District 2.

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Katniss' PoV:
Heading out the train at district 2 was hard. As I stepped off, me, Peeta and Haymitch were greeted by a woman who looked to be the age of 30. She had blonde wavy hair and piercing blue eyes. Thin lips covered her mouth, as well as a beauty spot that sat on her top, pink lip.

"Hello. My name is Clarke. The mayor of District 2. I've heard you wanted to see someone in particular in the security department. How may I help, Miss Everdeen?" She said, shaking my hand.

"I'll like to talk to Gale Hawthorne. In private. I believe he works with the security department like you said, order and security." I said.

"Ahh yes. Tall, brown hair and caring." She said.

I nodded.

"Right this way." She said.

Leading me through District 2 was odd. I'd only been here once on the Victors Tour. It was full of weapons and stone.

She led me to a small room in an office block. Peeta waited downstairs because he felt like he needed to give me and Gale some space.

The office had a large table with glass chairs surrounding it. Nothing like 12. So extravagant for a District and not the Capitol.

"He'll be here in a minute." She said, shutting the door behind her after leaving me alone.

I was sat in the chair. As I was touching my belly, humming to my baby, I heard a set of footsteps come up the stairs.

Glad opened the door. He closed it behind him. He turned around and saw not me, but my belly.

He looked confused, angry, pleased.

"What the...you're....pregnant?" He asked walking closer and sitting down.

"Yeah. I didn't want to tell you by letter. It seemed too impersonal." I said.

"I'm guessing Peeta is the father." He said with a sassy tone.

"Yep. But I want you to be happy for me." I said.

"How many months are you?" He asked.

"Half way through my 8th month. I know I'm huge." I said laughing.
He still sat there like a grumpy child.

"Gale I know you're angry. But I can't deny I'm angry with you. You designed the bombs that killed...Prim."

He bobbed his head down.

"Katniss...I am so sorry. I had no idea that Prim was down there. I would have killed Coin before if I knew that the medics were down there." He said.

I eventually stood up, holding my spine at the same time.

"It's ok Gale. I believe you." I said hugging him.

We pulled away.

"I'm happy for you. I am." He said crying and nodding his head.

"I want you to be happy." He said repeating himself.

We caught up about life. He talked about his job and I talked about where I was going.

"When we come back from the Capitol, I'll stop by again, so you can see the baby." I said.

"Thank you Katniss." He said. We had another short hug, just before I left the room.

Peeta rose from his seat as soon as I came down the stairs.

"How was it?" He asked impatiently.

"Good actually. He's happy for me." I said.

"Good, now lets go." He said. I knew he couldn't stand Gale, because Gale was still in love with me, but I loved Peeta. I loved Peeta Mellark.

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