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Peeta's PoV:
Me and Katniss has grown very close in the past few weeks, just talking and re-caping on everything that had happened. I still had my moments as to where I snapped at her or threw the odd cushion on the floor or slammed the door. Those were the occasion responses to the aftermath of hyjacking. I had moved into her house. It was bare and shallow; not loved. But when I entered, I could tell Katniss' flame was turned back on and she wanted it now to be a home. I guess we were a couple as the kisses and hugs were prominent. I wasn't happy yet because of what I'd been through, but was content.

When we told Haymitch that we had moved in together, he laughed but then again he was drunk. However, his alcohol would run out sooner rather than later. Thank goodness.
It was late evening. The sun was saying it's goodbyes for several hours, as me and Katniss were retreating to the sofa in the lounge of her warm and cosy home. We never really put on TV, because it was just updates from the Capitol. We were not ready to see it yet; after all it had only been 5 months since Katniss came home to find me planting what I called 'more powerful than diamonds' (primroses).

Instead, I laid on the couch with both of my legs closely touching as my feet were closely dangling off the edge of the seat cushion. Katniss laid her delicate head on my chest as we both watched the fire crackle away. I broke the silence.

"Is the fire bothering you Katniss?" I asked in a snarky tone.

She lifted her head and said "No why?"

"Just cos of all the shit you've been through with Prim. You know, you're not the only one suffering?!" I exclaimed raising from my seat.

I had realised what I had just said. She sat there on the couch looking a little dazzled at what audio she was comprehending. I had only ever made her jump from my actions or words, but this time she didn't move at all. Alternatively, she stood there with a tear enclosed in her eye, just waiting for it to drop.

"I'm sorry...." I said apologising, dipping my head to the floor. 
"I just don't know what is real anymore and what isn't." I said with so much regretment of the words I had previously shouted to her.
She arose from her seat and gently walked up to me grasping my shaking hands and kissed my nose saying: "It's ok, you're ok. It's not your fault you said that."

"Is this all real? You here kissing me gently and the world being at peace?" I asked sacredly.

"Yes. You're a painter. You're a baker. You always double-knot your shoelaces, you never take sugar in your tea, you always sleep with the windows open, you scrunch you're eyes when you sleep.
All that, my love, is real. All these horrible things that you're mind is saying is not real. All those things that are real don't matter though because you do them without thinking. You have done them before, and you've heard me say 'close that window I'm cold'. But you never heard me say "I love you." Because I don't know how you feel Peeta."

"How do you feel about us Peeta; about me?" She asked me.

"I love you Katniss." I said so simply.

She smiled at me. "I love you too." Repeating the words almost as if she couldn't explain it in words.

I kissed her on the lips. She kissed back, but this time it was loving and full of desire. I wanted only her. Tonight at this moment, I needed Katniss. I needed her lips and presence. Instead of parting our lips, they kept touching.

I knew where this was going and I think she did too...

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