing alcohol from the kitchens." Snape said, his temper rising. Hermione noticed that he completely overlooked Draco, most probably because he was a Slytherin in the Snape's own house. "Next time think before you speak to a professor in such a way, mu..."

Draco jumped up, anger flaring in his eyes. "Don't call her that!"

Snape's eyes narrowed and Hermione saw something close to recognition flash in them as he stared at Draco. "...mugleborn." He finished his sentence slowly and tediously."Ten points from Slytherin, Mr. Malfoy. Now, perhaps you would care to explain this... scandal." He said in a demanding voice rather than asking.

Draco nodded, remaining calm at the question. "As you know sir, I was injured during the game. I came here hoping a drink would ease the pain, when Granger found me. She fixed up my arm... which bloody hurt by the way," he said looking at her, his voice seething with false contempt. But she could see the amusement in his eyes he was hiding so well. "And that's when you came in, professor." Hermione stared at Draco in awe. He kept himself well composed and calm as he told Snape the story.

   Snape squinted and stared at Draco for a moment. "So you'll vouch for Ms. Granger then Draco?" Snape asked and Draco gave a curt nod. Snape nodded. "Very disappointing Malfoy. I shall take another five points from Slytherin for these shenanigans."

   Then Snape turned to her. "And Ms. Granger, as I see you have broken no rules, I shall return the fifty points I have removed from your house and grant you five points for helping a fellow student. A Slytherin student, in fact. A choice many Gryffindor's would deny." Again, Hermione saw that recognition and some kind of far off look in the professor's eyes. She was amazed at his sudden change of mind, or rather, change of heart. Never had the Slytherin Professor acted so kindly to the insufferable Gryffindor muggleborn.

   Snape raised his head and Hermione saw him smile slightly... very slightly. "Draco, do not let me catch you with any alcoholic beverage in the kitchens again." He turned to leave, his long black robes, flowing. But before he reached the door, Snape stopped and turned his head a fraction. "Oh and Ms. Granger."

"Yes professor?"

"Do keep him out of trouble." He smirked slightly. "And were I you, I would take more care as to where I went about snogging." Then, turning around, Snape lifted his hand and flicked his wand, slamming the door behind him.

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