Chapter Seventeen | Bad Day

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Bad Day, by Daniel Powter

   Dawn made itself known as the sun crept through the curtains of the Slytherin dorms, shining in Draco's eyes and waking him. He groaned in protest, throwing a pillow at the window. Though he knew that would do nothing to block the sun, Draco had a slight temper and couldn't help it. He didn't want to wake up from the dream he was having. Draco lifted a hand to block the light and buried his face in his pillow, trying to ignore the coming morning. Much to his annoyance, he found himself unable to get back to sleep. But his discomfort didn't last long as he pulled himself out of bed and rubbed his eyes.

With a deep breath, Draco stretched and let out a loud sigh. When he finally came out of his sleepy state, a grin broke across his face. Today was another day, and for that he was glad. A few days had passed since Hermione had agreed to be his girlfriend and made him the happiest he'd been in a long time. Draco couldn't remember a time he had anything but dread when getting out of bed every morning. But now, he had a reason to be glad each morning came, and it was all because of Hermione. That beautiful, stubborn, wonderful, insufferable mudblood. 

Draco frowned slightly. He didn't like how easy it was for him to call her that. But that day Hermione had insisted upon him calling her it, he had realized something. That... word wasn't what it used to be. It had new meaning, and from that moment on, she was his mudblood. No one else could call her that. No one else could all her theirs. Because she was his.

Draco blinked several times, trying to wake up fully and walked over to his trunk. Then, pulling out his casual clothes, he made his way to the bathroom. Though it was Friday, the professors were having some kind of teachers conference that day, which meant the students got the day off. Draco was slightly disappointed that the tests would be postponed. He and Hermione had been studying for weeks. Draco froze. Oh no! He was actually disappointed that school was canceled. What a sad sad day. The day he admit that Granger's adiction to school had worn off on him. Still, he wasn't complaining that school had been canceled for the day. That just meant he got to spend more time with Hermione.

   With a towel and his clothes draped over one arm, Draco made his way to the bathroom. All he needed was a nice long shower to freshen up before starting his day. Draco turned on the shower and stripped, which didn't take long considering he only slept in his boxers, and stepped under the cold stream. He didn't care to wait for it to get warm, Draco prefered it cold anyway. The fresh, cool blast of water hit his face, finally waking him completely.

Draco poured a good amount of shampoo into his hands and lathered it in his hands until they were covered in suds then scrubbed it into his hair.  It was was quite ironic really, how the tables had turned. As of late, Hermione had tamed her hair into graceful ringlets to please Draco and Draco had lost interest in fixing his altogether. It worked out well. Though, Draco didn't mind her hair bushy, he liked it when it was in smooth and silky curls, and Hermione prefered his hair messy and shaggy to slicked back with gel.

   By the time he finished showering and got dressed, Blaise was up and ready to use the bathroom. Crabbe and Goyle remained fast asleep, as usual. Those two didn't normally get up for another hour, always making them late for classes. Draco never cared to wait for them or try to wake them, as that never went over well. So, lucky for them, there were no classes today. Draco walked over to his trunk and pulled out some books Hermione had lent him and stuffed them in his bag. He was going to meet her in the library later on that day so they could read a bit together. Listening to her read was his favorite pastime.

   After they started dating, Hermione had suggested that they spend more time with their other friends. She assured him that it wasn't that she didn't want to spend time with him, but if they didn't want others to get suspicious they'd have to start going to meals and such. Draco agreed reluctantly, knowing she was probably right. Though he didn't want to spend any time with those horrid excuses for friends in Slytherin, he knew that Hermione had a point. If he didn't start acting normal, then somebody was bound to find out about him and Hermione. He needed to spend more time with his Slytherin "friends".

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