Chapter Eight | Treat You Better

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Treat You Better, by Shawn Mendes

   Hermione looked to Harry. "Are you sure you want us to go to Hogsmeade today?" She asked, feeling sorry for her friend. "We don't have to go." She ignored Ron's protests and continued. "We could stay here with you." Hermione said, not wanting to leave Harry behind.

Harry gave her a weak smile. "I'm sure. You guys go."

"Will you be alright alone?"

"Of course, Hermione. You two go and have fun. Bring me back a bottle of butterbeer." He added with a grin.

Hermione smiled. "And some Chocolate Frogs and Bertie's Bots."

He grinned. "You know me too well. Thanks 'Mione."

Hermione smiled and looked at Ron teasingly. "Of course. I'll just have to keep them away from Ron." Ron grumbled and Harry laughed.

   Hermione rolled her eyes at his whining. "Well, we better be going before we miss our chance to leave." She reached out to grab his hand and drag him along but he flinched, jerking away. A bit hurt, Hermione decided better of it and dropped her hand to her side.

Ron mumbled something inaudible but before Hermione could ask what he was saying, Ginny hurried into the common room. She skipped over to them, smiling and humming. "Come on Hermione! If you want to make it with the group we've got to get moving!" She squealed, grinning. With a glance at Harry she froze slightly. "Oh. Hi Harry." She said, blushing. "Sorry you can't join us today." She added quickly. Hermione noticed that was about as red as a tomato.

Harry smiled and waved a dismissive hand. "Nah. It's fine. You guys go and have fun." He looked at Ron specifically and winked. "Enjoy your girl time." He said teasingly, knowing that Ron would not enjoy the "girl time" at all.

   Ginny smiled, taking Hermione by the hand and dragging her away. She stole one last glance at Harry. "Bye then, Harry." She said quickly and ran out of the room, not giving him time to respond.

Ginny raced down the hall, dragging Hermione with her and Ron shuffled along far behind. Hermione smiled slyly, pulling against Ginny's grip to slow her down. "What was that back there?" Ginny broke into a fit of giggles and kept on running.

Hermione tried to get to her go at a walking pace so that Ron could catch up but she shook her head. "If you want to know, I don't want Ron to hear us."

   Hermione squinted in thought. "Hm... what if we go to Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop? Ron wouldn't dream of being seen with his sister and girl-friend at a tea shop." Then Hermione's eyes widened and she blushed realizing what she'd said. She hadn't meant to refer to herself as his girlfriend. She only meant girl...friend. Friend who was, in fact, a girl. "I didn't mean..."

Ginny chuckled cutting her off. "I know what you meant." Then she smiled. "That sounds like a wonderful idea."

   Once they reached Hogsmeade, Ginny turned to Ron and told him to go ahead to Honeydukes, because they both knew that he wanted to, while she and Hermione made their way to Madam Puddifoot's. He did not protest and Ginny told him to meet them at the Three Broomsticks.

So they went their separate ways. The small cafe is was not too crowded and it did not take long for Hermione and Ginny to get a lovely little table by the widow. When the waitress approached, they both gave their orders and she smiled sweetly before leaving to put their order in.

   When she left, Hermione leaned in and raised an eyebrow. "Okay Gin. No more excuses. Now spill. What's up with you and Harry?"

The girl let out an exasperated sigh. "I don't know!" Hermione raised an eyebrow and Ginny moaned. "Well... I mean I've had a crush on him for years now."

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